Ep 2596b – [DS] Color Revolution Never Ended, Playbook Known, Countermeasures Are In Place
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The [DS] planned a color revolution and it has not ended. They are now pushing the next phase because the forensic audits & Durham are moving forward, nothing can stop this. The [DS] understands this, the next phase will to continue with the riots and blame it on Trump and his supporters. The narrative is already being built, censorship is in place. The patriots know the playbook, they know what they are attempting, this is why the counterinsurgency has been built, the military was the only way forward.
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If Trump is a truth teller, why would he say ANYTHING about the vaccine which has injured many hundreds of thousands and killed tens of thousands? It was not long ago that he was boasting about operation warped speed and suggesting people take the vax. He is promoting a vax that is hurting people. Yes, he says do research and you have freedom to choose, but people trust and listen to his advice. How will this truth not obliterate his credibility at some point?
You have it wrong with the vaccine.
The vaccine is a bio-weapon!
Please watch these 3 short videos.
I keep hearing about the pcr going away and the return of the flu….
Why is nothing being said regarding the “new” tests…. Because bill gates is developing the new test…. How will this possibly work out for us??????
Any one having trouble figuring out whom the good guys are in the midst of all the lying and cheating? Clue: they’re not the ones who are letting out criminals all over the country, and transporting illegals, aka criminals, all over the country, and building shrines to criminals (George Floyd), and firing people for not getting vaccinations. They’re not the ones projecting their own crimes onto Trump. By the way, that is what covert narcissists do. They project their crimes onto their victims.
If it’s Dem related I feel the new tests won’t change, if it’s broken yet still making a fortune why fix it.
Please stop defending Trump on the “vaccines.” They are NOT safe. People are being injured and killed by them. I still support Trump, but he needs to explain. You sound completely detached from the suffering people are facing when you defend his lame assertion that people have a choice! No one cares if people have a choice THEORETICALLY when PRACTICALLY they are losing their jobs for not complying, when their CHOICE is JOB or JAB!!!!!!! Where is Trump on this issue? We do NOT have a choice when we must give up our jobs for not complying. THAT is NOT choice. That is TYRANNY. I love Trump but I will not blindly excuse him when he is WRONG. He is wrong and you are wrong.
My son was just fired by Honeywell for his CHOICE and my husband is about to suffer the same fate. But that’s OK with them, right? They had a CHOICE.
My son loses his job in six weeks if he says no to vaccine. His company has a federal contract to do work for govt. He’s not even a federal employee…but, Biden put contracted companies in Federal Workers Mandatory vaccination mandate. They get laid off with no pay. This is no joke…this must be stopped!
I sent this as a reply to the email blast but not sure if you got it. Please listen and research for your show. Thank you.
thank you again. it is a slow process but one by one we will get to them…..cheers
What are the odds that the new “test” will be as “accurate” as the old fake test? I think pretty good, just waiting to see what is up their sleeve. It was months and months ago that a Portuguese court, presented facts (OMG!), ruled that the so-called PCR “test” was fraudulent, and could not be used to require quarantine.
Trump should stay out of the picture as much as possible ,the fake news is already saying he’s planning an insurrection ,they have to slowly bring out the crimes and just remain calm ,the deep state players on the other hand loves to create chaos ,very satanic ,and thrive off creating turmoil and fear and gain energy from this.
What if what you are supporting is the opposite of what is taking place here in America?
Dave why aren’t you warning people what’s IN THE VACCINE !!!
Dave why aren’t you telling the people what’s IN the vaccines ???!!!
There cannot be covid particles in the vaccine. Why? Because there are NO ISOLATED STRANDS OF COVID IN EXISTENCE for comparison!
“Feeling pain!” Even better if they were feeling nothing – as in, not breathing, if ya’ know what I mean? Accuracy and procession; required from all marksmen – and women (yes there is a difference). Seems that time is coming. Stay strong, stay healthy (avoid the d/s vax jab); discipline and patience…
I watched Dr. Charlie Ward today. Charlie revealed that the Spanish High Court concluded that covid 19 does not exist in our society as a virus. Covid 19 is a bio weapon and a vaccination will not combat a bio weapon. So this whole covid 19 and the vaccinations has been a big fat lie from the very beginning. Check it out on http://www.charlieward.com
You keep mentioning hillary clinton as if she is still alive. Both bill and killery have both been arrested, went through their military tribunals, found guilty of many crimes and have both been executed already 3 or 4 years ago.
I really think you’re on the wrong track on the new COVID test. The reason they admit it doesn’t work now is because they’ve developed the test that will give the recipient COVID just like the vaccine. In my case, even if I get a religious exemption, I’m going to have to frequently test. This is how they get the rest. Even the vaccinated have to be tested in many cases. As things are going, we won’t be allowed to do anything without a test. Then they can introduce COVID into everyone and so many won’t suspect a damn thing. Why do you think they have to jab the swab so f’n deep into the nostril?
I’m sorry, not to introduce “COVID” as a said previously, but instead the nefarious ingredients from the vaccine.
Hi Dave! Thank you for your reports. How can we get information to you in case we need to?
My husband and I love your videos. Helps keep us sane. I wish I knew how to share from Telegram. On his channel, Nicholas Veniamin posted a video of an Irish Engineer who works in a hospital. I suggest you watch it as I think it will change your opinion of why the PCR test is being changed. The plan is to test positive for the deadly Marbury virus and have everyone rush to be vaccinated for it. The vaccine and pcr test are already in place. It makes zero sense that the new pcr test will show covid disappearing in favor of the flu. Please check out both short videos. I would be interested in your thoughts. Thanks so much for all you do!
I like your reports.
I listen day by day.
It’s a great job you’re doing.
Keep going.