Ep 2385b – Memo Is Just The Beginning, How Do You Set The Stage, Public Opinion
Invest In Your Health, Purify & Ionize Your Indoor Air:
The patriots are now setting the stage for public opinion. Trump declassified the cross fire hurricane investigation, information is being dripped out, to prepare the public for what is coming. The memo is just the beginning, more is on its way. This will set the narrative and make the [DS] players feel pain at each step of the way. Biden and his administration have a SC lurking in the background, impeachment papers have been filed and Durham will most likely begin to unseal indictments to make arrests, just like Mueller. Sometimes you must show the people.
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Funny, I checked Rumble and “this video is no longer available”. Is Rumble compromised?
Hey Mike, it doesn’t matter about any of this any longer. There is nothing that Dave can tell or show us or truly anyone else. THE DEMON RAT DEMS are now in CONTROL ALONG WITH MSM and EVERYONE ELSE that are behind the DemonRats. WE PATRIOTS and Trump are on our own. Trump is OUT OF WASHINGTON and no longer has any POWER AT ALL…WE NEVER REALLY HAD ANY so all of Dave’s reporting is pretty much just to be reporting and keeping his program alive for as long as he can….
wow you really believe that.. then I have some swampland to sell you.. we are just getting started with wimps like you around no wonder your still in the dark
I want to Thank You for your reporting. I was never much into politics. But Mr. Trump got elected to office and I have never seen a President treated the he was. I want to thank you for your clear reports and your opinions. I listen to you every night to learn what I can. I am not very good about writing people because I don’t know what to say. I prefer to be left alone and just let me go about my business. So Thank You again. I wish you and your family the best and may God Bless You.
I want to Thank You for your reporting. I was never much into politics. But Mr. Trump got elected to office and I have never seen a President treated the he was. I want to thank you for your clear reports and your opinions. I listen to you every night to learn what I can. I am not very good about writing people because I don’t know what to say. I prefer to be left alone and just let me go about my business. So Thank You again. I wish you and your family the best and may God Bless You. i have never commented before to anyone.
What are you talking about I have never posted on this website?
Its still on YouTube…….
X22, I hope you’re right but, common sense says you’re wrong. They have the house, senate and the presidency. According to your theory “we’ve got the right where we want them”. I really can’t see 95% of Washington being changed with treason. Especially with the dems controlling everything. I can hope but, it’s not going to happen.
I’ll keep listening until I have no hope left. Maybe just maybe there might possibly be something to what you are saying.
they have nothing.. they will be able to do nothing.. Biden has been by the pentagon that he cannot step foot in there… nor will they give him any information.. sure wouldnt want you people covering my back, did you see that so called inauguration. that wasnt even live.. .the govenment wouldnt even send a plane to bring biden to his so called inauguaration, he had to get his own plane.. the national guard turned their back on biden as his motorcade drove to the capitol.. did any of you observant students notice that biden was sworn in 11 minutes early and on a masonic bible with and unside down cross on it. Bet not…. why is it the Charlie ward was sent the video 11 hours before it was ever shown as live on tv and hes in spain… the women were even wearing different shoes when they got out of the car compared to what they had on when they came in on the red carpet. Also al the demrats looked like they were going to a funeral not a celebration as they constantly looked over their shoulders.. NOTHING LIVE OR LEGIT ABOUT THE FARCE OF AN INAUGURATION.. WELL FOR THOSE OF US WHO WERE ACTUALLY PAYING ATTENTION.
What are you talking about I have never posted on this website?
Where is George Bush? Haven’t seen or heard from him in a while.
I keep hearing that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. was dissolved in earlier years. Is there anything, documents, etc. to verify this? When sharing information; critical thinkers expect to have references to alleged actions taken, like this.
Thank you,
Hi Dave,
Love your show but the blank EO have been proven to be overexposure. I have seen other pictures. Also Scott Mckay saying it is not a real oval office. I want you guys to focus on the real problems. I think they are creating this misinfo so we don’t see what is going on. The oval office pics are the real office. The EO’s are real unfortunately. Do i think Trump has a plan, I pray that he does. please look at the picture of the oval office and compare to trump. Also I don’t know how to get this to Scott Mckay. He is wasting too much time on the oval office and EO stuff. It is hurting him and our cause. Hope this is taken as well intentioned because it is. https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJt9fk1N/proofs-biden-is-in-the-real-oval/c/
The executive orders are real, signed and now formally registered
All I saw was blank paper that he was signing..lol
What are the similarities between Q, and the bolshevik Operation Trust? I don’t want to believe that Q has been a psyop.
4D Castle rock
This is great information! Gives Republicans hope for our President Trump.
Our one and only President of the United States of America. Love him
Kween? Pirbright? Why are we avoiding these topics?
Trump wants a Senate trial. Its the final stage of the sting. During his defense , all the evidence will come out. They should be careful what they wish for.
Who’s is going to do the arrests? US Marshall’s? Military MP’s? FBI? I’m genuinely curious not being sarcastic.
I’ve listened for about 8 months now. Since nothing happened and Biden was inaugurated as President, I decided to listen to what you would have to say afterwards..see if you would keep moving the goal posts, say this was part of “the plan from the beginning.” You did! Unbelievable! You have given us false hope. Not sure what your agenda is other than $$ but I’m very disappointed.
The military in DC is leaving so how is the military in control? Things can be dripped out forever and many people wont believe it, so I don’t know what they are waiting for. Something needs to be done, not just waiting around. I’m tired of hearing lip service.
The goal posts keep getting moved Dave. First, it was “remove the bad guys from the FBI.” Then it was , “you’ve got to get good judges in place.” Further steps included declass; Durham; done in 30; and now it’s all about public opinion? While I’ve been very patient & hopeful, it’s beginning to sound a wee bit ridiculous at this point & I can’t even justify or keep trying to red pill my friends due to the long string of hyperbolic rhetoric.
I must apologize for “losing my cool” shortly after the election and venting on you. You have been a source of steady optimism and insight. I have been trying to be a source of positivity and hope to those close to me. I get much of that positivity and hope from you. Thank you.
Durham’s job has been to uncover what happened with Crossfire Hurricane and the Mueller Report. NOT what this election fraud is about. Sidney Powell and Lin Wood were on that-fruitlessly it seems. Don’t hold out hope for Durham reporting current crimesand election fraud against Trump supporters.
q is a fraud
I have yet to see one of their prediction or drops come true
durham is also a fraud like Barr
durham has nothing
there is no document with trumps signature on the insurrection act
the military has a new chief running the pentagon
so there are no military tribunals cause they are not under FEMA control
Chris miller resigned and Ellis got fired
so again q is a fraud and you, bards, Charlie Ward are being miss led and misleading people
with false hope
Dave, can we trust Durham? How do we know we can trust him?
Thank you for your daily updates. Your research & podcasts are a God send while providing hope & refreshment:)
Have a question from a recently redpilled friend. It concerns picture in ypur picture of Biden’s swearing. His hand on “upside down” bible (straps with 2 crosses).
Can you please confirm real pic, or link to source of that pic as there are many different pics out there.
Thank you , look forward to hearing your daily updates.
Thank u
It really brings a lot of peace to understand the dynamics in vogue i appreciate it very much
Castle rock might be referring to a fake Oval Office set used in movies. Food for thought
Have you watched this Dave? https://youtu.be/eysF9sPaozg
Thanks for the report X.
I’ve got to tell You, I’m not holding my breath. I’m so tired of hoping and hoping, waiting for this and waiting for that.. It never seems to happen.
I appreciate Your optimism.. I so wished I could join You. Unfortunately….
I’m going to do what is necessary to protect myself when they come after me.
I saw today newsmax reported that the military didn’t salute Biden! Biden repeated “salute the military” to himself, like he was being told.. but didn’t! I’ve never seen that happen! I’ve seen Obama not salute but he was still saluted! What is this “generous” letter Trump left for Biden?
Two sessions ago you made a comment that the elections are over-per link below-Arizona Maricopa county agreed to the audit on 01/20/21- and Pensylvannia hearings ongoing this week.
What can possibly come out of these electoral cases if electoral fraud is proven, as the Supreme coutrts did not agree to fast track hearings-which actually may be a good thing for Trump team.
General Flynn has been silent for some time now-not sure if a good or ominous omen… and the legal team..silenced..? Jenna,..Wood etc.
The executive orders have been archived from white house site- now all, including Biden’s, at Federal register site below.
The height of seige- Antifa SWAT A team and a few BLME’RS lead the charge- naive Trumpers led in to do a tourist visit of their house..where’s the horn man-lets see what they do-hear clown judge wish him to rot in jail for walking into an open bldg, as his Viking outfit was symbolic; while Antifa/BLM’ers are subject to catch and release.
Let idiot hypocrite Brennan get a list of Biden’s pillagers/arsonists/murders from last year to start his exclusionist domestic terrrorist list. Check what happenned to some real insurectionists in Trinidad in 1990-113 Black Muslims stormed parliament/killed 13 including one MP- all granted amnesty and free as birds, as the coalition govt of day had usurped the will of the people; betrayed a signifant partner who commanded major sector of country. Link below on what a real insurrection or coup looks like-share with those PUSSY clowns in DC and Congress…AOC etc. Your country is already in deep mental/psychological revolution due to the absolute corruptibility of your politicians-both sides with deep complicity of media and large Corporations/bankers/big business/Tech etc.
Foundational patriots must feel isolated and unheard-now far worse due to undue persecution/ostracisation from mainstream society etc..blacklisting, while the true saboteurs walk free/well supported and tolerated/encouraged by senior politicos-Kamala video encouraging BLM aggresssive and violent demonstrations AND A STORM TROOPER FOR DISARMAMENT – treading VERY DANGEROUS GROUNDS in a country with 300 mil guns in hands of citizens.
Good luck-objective listener who listened to over 30 hrs of the congressional and senatorial electoral fraud hearings..followed it all from Toronto Canada
Don J Trump was / is the real deal..should be on Mt Rushmore and may be one day when all truths are exposed and folks jailed or executed. Did they not return the firing squad a couple mths ago.
Two clues to chase-a link for one-other easy-recent Biden appmnt SEC Actg Chair-Allison H Lee
At Twiter- another Li – Sequoia Capital/Voting guys Neil Shen-top CCP man in US seems in all things relevant- like the Swall Feng Feng mix-what a rotten bunch.
Dr. Fei-Fei Li
Sequoia Professor, Computer Science Department at Stanford University; Co-Director, Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute
Much more in the American pie than meets the eye .. eh?
Rammer ‘D’ Jammer
ps: watch the whse site-new agendas playing from day1.
As Martin Luther King – American Patriot stated well!
“Riot is the language or voive of the unheard.”
Where were all the black conscious folk BLMers etc on Jan 18th-King’s day..unnhuuh- hypocrites.
Soon on Corey Bookers play for 8 bil per yr for 9 yrs to support 20k black farmers per yr- perhaps he will use Bill Gates newly acquired gargantuan farmlands.. and which ex slave descendant is going back to ‘the land’..yeah..lets see. They wish city jobs..its well known in all former colonies…like Trinidad etc. On a smaller scale, Corey’s plan via a black bank in Trinidad a dismal/abysmal failure.
There was no need to arrest people whilst holding the Senate & Presidency, no – just wait until out of office & bla bla bla to show bla bla bla pain bla bla bla, and then show a random twitter from 1, 2, 3 ,x years ago as ‘proof’ . , , . ,
What is the game x22/Dave ?
In less than a week into his installation and Biden is already irritating Syria by sending a surplus of hundreds of troops to Syrian oil fields. Who advised this? Who effectively approved this? Those 9 top generals who disagreed with bringing back the troops, perhaps? The same 9 top generals who would not interfere in the installation of an impostor in the White HOuse? David, you need to wake up, the middle and lower ranks love Trump, but the top ousted Trump from office. This was a military coup by 9 top generals who had a duty to interfere. Americans are under military regime just as in China, North Korea, Venezuela. The fact of the matter is , we can vote our presidents as much as we want, but In the end, anywhere in the world, any time in history, who have the guns have the power. You are building a whole narrative based on your own hopes and fragments of speeches while your country is being led astray by 9 corrupt generals.
In regards to 2385b, your narrative is off when you discuss what Trump could have done when the Virus started and the fake information was pushed. AT the very start this President could have stood up for the people, as his oath calls for!!!!! ( Protect the natural resources of the US and the HEALTH SAFETY and WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE) he did not do this!!!! He let the media push incorrect false information committing medical FRAUD, Trump could have had there FCC license yanked, and fined the hell out of them, and let them come back in six months as long as the follow the rules, violate them again and permanent removal, its this damned easy to control TRUTH, Trump did not do this. Next Trump marched out corrupt Fauci and Birx, who’s family is tied to the enemy the Clinton’s WHY IN THE HELL did he bring these corrupt people to the stage and give them credibility, and even when they were repeatedly wrong he kept using them, If this is a huge pandemic you cannot afford to have corrupt people setting the record. TRUMP could have brought up credible people, used Fauci presenting the cure in 2005 for corona, and the fact the CDC and OSHA have performed mask testing and they do not work, he did non of these, he issued an emergency, then HE LET governors lock down states and illegally close businesses, and he stood by and let it HAPPEN. He could have had any judge, mayor or governor arrested using Title 18 U.S.C. Section 242, and then made sure everything stayed open, while he showed the world this virus is nothing and a set up, and who is pushing this false information, and how the IMF was bribing country leaders to shut down their countries, in other words Trump and the military could have stood up for the US people and people around the world, and they did not, they let them push this false information to scare people, he did not! reconcile? Then Trump asks for the people to vote show up to rallies, which they did trusting him, and then he leaves the White house giving no one hope or information, so he did not do his part for the people, he asked for help from! Now we here about optics, which is BS, the other side are in our faces violating rights and laws, not caring about optics, and Trump and the military care about optics as long as it is his voters taking it in the neck, while the other side does what it wants! I am a supporter, however who ever established a plan that did not first and foremost protect the American citizen created a pathetic plan in my opinion! Hopefully the fix is in, it seems Biden is on a stage, and his video tape inauguration was on Spanish TV up to 11 or 12 hours before the fake inauguration was supposed to be performed. Stick optics, do what is right for the people which has not been carried out completely since Trump and the military did not protect the health and safety of the people in March! Yes I am counting on this lackluster plan returning the republic, and the world getting rid of the Black Nobility banking, I know it is the only sane path forward.
The arrests were put on hold for the time being as the Deep State threatened to instigate an act (false flag event) that would kill many tens of thousands of innocent Americans.
The Q group took the threat seriously and they elected NOT to act until the threat had been assessed and/or neutralised.
They are still planning to go ahead with the arrests, it’s just delayed for a bit.
I do believe Dave, I swear I do

Trump is not coming back. Not in a month, a year or 4 years from now. The idea the military did not accept Biden and remains loyal to Trump was bunk. Our troops began operations in Syria on day one of the Biden admin. Now maybe the majority of the military loves Trump but their orders now come from Biden loyalists. This alone should tell us Trump’s comeback is not real. And 2024 will be way too late to overcome what these criminals will be building or tearing down over the next 45 months. Plus a significant percentage of the MAGA crowd will view Trump’s admin as largely a lot of talk with few accomplishments. He will not be able to muster 80 million votes and the other side will rig the election anyway so….. It is time to move on from Trump and figure out how to gum up the works of the current bunch of criminals. Trump should now be in our rearview mirror and we need to look forward.
Dave are you reading the DoD LoWM 11.3 right. I don’t see anywhere in chapter 11 where it talks about our military taking back control of the country if it is taken over by our enemies from within. It all looks like rules for how occupiers are to conduct themselves in occupied territory.
Yeah but Biden now has pardon power!
Criminals — — are being assembled around Joe Biden’s presidency .
Will the Military Caretaker allow this to happen ?
What happen to Criminals in DOJ , CIA , FBI ?
Will Gen. FLYNN be compensated for his LOSS ?
The USA that we know it …. will be NO MORE soon ……
Good solid info Dave. We listen everyday.
Question…if Biden is illegitimate and his EO’s aren’t legal, how is the pipeline shut down? Or did I misunderstand? I can’t wait to see this all play out and see these people arrested. Thank you for your reports. They help get me through my day.
This is great stuff Dave AND I really would like to believe this controlling the narrative point but in the end how on earth can Trump get ‘voted’ back in when the election and voting system is so corrupt. Its hardly as if the Democrats are going to change it now. Seriously Dave.
I tend to think that the people who want to know, already know. Those who don’t know, don’t know because they don’t want to know, or just don’t care. I hope the military takes over the media. Imo, the media is the only thing that is perpetuating this evil in America. It must be held accountable.
Have you heard anything about the arrests were stopped on Jan.20 because of a bomb threat or some incident to harm the people? The Patriots had to back down and will try again later? That is what Simon Parkes is saying.
I want to read X22report daily
At what point will we be told officially we are under military control? People don’t believe until they see someone say it or announce it.
It’s past time for the dripping to stop and the dam to break providing a flood! of ARREST.
Capitol riots.
Security Services KNOW everyone who took part.
They captured their phone numbers. All 2 1/2 thousand of them.
They know where they all live and they’ve been tracking them.
They’ve even cross-referenced the numbers with those numbers captured during the BLM riots.
Have 2 Governments – illegitimate (Biden) and Military who don’t recognize him as legal Pres.
Impeachment being done bc they know he’s the legal President but will not hold
From Col. to 4Star in military are 800 who have sworn allegiance to Trump
He’s still signing EOs in FL ?
Pentagon rejecting Biden’s requests
Some EOs by Biden are fake and not being sent
Goal is to seat Trump as Pres. by mid-April, need by first financial quarter
Lin Wood – is Joe Biden really the President of the U.S.
Please talk about what we need to do spiritually to get these swamp creatures out of this world. The evil is blatant!
When you use a Nigerian money scam email as proof of your conspiracy theory you really are talking bollox and really as soon as possible need to see someone about your current mental health. dave give it up as you are just making yourself look an idiot.
Returning to AB shooting…the kid in the NY Giants sweat shirt. Who is he? Really…as former LE I find it suspect that he is a loud to leave seen. He would’ve been detained for hours, maybe days. Multiple agencies would want to question him. He state’s he witnessed the shooting and shows blood on his hand to people outside. He is seen in video standing there.
Very suspect
Before Biden was sworn in when I web searched “Antifa.com” it connected me to “Biden Campaign Donations”. Since he was sworn in Antifa . Com connects to “Biden Administration”. I don’t hear anyone talking about this!
I think you’re out of your mind bro. Sorry, but Trump lost. He should have had people in place to catch this blatant, in your face, election fraud. Maybe he did. But when the chips were down nothing happened. No court would hear the evidence. Biden is president and there’s no changing that now. We’re 100% screwed as a nation. Civil war looks more likely every single day. I don’t see Trump supporters just taking this with a smile. I could e wrong of course but that’s how I see it.
Ooptucs are important, unfortunately it is all invisible and thereby unbelievable.
I miss having the reference links on the same page.
DAVE, This CUBAN-BORN is so glad you are back! GODSPEED

N.P is starting to look more unhinged each passing day.
Are pushing Hell Bent Forward with THEIR End Game CONTROL OVER ALL HUMANITY.
Did you hear why the arrests didnt happen at the whitehouse Dave? Real Dirty bomb threat check Simon parkes site fren.
Good job Sir. I see the deep state have you blocked on Facebook now and they are falsely saying your content is dangerous. All you are doing is exposing the truth and nothing more. They are doing the censorship just as you said. God bless you sir and God bless America.

Yes…..it seems everything we’ve been told has not happened….
Hoping something manifest and quick….
You and a few more are being talked about majorly…
Not sure if you guys will be able to keep your base for long..
Santa Surfing
Charlie and a few more….
I hope the best for us the citizens.
Yes his executive orders are legit…
We are left vulnerable and attacked and left with Biden.
I think enough public opinion has been made by 80 million people turning on the Communist party, what about all the pain we the people are experiencing its enough this needs to happen before people get to uneasy and good people get hurt.
Forever moving the goal post… Trump just needs to do this, then it’s he just needs to do that, he just needs to give everyone, one more shot, and the he can make his move. They are going to go o after him to destroy him and make a public example out of him for all to see. Let’s see whose right, I won’t move my goal post once, let’s see how far you move yours.
Facebook will not let me join you. Now I can’t even find you or see you.
I just hope something happens soon and that we won’t be saying “trust the plan” as we are loaded onto cattle cars.
we need term limits for the elected officials.
we need age limit for the above.
Thank you for the martial law that never happened, never will, because nothing you write nor with whom remains secret from the enemies, our un-American mafia spider friends FB and Google, who can see everything what we type, write, text, speak. Obama’s NSA as well. How you turn this around is by prioritizing the priority–source of the evil which is big tech. Which feeds evil MMedia. Which feeds evil Congress. So you boycott them. Boomers are the largest voting block in the country. Organize them and unanimously and universally boycott tech, then MMedia including Treason Fox, hit ’em in the ad pocket book. Starve them which will take awhile, but it can and must happen if you’re sincere. Nobody needs Social Media for at least 3 months. Nike it.
I have enjoyed your report for years, and depend on them for a large part of my information. Thanks so much for all you do!!!
We know Biden cheated screw the idiots that don’t pay attention.Do we all have to wait and go fucking broke waiting for dummies to catch up.
Once again we the patriots are being told this one person is going to bring forth pain. I’m talking about Durham. What if Durham is just like Barr a no Trumper in disguise. What is Durham’s investigation is not real. Now what! I’m very concerned. President Trump has been deceived by so many. The swamp runs deep. Our republic is at stake to continually “let’s see how it all plays out”. This is not a chess game this is our country. The patriots have the incriminating information or do they? Biden is EOing his brains out! Do more Americans have to suffer his wrath before this is stopped? this is not a game to many patriots!
Do you get emails of hate, feel like the world hates you, STAND TALL PATRIOT you’re in good company, the world hated JESUS also, keep fighting, good people still got your six
They need to just go in and take down the media, arrest those complicit in treason/lies/propaganda and corruption. They need to lose their FCC licenses. Then just go in and open up all the corruption even to the point of bombing/opening up the tunnels under DC. Let America and the world see all the shameful hideous hidden things. Arrests need to be made of Biden and others. Get going. I don’t even care anymore if the DS threatens a dirty bomb or anything else. Some of us may lose our lives. But if they keep going, life will not be worth living anyway. Our only hope is to clean this out as quickly as possible and have a hopeful future of freedom for our children. It’s gone way too far for way too long.
Whole was complete set up by nancy and that dam mayor telling police to not interfere period a complete set up to make right look bad and to impeach trump
Thanks Dave
Keep up the good work.
Looking forward to the exposure.
Thanks Daves
I also suggest you to watch this ok bud
is another great interview
I have been looking for report x22 report for Jan 23,202-
I disagree strongly with this analysis as to why the arrests didn’t happen. The public opinion and narrative will be forced when the information is declassed and the media and the criminals are all arrested with public military tribunals. We have always been told that it will not be safe for these people to walk the street. Trump received 80-100 million votes so there are very few people left to convince. We have four years to get this information out. It is ridiculous to believe that NOW, that trump is out of office and all of the media is in greater control, that the declass will be able to have the power to persuade public opinion. The Hunter Biden laptop, the Ukraine documents had no effect changing the opinion of those whose opinion is not effected by any information that disagrees with their ideology.
Also, Biden can fire Durham anytime he wants to as the Media will absolutely shape the narrative that Durham is just a Trump plant and that these charges are just left over from Trump’s DOJ with no merit. Hence, this is wishful thinking without a basis.
I have been listening to your analysis for years, so obviously I conclude you do a great job. I am seeing a few things differently though. 17 told us that it will be a drip, but there will come a time for the flood. As far as the arrests go, I think Klinesmith was the drip that let us know there is progress, but I think the next arrest is going to be the “shockwave across the world.” Trump, Sun Tzu, nature, etc. have told/shown us that one of the best ways to launch an offensive is to hit fast and hard. Meaning, if you are a predator on the attack in nature, you want to go for the kill, not play around.
I truly believe that emergency powers have been authorized in private prior to the inauguration, which would be the fulfillment of post 34 “initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public,” “state of temporary military control,” and the “necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations.” 17 told us that the JUSTICE has to be so hard hitting, that it will scare the tyrants in to submission for years to come.
I see in the near future Durham coming out to order the arrest of all the tyrants involved in obambigate with the EMS coming on simultaneously to tell the public what happened, why it happened, and what to expect. All of us who know in our hearts that this is more than what meets the eye, and who have not lost faith, we will be vindicated above and beyond when the timing is right. STAY THE COURSE, HOLD THE LINE, FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT.
It’s amazing to me how you come up with a new narrative every night that just prolongs the inevitable. The military isn’t going to do anything, the DEMs are NOT worried about anything, any info declassified won’t do a damn thing, Durham isn’t going to do anything, the house was not cleaned out, the Federal judges are probably just as good as Roberts (sell outs). How do you do this every day?
Dave, I try to remain optimistic. You are saying Biden is illigitimate so how is it he just stopped the XL Pipeline and put 8,000 people put of work. I’m confused.
Wil this be true????
Dear x22,
Thanks so much for your commentary each and everyday. Since Biden is an illegtitimate president, are his execurive irders being carried out?
Love this!
When Q said “PAIN”, what makes you think that refers only to THEIR pain? Do you not think WE ALL owe some pain to this rebirth.
Aren’t we all having a re-birth of our own?
As we see the pure evil of the “invisible enemy” we should look within. We need to purge the evil within ourselves to be able to sit in judgement of our countrymen.
If we are honest with ourselves, (and honestly, that’s all that matters), we ALL have demons who have infiltrated our lives.
THAT is the battle we all must wage. THAT is why we are being told to pray. When we REALLY PRAY, our eyes are opened.
If we feel glee over the fact that “the enemy” will feel pain, that, in itself will not do.
GOD be with us.
Until somebody at least shows something really happening… I think all this Patriots are in charge is a nothing but talk
Your efforts are greatly appreciated. You are sharing hope to the disheartened, please do jot be discouraged by the people who won’t embrace truth. Jesus went thru it too.
Surely Q is just an “idea” like Antifa was?
Thank you for sending me an email to come here and listen, so grateful that Biden said ‘i’ve already taken a plea agreement’, o gosh, for what, i pray he doesn’t throw his messed up son under the bus to save his own life. How can he be writing EO’s when we heard he was arrested after the fake inauguration, and that there are doubles and there are many lists out of arrests and executions and who is awaiting trial, or military tribunal.
So grateful that the Troops were invited to stay at Trump Tower, don’t know if they did or not. What is Baking Cookies about??? Prayers going up for you and all of us.
Help the people please,
Thank you for telling us the truth about our President and government
Why is lady justice blindfolded? Because justice is supposed to be blind! I keep hearing “Optics Optics Optics”.
It certainly doesn’t look like the Patriots are in control, is this the optics we are looking for? Lady Justice better show up and pull at least one side of that blindfold down and see what they’re doing to our nation.
The people of the whole world are waiting to get rid of self serving, corrupt, evil governments.

I’m waiting for people to start being arrested… then all the shit you people are claiming… I will believe…. until the arrest start!!! I believe we should stand for our flag and kneel only to GOD! Traitors should B executed and those that sold out to China should be executed!!!! God save our country!!!
I’ve verified the Spanish Televised our US Inauguration a full 10 hrs prior to the event. Indicating that this was a prerecorded inauguration made in Hollywood. And this did not go unnoticed in the EU. Once again TV Programing has proven that they the broadcasters can not be trusted by your Ears or Eyes. The TV is nothing more than a Grand Deception, get rid of it.
Trump is a a liar and a Fraud
X22 is a CIA Tool
And Propaganda like Q to
Lure Americans into a False Reality
By telling “The People” the Suffering they endure for 4 going on 1000 years is needed to “Show The People” what a Bunch of Easily Manipulated Dolts we are.
Blow Me X22 and Trump you Cowards
Looking forward to all American citizens to see the light. Hold the line.
I don’t think I’m getting anything more than those who do not pay for the videos. Please make sure you do not continue my subscription.
I sent a message days after the mistake of signing up with you requesting my money back. I no longer believe you know what you’re talking about. It’s obvious that things have to get pretty bad for people to wise up.
You comment that Biden didn’t sign any EO’s that they were blank. This is not the case as I watched on Newsmax they zoom in and you can clearly see writing on them as he signs.the video circulating is a phone copy of a low resolution television.
Thank you and God Bless you!!!
I thank you all for your help and service to our REPUBLIC. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
I want to see the latest X 22 report at the beginning of the search
Trump is the winner
So True