Ep 2603b – All Eyes Are Now On The [DS], Patriots Building The Offensive,Think Hatch Act
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The [DS] is now panicking, Durham is on the hunt and all eyes are now on the [DS] players. One by one they are trying to get ahead of the Russia, Russia, Russia story. This will not work, propaganda cannot win over facts and truth. Trump has more leverage now than he did before, think hatch act, what can he do now that he couldn’t do before. He is replacing the swamp in real time through the rule of law and real elections. The people are following his lead, nothing can stop this, nothing.
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- ← Ep 2603a – The [CB] Supply Chain Plan Is Backfiring, People See Through It
- Evergrande Collapse, Shipping Crisis, Covid Vaxx Cancer Connection →
My family and neighbor and co-workers had no idea Trump was posting statements and had no clue where to find them. The fake news and big tech rule the narrative and keep the truth down. You keep saying “People are seeing”. No, they don’t, sadly.
I tried to recommend to my sister your channel as she is slowly waking up, but your jumping into an ad turned her off right away and she stopped listening. If you want to wake folk up perhaps put the ads in the back rather than upfront.
OK, we the majority are seeing the DS in all of its odious notoriety…NOW WHAT?
Nope, it seems your sound track is all messed up on other platforms as well. You’re on of the best, I hate to miss your reports
I am a Trump supporter and Q follower. I started listening to your show about 10 months. Thank u for keeping me informed on what is going on. You have helped me to be patient in waiting for the plan to unfold. Now everything is so clear. I know the hardest part is ahead of us but u have shown how this ends! Thank u so much! The best is yet to come, Macy
In less than 72 Hrs the Patriots and majority in all united can correct and remove the entire corrupt government across the board…
Hunter Biden’s paintings selling for 100s of thousands dollars is just like Bill Clinton selling 20 min speeches!
Great series !!! Look forward to it everyday. God Bless keep it going.
Hi Dave,
This website shows the USA has 56% fully vaccinated:
best regards,
It is long overdue. We the American Patriots have suffered long enough. Either
Trump plays his trump card now or never. We have been patient.
We need our great president now not 2024. If he doesn’t make the change he
will never be trusted again.
I keep listening and all sounds good, all this evidence supposedly that Trump and the Patriots have but nothing seems to happen to the DS. I believe, as you’re indicating, some things could be happening to those who have created crime to really show the American people that this truly is going to move forward and the USA will be back, however; the people I know that listen to the X22 report are starting to think it’s all starting to sound like BS just to keep us listen and hoping. We’re losing faith.
Wishful thinking, but DS has the control. Nothing is going to happen other than the USA as we know it will be changing and not for the good. I’m really sorry to hear that.
We are moving forward no looking backwards the deep sate is coming out one by one to face the music
Trump was not in their plans. It should have been Obama followed by Hillary. Without Trump where would we all be right now? No X22Report and many others fighting the information war. We would still be the tin-foil-hat lunatics. If crazy Hillary had just laid low and waited 4 years. We look back and see how much has been done that was not in their plans and they exposed themselves every time. CNN would have its credibility intact. How much damage they had caused to their own brand just because of Trump. And then comes the election fraud, never so desperate never so obvious. If they are not out of office in Biden’s tenure, will they try the fraud again? What will happen then?
Hi X22 report, I am a patriot/digital soilder and advocate for Children, I am in the U.K desperately trying to wake the others, I was taken out the battle at the start and lost all my following as a writer and my book sales stopped. Which it didn’t bother me as the truth needs to be shared! But now after collecting so much data, and seeing how heavily sedated the people are, I couldn’t just sit and share in needed to do more, so I started recording everything I watched on YouTube and Facebook in a bid to stop them from suppressing it.
I now have many truth videos called Conspiracies No Longer Theories in bid to try and show humanity the real truth! And now I have completed these videos including the cure for cancer, I am finding it very hard to get it to the public without my original following,
So i thought I email it to anyone with any kind of following, to see if they will help me spread the word and help me share the Cure to our biggest killer Cancer, I also have truth vids exposing, vaccine companies, Adrenochrome, and animal human Hybrids. I am trying to do all I can to awaken the public, especially in the UK as so many are still unaware
Animal/Human Hybrids
Vaccine massacre 1&2
Cancer cures/
Adrenochrome/Children Trafficking truth vid
Any help sharing these exposing truths, I will be grateful for
Janine Linehan
That they don’t fear to do callous, horrific things in public view is worrisome. Do they have some other backup plan like a disable or even kill switch with the vax for public control purposes? We may have given them too much rope to hang us. Why must they vaccinate persons all even natural immunity protected persons? See remarks of Karen Kingston, a pharmacological analyst expert who looked into the contents and effects of vaccine patents filed with the U.S. Patent Office. See: usawatchdog.com .
See also Karen Kingston’s analysis of vaccines and their mechanical control capabilities shown on U.S. vaccine patents. That interview about observation and communication with persons via vaccination is on FrankSpeech.Com . She also tells of the horrific, physically destructive ingredients in the emergency only authorized vaccine being given out now to millions. Interview on usawatchdog.com.
Andrew McCabe was arrested, tried at military tribunal, and now serving life in prison! He is not out and about – intel from military.
Adam Sxhiff is not panicking at all as he was arrested, tried at military tribunal, and executed! He is not out and about, in fact he cried like a baby before his firing squad – intel from military.
Copycat Chinese Communist Party