All X22 Reports


All X22 Reports (podcast and video)
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Watch The X22 Report On Video European Central Bank is now pushing everything they have at climate change. They are Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The [WEF]/[DS] are pushing everything they have to convince the people that there is Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Fuel prices are off the chart in California, Newsom is in trouble the state Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The green new scam is not working, the people around the world are now Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Biden admin are pushing the agenda to tell the people what appliances they can Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video New York is moving forward with a 2.3 billion tax funder grant to fix Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video As the world economy breaks down the world installed politicians will tell the people Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video All these wealthy people pushing the climate hoax, they did not get rid of Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The Biden admin is continually trying to gas light the people, they are trying Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The entire green movement is a gigantic hoax. The people are not falling for Read more