Ep 2386a – Everything Is Now Prepped For The Transition, [CB]s Are Doomed
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Trump and the patriots have prepared the US for the transition, the power has been removed from the [CB], Trump sent the last 4 years preparing for this, the restructuring will be complete once Trump is back, the next phase will be pushed.
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- Ep 2386b – The Great Awakening, See The Difference, How Do You Inject Legal Evidence? Optics →
Dave, I stopped watching your Financial reports months ago, because it was clear you have little clarity when it comes to money creation. I tried again, today, ep 2386A, but AGAIN you don’t get it.
Money is created in two ways, it is either
1. printed or coined (fully backed by Treasury Bonds). Or,
2. created ex nihilo when a bank extends credit.
3% of the money supply is created as currency (printed or coined), this 3% is FULLY backed by US Treasury Bonds. It is NOT created out of nothing or backed by nothing!!!!!
97% of the money supply is created when a bank extends credit to an individual, business or government. THIS is where the fraud enters.
These are NOT loans. A loan is when the money loaned EXISTS BEFORE the loan, like when your grandfather loans you money out of his pocket.
When a bank extends credit the money doesn’t exist, in ANY FORM whatsoever, until AFTER the loan documents are signed.
If you wish, I can provide you a DETAILED understanding of money creation.
Just ask.
Putting my faith in Jesus only, they can only kill the body.
I’m starting to think Trump finished his job. He set out to expose the traitors, us! Now the mop up crews are in place to take us out. This will be confirmed when Labour day comes and goes, Trump is nowhere to be found and neither are we.
Love you Dave … (I’m straight!)
Can you corroborate the list of Hollywood artists’s executions? Just saw these feeds on you tube today ….
I am Hopeful but now that Trump is out of office, how are he and the Patriots going to accomplish anything that you speak of, Dave. I know that the Great Awakening cannot be anything like I would expect it to be so as per your suggestion, I am removing all my All of MY expectations and trying to cope with all this with an open mind. I’m Still here with you and holding on to what little hope there is. Even if I look foolish and Insane.
The last impeachment, Trump was not allowed to defend himself.. The only reason he was not convicted is that there was a GOP majority in the senate.. Why will they allow any evidence to be brought forward this time?
Hi Dave , thanks for your positive explanation of what is happening and what is about to happen. Being an Australian Christian , I am confident that God will make this happen through Trump however I’ve got no idea of the mechanics involved it making this happen. This is where I rely on your commentaries .So far we have hoped that Biden wouldn’t be inaugurated and that the voter fraud would be exposed and that Trump would be your President and continue making America Great Again .This hasn’t happened at this stage and it is easy to lose faith in the system . You explain WHY Trump and his team are letting things appear to happen and the timing they are using to enable for more people to see what a stuff – up the Demoncrats are. This is great motivation for me and your many listeners . Thank you from a fellow PATRIOT .
As above . Too long to retype . Don’t know what happened .
Hi Dave That demonic group want to press the people to madness, to bring on destruction, chaos, causing civil war in our streets so they will have cause to bring in china troops. demons love killing, stealing, and destruction, they even hate each other. We are holding the line, where can we go but to Jesus. You and Family be blessed.
“No taxation with corrupt representation”. Hit them where it hurts. Their plan cannot move forward unless the public complies.
I would like to say that your platform is very informative. I’m assuming it is factual because I believe everything that you have said. (Not that I’m naive) i like your voice. I thing it is perfect for radio.
Hi there! I listen to you every single day and I have for a little over a year and I would share your videos on my Facebook wall because I wanted everybody to hear what you had to say and Facebook shut down my last 6 accounts. They were censoring what I posted and why I’m a little bit different than others as I’m also a network marketer and I run my entire business on Facebook and this has just crippled my livelihood. I have attempted to open up new accounts but as soon as I try Facebook just shuts it down within seconds and so I went and bought a new phone and they did the exact same thing. I know that you advertise the VPN I believe it’s called and I was wondering if I was to purchase that would it block my IP address from Facebook and would they not know it was me if I went to set up a new account? Sorry I don’t know the answer to things like this I’m great at marketing but I’m not great in the tech world I was wondering if you could help me understand if this would be something that would help me to be able to get back on Facebook to start running my business again. The reason why it’s so detrimental that it’s face because I have a customer group on Facebook with 158,000 people so I have to be able to get back on there. 🙁
Still holding the line, but praying a whole lot more. Still sending out info. Directing people to certain reliable sites. Thank you for your time and effort to do these on a daily schedule. God bless us everyone. much love, Brother Patriot. I know God has this no matter what!