Bob Kudla – Watch Trucking & The Banking System,Good Guys Using Economic Playbook For 2024 Elections
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Today’s Guest: Bob Kudla
YouTube: Trade Genius
Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy. Bob also does a podcast on YouTube which is called Trade Genius. Bob begins the conversation talking about Germany on how the economy is failing because they are following the green new deal, they are pushing manufacturing out of their country and into the US. The Fed is now making a move into [CBDC], the people will not buy this. The trucking and banking industry is failing. The economic playbook that the [DS] used to win the election for Obama is now being used against Obama.
Thank you Dave, I’ve been watching daily for a long time and I really appreciate everything that you do.
When you were talking to Bob K. Today, specifically talking about the weather, I was wondering what you think about geoengineering? Another part of the war, drought Etc. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Dane Wigington at geoengineering watch. Com has a lot of information. Just food for thought. Thank you again, Alicia Vaughn
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“Inflation” is consuming (deflating) purchasing power. The true measure, is a loss of purchasing power for wages, earned savings and pensions. “Inflation,” is a heavily manipulated obfuscation. Rising interest rates do not control “inflation.” Rising interest rates, in effect, accelerate a collapse of purchasing power, which in turn is depicted as “inflation.” Those on fixed, or limited incomes, suffer most.
Thank you, Dave. Your reports are keeping me hopeful and not despairing. Love all of your special spotlights. We appreciate you!
Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy.