Ep 2356b – Marker, Nobody Playing The Game Gets A Free Pass, The ‘CURE’ Will Spread WW
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The [DS]/MSM are moving in the direction the patriots want them to go. The election fraud is being produced and now SP case is now on the docket for the supreme court. Trump has a bring decision to make, will he use the EO 13848 to bring down the invisible enemy. DS sent a message, the CURE will spread WW.
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- Ep 2357a – Confirmed, The Gov/Mayors Are Waiting For Their Payoffs →
Dave, in today’s report (Ep 2356b – Marker, Nobody Playing The Game Gets A Free Pass, The ‘CURE’ Will Spread WW) you referred to several Q posts in Jan 2018 and said they were just before or after inauguration day. Inauguration Day was Jan 20th 2017, not 2018.
Thank you Patriots! God bless US ALL*
Judge Roberts should and better come clean, he would be protected…
Former Intel Officer explains the DNI Report Delay;
He also mentioned that RUSSI-RUSSIA-RUSSIA-money machine for CIA other like minded money making macines at the other beaucratic Intelligency Agencies apparently NOT willing to share “. . . raw intelligence about China’s intentions & actions to influence the 2020 election.”
Better explination about DNI Report and dissenting analysis Trade Craft, and why Radcliff qill not sign off on report.
Dave, I remember reading that Roberts was called to fraud #44’s office approximately 7 to 10 days before the ruling on obama care… at that time, they were screaming that this was not allowed to happen when a court case was coming up…. but it happened anyway… did Roberts see some pictures of himself that were not to flattering, possibly from Epstein island???? that made him change his mind about his vote???
Do some research…
Dear Dave,
Posted on December Q Day 17, 2020 Q Day
“The [DS]/MSM are moving in the direction the patriots want them to go. The election fraud is being produced and now SP case is now on the docket for the supreme court. Trump has a bring decision to make, will he use the EO 13848 to bring down the invisible enemy. DS sent a message, the CURE will spread WW.”
Q’er (CURE)
My favourite Quote ever.
Our style and manner of thinking have undergone a revolution more extraordinary, than the political revolution of the country.
We see with new eyes,
We hear with new ears,
And think with other thoughts,
Than those we formerly used.
We look back on our prejudices, as if they were the prejudices of other people.
Thomas Paine 1737 ~ 1809
IF I had heroes, Thomas Paine would be one of them.
Posted on December Q Day 17, 2020 Q Day
Everything is waves.
JJ Freeman
As always, I appreciate your talks. You said today that Trump is trying to give both routes a chance. But the SC route seems futile, given they purposefully are slow walking Sydney’s lawsuits until Jan. 17th. I just don’t see how that route is gonna work, especially so late in the game. But then even his other route, the 2018 EO route…isn’t it dependent upon the DNI report being issued first, and isn’t the DNI currently slow walking the release of the report? So what can Trump do? Yes, you caution us not to expect the Deep State to just roll over. For sure. But what if DNI doesn’t release the report before January 21? What can Trump do? Can he enact his EO without it?
Whatever the case, many of us are willing to literally fight and die if that is what it takes to secure liberty (fair elections) for our children and grandchildren. I know that may seem drastic, crazy, and no doubt, without the ability to communicate, strategize, and mobilize millions of us civilian Patriots, it may all be a fool’s errand. But many of us are at a point where it seems the only options are Secession, led by Texas, or Revolution, or a combination of both. If Trump were to call up a civilian militia, Art 2, Clause 2, Sec 1, many of us will answer the call. Again, this may all be crazy thinking, but when we see even the Scotus, with a 5 majority, punting…then what is left?
Dave do you think I should join in to save the day with space wars secret apparatus things. I am sitting in the wings waiting. standing pat for know. either way the bad people are doomed. The Pink Panther.
Dear Dave,
I cannot thank you enough for all of your incredible research and incite into all of the Q posts and how all of this relates to what is going on in our country, our government and our world. You have helped not only myself, but countless others to understand what has been happening for the past several decades. My boyfriend, a never Trumper, used to listen to me and think I was crazy! About 2 or 3 months ago I recommended he listen to your reports. I told him that you explained things in very simple, no nonsense terms. You made all the difference in the world to help him understand what is and has been going on. He gets it! He is awake because of you! I’m so grateful for all of the work you do to help wake all of us up! You are my hero! My number 1 go to for any and all info – especially now when it appears we are getting so close to the end. Or I should say the beginning!!
Thank you for being a true patriot!
there was no inauguration in 2018… that was 2017
Where is Qanon?
In reference to Chinese lunar calendar mention; I would like to project an alternative theory. The Hebrew calendar, which, and I may be wrong, I believe would be 11/3/5781=1/17/2021. Any thoughts.
Lin Woods just said (or tweeted) that he has a recording from a phone call between Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Stephen Breyer in 2019 (Oct or Nov, I think). They were discussing how they could keep Trump from being re-elected. Roberts said he could stop him, basically the Court could stop him.
This has been reported several places— Crossroads with Joshua Phillip livestream tonight (12/17) for one.
Patriots are ready! Collapse of this UNITED NATIONS initiative a complete failure! History will again show ‘WE THE PEOPLE are the stronger , never to be under-estimated. Bless the Patriots! In GOD we Trust!
Thank you all
Hello, George is referring to George News (JFK Jr’s former publication a.k.a. Anonymous Charity) taking over the mainstream media. Also, Q knew the Deep State created COVID. There are other pictures that accompany the one you presented at the bottom right of the collage that show Anthony Fauci standing in front of Ted Turner along with David Rockefeller and Bill Gates, Sr. Their plan is to use the COVID vaccine to kill off a large swath of the world’s population. https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.ii8g8CHIvFPVyvRjgsIHJgHaEr&pid=Api&H=100&W=160&P=0
oval office picture..the chairs form a Q
Hey Dave! been listening for a few months now! Keep up the good work! Your voice is very relaxing, when I get anxious from the daily news.
God bless and stay safe!
Dear Dave,
I enjoy listening to your report/show. So much apprecaition for all your dedication and researching in helping millions of people like myself understanding of what has been happening in our country for many decades. I share your show to all of my friends and people I know. Thank you so much for all you do. God bless you and god bless America.