Ep 3017b – [DS] Panic Mode, March Madness, The Public Will Know Soon, We Are Winning
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The [DS] is in panic mode. March madness has begun and it is only the beginning of the month. The public is learning the truth and the facts about J6, Pandemic and so much more. This will all lead to the overthrow of the US government. The patriots are winning the information war, the [DS] will try to push this into a physical war, the patriots have the countermeasures in place. Game Over.
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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (22:50~) – Should be recited in unison by ALL members of EACH House of the U.S. congress as their REGULAR, opening ceremony, EACH DAY that House is open for business.
Reportedly, the Pledge has been changed a little over time.
It should, in my view be slightly AMENDED again, to say,
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States and to the Constitutional Republic for which it stands….” Reason: The Constitution is the Legal Base of the whole enterprise. Traitors are traitors because they contravene the Constitution: the individual freedoms and government limitations “reduced to writing” in that document.
Any Citizen who does not KNOW the Pledge is automatically self-disqualified from Any government office.
A non-American’s opinion.
I wonder what political affiliation of the peoples info released was and if any dems were revealed??
Treasonous acts,coup attempts,lying, forging documents,corruption and more.When are the people going to finally believe the facts? The Dem,s have been working on this Control of people especially minorities for years.Wake up America.!!!