Ep 2353b – Dueling Electors, [DS] Was Warned, They [Knowingly] Walked Through The Front Door
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The [DS] has been warned countless times, they all walked through the front door, that is they [knowingly] worked with a foreign country to manipulate the elections. DNI Ratcliffe will be handing over a report about foreign election interference, this is where everything changes. The [DS] will react to this, most likely a blackout. We now have dueling electors casting votes, the MSM is pushing their side but they know they will lose in the end, messages are sent, the patriots have it all.
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This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^
I thought for sure that something would have been said about AG Barr leaving. Must be some other stealth bomber we missed. who is it?
Thank you Dave. I REALLY needed to hear this tonight.
I see that your page for today has a link to the “ALERT: NASA Confirms Earth Will Go Dark For 6 Days In December 2020” article on dailybuzzlive.com, which you refer to in Ep 2353b. Sorry to say but that really is a hoax, originally put forward in 2014 and apparently recycled again now, for whatever reason. It links to a video on disaster preparedness made by the former NASA director Charles Bolden, which doesn’t say anything about solar storms or any other specific type of natural disaster. Note that Charles Bolden was replaced as the NASA director shortly after the beginning of President Trump’s first term. The current NASA director is Jim Bridenstine. The “6 days of darkness” didn’t occur in 2014. Looking at the current solar data (https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/), it is unlikely to happen in the next few days, especially since we are just beginning to come out of the solar minimum of the current 11-year solar cycle. Looking at some of the other articles on the dailybuzzlive.com website, it really seems like a spoof site to me but others can make their own decisions about that.
Dave, I believe NASA info is incorrect. Charles Bolden has been out of NASA for years. Do you have any better documentation to support the claim? Thanks for all the videos and news.
I am trying to find the source for the NASA info about the upcoming solar storm and finding nothing. Charles Bolton hasn’t been the directory/administrator of NASA since April, 2018.
Where did you see this info and can you post it? I can’t find anything and want to share with family as they are asking for source/more info.
Why didn’t you mention Barr resigning? You said he was part of the sting. Why do you trust Durham if he didn’t do crap with his investigation? Barr sat on Hunter investigation into Comey and crew. Be honest X22!
Days of darkness is reported everywhere to be false? How much did you research this Dave ?
Days of darkness you mentioned is reportedly false all over the web. How much did you research this Dave ?
What concerns me is the ppl who are Biden none of them have a clue they watch the news they listen to Hollywood they aren’t watching you I can guarantee it. PPL that are that way they WILL NOT talk to you I tried today over and over they are the same they are not learning anything new. I think we’ve got about all we have something would have to specifically happen to them for them to wake up the woman I spoke to today said I don’t care about any of that I have a life to live I let God take care of it but yet I saw her speak about Trump on that one debate that didn’t go so well. PPL are not waking up it’s going to take something big and the NEWS they see to say it without that you won’t reach them.
Thank you for yet another enlightening broadcast tonight! When I hear how awful President Trump’s behavior is to his re-election loss, It starts to gnaw at my belief in DS and China’s influence in this election. Your broadcast tonight strengthens my belief in President Trump and I feel better. I pray for him to carry this through to the end. I have had a leeriness to China for at least the last 20 years. Fearing they will call for settlement for what America is indebted to them, they’re exposing the vast amount of land and companies the own here. I’ve warned people for years. I’ve always stated that when it happens I would refuse the hair cut, unisex clothing and lock step marching. I would not allow myself to be owned by China.
Uh, Dave, Charles Bolden resigned as Nasa Administrator in Jan 2017. I am having a hard time thinking he released a warning today. The article running around is disinformatin from someone.
Even if Trump doesn’t make the vaccine mandatory, unless the vaccine is really made from something safe and we don’t know it yet, then no one should take the vaccine. NY is trying to pass legislation to make the vaccine mandatory. I’m in NY and no way will I take this vaccine, unless of course by vaccine, Trump means something different.
You removed my previous comment? Why? It was a serious and legitimate question.
Ah sorry didn’t see that it was in moderation status, until posting this one. Remove these two or keep up. Sorry.
Bolden in not the nasa administrator, bridenstein is. Bolden was nasa administrator during the Obama administration. The sun has been unusually quiet in recent years, there are no solar storms forecast on the nasa website currently.
The solar storm info is from 2014. Charles Bolden retired in 2017. Love your show. Not sure what happened here, though; you’re typically a heck of a researcher.
Will you please explain the William Barr resignation. After report 2352 I don’t understand. Thank you for all the work you do to help save our country. Allen Willis
Hi Dave,
Love your work. Ben Davidson operates Suspicious Observers.org – a Space Weather site. Real Science As of this morning, there is minor CME activity – but nothing that verifies NASA report. Sun activity takes 2-3 days to reach us, so nothing visible to impact the earth at this moment. Until the sun turns Earth facing, there is no data to confirm that NASA report . I’d suggest you add a look at Suspicious Observers daily news – it’s free – to confirm or debunk those NASA reports. Again, it is 2-3 days ahead of impact here on Earth. Again, thank you for your work!
Would love to say thanks, for your reports , positive thoughts and knowledge.
I’m from the old UssR, love America with all my heart and watch this country change in last 20 years. Sometimes I feel that I’m back to old Soviet Union, especially now days. I know what is coming, I’m reading signs for a long time.
It is shocking how uneducated people are in world history and knowledge that it always reappear itself. You opened peoples eyes, I pray, and make them expand their knowledge.
Thanks a lot. Best wishes, Happy Holidays. Looking forward to new report . IF.
Thank you so much for all the information you are providing us. It is much needed

I like your podcasts but I must say that your comment on the “Solar storm” and NASA dept chairperson was no correct. This exact article had been going around since 2010 ver batim. All article with different NASA names.
Just wanted to let you know. I really look for journalists that give me facts. Please make sure what you are giving Patriots is accurate and verifiable.
Thank you
Hi Dave- your daily reports are a calm voice in the storm. Question- regarding how Trumps team is allowing them to walk ‘ thru the front door’—as far as all the vote fraud- but are you also applying this principle to the amount of Chinas infiltration into everything? So much of this happened long before he even took office- thoughts?
If Google goes blackout, targeting conservatives, how will that affect Android devices?
These are the same politicians whom have rewarded all foreigners, illegal and legal to be able to fraudulently bankrupt our social services with their multiple identities with zero oversight.
I watch it everyday. While Americans struggle to survive.
Thank you Dave for keeping hope alive.
Philip Clark
Apparently your going live on YouTube in 30 minutes.
Pirated videos from my site, I am not on YT.
The solar flare announcement can’t be verified. Please provide a link. There was a video that went out in 2006 I believe but not recently.
Dave, We will never be able to express the sincere thanks for all you have done the last couple years. I’m alone, and will turn 68 on Jan 8. All I have is my President and my Country. You not only saved my spirit and renewed my faith and hope for the future, but are a major factor in our victory to save America. Good luck to you always. You are truly one of America’s heroes. Sincerely, Robert Thompson