Ep 2341b – A Deep Dark World Is Being Exposed, Public Awareness Kills All Protections
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The [DS]/MSM are now panicking, they pushing to confirm [JB] cabinet, they know that this is not going to end well. The deep dark world is being exposed, once the public knows all protections are removed. The evidence is now being brought out into the light and the people are starting realize that there is something wrong with the election results. Messages sent and received. Tick tock, time is ticking down.
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Page 27 of 253
- ← Ep 2341a – The [CB]/MSM Begin Laying The Reset Narrative, Bait Taken
- Ep 2342a – Patriots Knew The Reset Plan, Countermeasures In Place →
ATTORNeys are the Cancer in the World…… every B.A.R Judge swears allegiance to the Crown, every B.A.R ATTORNey swears allegiance to the Crown, must I go on……
Dave this is a good report however there is a question on the GSA that needs coverage, Has Biden admitted to foreign connections before assistance could be given?
My question also, how in the world does Biden pass muster?
We love you Dave! Keep up the great work.
Quick note- it is pronounced “legislator” for the individual legislator and “legis-late-your” for the collective.
Thanks again for all your hard work, you are the only thing that keeps many of us going these days.
I’ve never had social media. I’ve always thought it was a waste of time and toxic. I joined Parler after my mom of all people told me about it. She’s 63 by the way. I started following some folks on there and one of them posts your reports. They are very explained and make a lot of sense. One can only hope half of what you say comes to fruition. Thanks for what you do. We need more people in this world like you.
I live in Orlando Florida. Everywhere I go people are wearing masks even though the Governor rescinded the Covid restrictions on Sep 25. I have been challenged on wearing the mask at several locations, I always leave, I refuse to wear the mask. I can’t believe how many people are stupid sheep. The fake news media is EXTREMELY powerful. The low ratings mean NOTHING. They are being subsidized to produce propaganda, if they go out of business but the globalists win control of the world it is worth it to them. I am hopeful that Trump will be victorious but the amount of stupid people in this country keep me concerned.
Thank you for these amazing reports, you have kept me alive, literally, when I thought there was no hope after the election on Nov 3rd. Now I know that it’s all going to be okay, President Trump will be re-elected & the Democrats will be destroyed. The election fraud is being exposed & people no longer believe the corrupt media. I absolutely couldn’t have survived without your insightful, truthful reports
& you should win a Pulitzer for your work.
Hi- I registered for the monthly subscription and forgot my pin number. It won’t allow me to access through your website. Can you help me out by chance? Thank you
I cannot play any of your videos on Rumble on my Android phone. I read that Rumble does not work well on Android. Have you considered another streaming service, like DLive.tv ?
I’d like to listen to your show on my phone, rather than computer.
Best regards,
Please add me to you daily show list
Love the show!
Since their protecctions are being stripped does that mean we can hang them in public?
Excellant commentary; informative and factual. Keep up the excellent work! Really love fhe way you are keeping us informed. God Bless the USA.
Semper Fi
Are you aware of the 5 military men who lost their lives procuring the server from Germany? Any thoughts? These is soooo much deeper then an election .
Thanks for your videos they give me solace.
I have heard from several people if the FDA approves the vaccine it WILL be mandatory? Idk if thats true,but im having a hard time believing Trump is on our side with the vaccine stuff.
Just saw a comment on Parler from one of the Republicans who ran for Congress who was attacked and almost unseated by “establishment Republicans” in the GOP. She ratted out the Chairman of the GOP as being the niece of Mitt Romney. More Rats in the wood pile! Members of both parties are complicit in fleecing the American citizens of their rights and their money. Trump is exposing it all.
Not enough people are waking up, the media is not reporting it and are actively denying what happened. There is little time left for the slow dip of truth – it’s not working, in my opinion.
Why are we discussing Bidens Team. He should be irrelevant if hes never getting into the Whitehouse. Trump came down the stairs the yesterday with Melania and actually said IF it doesn’t work out Ill see you in 4 years. Why would he even put that out there. And he keeps making comments like ” Its rigged and I will never change my mind about that not even if you ask me in 6 months” He is putting so much doubt out there it is really starting to irritate me.
A friend of mine came down with Chinese Virus from a neighbor after she wore a mask and spent about 20 minutes in her house. She got very ill with headache fever & pneumonia. She tested positive- Her doctor wouldn’t see her & told her to go to hospital- hospital wouldn’t let her in because she wasn’t sick enough. Doctor gave her medicine to ease headaches and abate the pneumonia- After 30 days she was able to finally get some hydroxy….she said 39 states will not allow hydroxy…BCBS wouldn’t pay.. WHY??? As far as I can see WE DO NOT HAVE THERAPUTICS……They want us dead….