Ep 2387b – We Won’t Know The Date We Will Attack Our Enemies, Attack We Will
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This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^💪💪
The [DS]/MSM are now red pilling America, people are seeing the truth, the boomerang is coming back to hit the [DS]. All the treasons criminals are in one place. The public must believe and accept, the MSM will try to fight back. The plan is in motion, the countdown has started, the patriots are preparing to make their move.
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- ← Ep 2387a – The World Is Watching, If America Falls The World Falls
We don’t know “the date when jesus will return” either. Why is it that one reports with the carrot?
Jesus will not return, this is mysticism, his would went on,..what would he do I’d Pof he returned , take over the world , or be president
His soul went on, damned spell correct
You are so sad.
for 5 years I have been listening to you babble on… always just around the corner…so Dave… SHOW ME…
Its human nature for many to be far more protective of their personal judgement than they are looking for another side of the story. People seem to think this is a game or even normal. It’s neither. They never realized they themselves did not get a vote either. It was not an election but it was an installment.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for your dedication and commitment for the patriots and people … You are a superstar …
HCQ now being used to cure COV-19 in Montreal. 2 days after Biden in Montreal Doctors say HCQ oral works
OH…….MY…….. God……… You said the BIG STAGE was the Inauguration? Now the Big Stage is the impeachment Trial???LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL at this point its our own fault. Listening to this nonsense. First off why don’t tell us why in 4 years Trump didn’t take care of the media and or Social media and fix it so news can just get out.? If the Fakes News is covering the Impeachment and someone says something they don’t want us to hear they will just cut out YOU ARE NOT MAKING SENSE. Sealed indictments MEAN NOTHING in a banana Republic which is where we now live Just today the NEW FAKE DOJ said “FBI DID NOTHING WRONG IN THE FLYNN CASE” That means all those assholes are going to walk COMEY BRENAN MCCABE. Remember when Q told us Barr didn’t press charges because they were going for the bigger crimes the “SLAM DUNK:” TRUMP STOOD DOWN let them steal The house the senate and THEN THE PRESIDENCY of the United states. We were told it was to “SHOW THE PEOPLE” the Patriots were in control and Biden was NEVER GETTING IN TO OFFICE. Now you are claiming that ALLTHIS INFO is coming out during the impeachment Even if its true it will just get swept under the rug. TRUMP HAS ZERO POWER. Q WAS A FAKE WE were DUPED.
I agree with you. They keep moving the goal posts. They didn’t allow evidence to be heard in the house, they didn’t let Trump defend himself. So what happens if they don’t allow it again? There will be no evidence shown… then what? The world sees nothing…again…
A year ago it was just about getting the political criminals and central bankers. Now because the plan failed. You are saying it’s because not enough people have awakened. Well, we are awakening to you failing and changing the narrative to blame asleep citizens.
This has turned into a bullshit fiasco for independent news sources to monetize and stay viable
Hey Karen, you know listening to these is optional, right? Might not be suitable listening for fair weather patriots.
This is a military operation and your rank does not require q briefing…
No doubt you made some good points and have some depressing truth’s in there too. You are deep in the rabbit hole. Hard to say where the line in the sand is. We saw Barak draw it once and it meant nothing. It was all politics, just for show. I too feel your frustration. I think many of us in this hole feel it. We know Dominion paid off Barr and he was a plant. And now we keep hearing Durham is a major piece on the board. In my opinion Durham is Barr’s guy and he will be another let down. I am not counting on him. My hope is the plan is going right along schedule and it is so complex that nobody can see enough moves ahead to when we take back our country and normalcy has a chance to comes back. Biden did over 30 EO’s in 5 days like a dictator Tyrant, more than the last 4 administrations all together. How long are the people suppose to sit around and take it while we wait for this so called plan. I complained to my congress man about H.R.1. I don’t know what else to do. They want to make it so the election process is rigged full time. Media won’t help let us know how serious this is. There’s a hole line of bills in the pipeline designed to take our freedoms away. This is to me warp speed on destruction of the constitution and our freedoms. 5 times the speed Obama was doing it. We are seeing what happens when the DS runs the show and the brakes on the train are being cut everywhere we look. They will soon have everything good Trump did wiped off by March at this rate. We might both be seeing how bleak the future looks if nothing happens. Dave does a great job with his x22report keeping hope alive. I’ve come to depend on this for that hope. Worrying about the country and why I can’t seem to make a difference to any of my media entranced family is tough. Spreading Dave’s message and what we can share from Telegram needs to work. I tell everyone I can to try and make a difference. Contacting your senators and Representatives on these fowl bills might not make a difference, but it’s our legal responsibility to say NO.
What could Trump have done to the msm and social media? The media is owned by the communist left. He would have had to fight the dems and republicans.
Okay, ep2387b, so the DS obviously has someone monitoring your show noting everything you just said… So what if they just say they’re not going to cover it or say will have spot coverage…. What then say you?
Thanks for sharing this with me. I am slowly getting this info. out to a few of my trusted Friends. I pray God’s help through all the upcoming obstacles. Again thanks, we do need an honest voice. Most Americans can handle the Truth. I pray the Truth comes out for the Whole world to see, but it’s timing is of utmost importance.
How many times are you going to lie to the people? Disinformation is not needed. Would you please go look at Trumps video on the 6th. Also go look at the Press Secretary’s tweet.Trump: By my order I am sending the National Guard and Federal Agents. Press Secretary: By the direction of the President. Go look because X22 report is turning into a disinformation campaign. STOP TELLING PEOPLE LIES. Look up the word mutiny while your at it. STOP!! Lying!
Your videos are very good. However, by having them, are you helping the deep state to plan their strategy?
America will not last until Feburary. It is as important to take down the media as it is to take down the criminals. They are the same . There has never been a time when the electronic media deserved the protection of the 1st ammendment. In fact it was the mainstream media who gave themselves that protection . If they do deserve it then why does the FCC license them? Take down the media first then the criminals , allow emergency broadcast cover the events truthfully. Never give the electronic media the power to overthrow our goverment again. America no longer trusts the courts or congress, given that , of what value is an illegal impeachment farse. I would not watch it. This coup was made possible by the media. Their CEOs need to be hung and the companies sold at court auction.
the only time we wear our masks is while shopping,, they are required inside store,,
I do believe the evidence and the optics to bring down all the traitors and corrupt politicians will be just about right in the year of 2024 or 2025, when America will be completely destroyed and all citizens will have to speak Mandarin.
I very much enjoy your videos and I share them often with my friends often! But,….. tonight for the first time Messenger is blocking any reference I try and send over! 😡😡😡….
Looks like… We are “Beating a dead horse”. Same topics almost everyday. With everything that has been exposed and +/-80 million citizens who are waiting for justice. Public opinion is Trump is the lawful sitting president. Something needs to be expedited before WE loose our nation completely!!
Love what you’re doing.
Is there ANY chance you could TEST your email alert system? I’ve signed up (I believe) several times, and nothing happens. There is no acknowledgement that I signed up. Dunno it I did not finish the process, but don’t know how to complete if I didn’t.
I do not believe that the people will be watching this in the numbers you need. Most of the people that I have talked to will only believe in one thing Arrest of the crooks. Most of the people believe that if you do not Arrest any one then you are just bull shiting about the evidence. If you expect people to believe you. You will have to Arrest them then bring out the evidence. Other wiz no one will believe anything you say no matter what the proof you have. I have seen alot of evidence against the FBI the DOJ the CIA and no one has bin Arrested. This tells me that you do not have the Power to stop these people. That they will get away with Murder and no one will be able to stop them. If you what to prove that this is not true then you will have to stop playing Games and Arrest SOMEBODY. We have bin following for 4 years the President Fired alot of people witch we expected but most of these people should have been Arrested and charged for there crimes but no Charges as of yet. You need to stop kiking the can down the road and end this with the Arrest of all the traitors and crooks that are in our Government NOW. The patriots can only wait so long and that time is coming to an end.
you do know what drain the swamp means right drain it half way // arrest half the crooks /// rats still hiding under the water can not be seen until all the water is drained …. right! You do know the mafia many arrested yet that evil corrupt entity still manages to thrive/survive why is that SILVA? arrests have been made it should all be good we smashed them with a tack hammer we arrested 6 of hundreds more that still function business as usual in secret behind everyones backs. the bikers the mafia the DS the Dems and Rino rep globalist cabal are no different if you don’t get them all AND I MEAN ALL WORLD WIDE their secret organizations are still in place and within a few years they are back with another plan. YOU and MANY others don’t seem to understand that simple fact. They have had hundreds or thousands of years to plan the full take over of the world. When technology was in their favour to accomplish this they rolled out their agenda under the WHO UN NWO CDC GATES and many others under the world wide covId19 CERTIFICATE OF VACCINE ID 19 may mean the year or it could mean code 19 1=a A 9=i Ai could mean artificle intelligence for Gates tracking systems for the vaccines given … permission to travel …. permission to do anything they let you do if you had the vac and tracking system combined. SO … Silva be patient GOD and Team Trump have to do this right according to GOD’S Plan and Timing NOT YOUR WISHES DEMANDS nor x22’s nor mine or anyone elses this is GOD Defeating evil not a Trump biden thing or election fraud ….. the swamp is world wide Trump knows it and many other people get it if you don’t we can colour you a pretty picture with crayons maybe then will the still sleepy heads get it and WHY ITS BEING DONE THIS WAY, …. GOD’S WAY HIS PLAN HIS TIMING Have faith of a Mustard seed if you trust GOD and have faith you will see it happen in GOD’s Order ….. It is the Perfect Plan to defeat the evil corrupt cabal and friends and GOD picked the Only man who could do it on earth so STOP BASHING YOUR ONLY HOPE He set everything in place to happen in the proper order. Arrest 30 and it business as usual why can’t you people understand that just look at the mafia and bikers arrest a few they are still here. Get them all take all their stuff money houses etc and put them in jail for life or execute them they are dismantled and their wealth can come back to the people they stole it from. Does that paint a better picture whats going on?
I disagree. I think the “other” plan would have been very, very effective. Remember the “other” plan? In the time before the inauguration, Trump who is still president and has those plenary powers, acts on the EO #13848. He shuts down all of the broadcasting networks and begins broadcasting his own channel, in an “RT” like format. There would have been NO competing voices, no Mainstream Media, no Congressmen having their voices heard. Instead the people would be seeing actual video footage of interviews with the traitors. They would be getting that whole declas dump. And the military would have been arresting Hussein, and the Clintons, Pelosi and Schumer, and so on! It would have been spectacular. And the people would then have to see It All.
Would there have been Civil War? I doubt it. After all the whole point of this way of doing it would be to convince those whose brains were still working that this is what had been going on behind all of the lies. The election fraud would have been shown in dazzling detail. No Dave, I think this was a poor decision and now look where we are — or aren’t.
I’d like to be able to see the video pics as I move the scroll bar. Can you modify it back to how it used to be?
Hi Hi.. Newsome put us back at his stupid tiers.. That means LA which is in the most restricted tier and always has been and will remain there. He hasn’t done enough to screw this area over yet..
Dave , thanks for your hard work and excellent reports
The impeachment charge is insurrection claiming Trump instigated the Jan. 6 incident at the White House. Trump can defend himself by showing he called for peace. He can show his speech. He can show video and reports of Antifa’s actions at the White House. Anything other than that would be irrelevant to the issue of this alleged insurrection. I don’t think he’ll be able to bring in evidence of election fraud at the impeachment. I’m a retired lawyer, and practiced in state court for 35 years. Maybe there’s something in federal law that allows introducing anything and everything but I’d be surprised if that’s the case.
My understanding of the impeachment ‘trial’ is that it isn’t a real trial as in a court of law. They are not bound by evidence, or legal procedures in the same sense as a real trial. They don’t even have a judge presiding this time, it’s just some democrat senator. I doubt it’s even Constitutional. However, I agree with you on point that I would be very surprised if they allow ANY meaningful ‘evidence’ to be presented from the Trump team, or even trust that they won’t bring lawsuits against members of his defense team or attempt to cancel them after the “trial’ is over.
I want to know why you keep saying over and over and over again that Trump is gonna do something. He had his chance as President and he blew it. And he blew it for ALL OF US!!! He had so many opportunities while in office. We the American people are feeling so let down and scared. And you just keep saying it’s coming. It’s time to see something. We need HOPE!!!
I am hearing that the Pentagon ordered all those troops. You say it is Biden administration. How do I know which is right?
How much longer does this need to go on? Biden I’d f’n up this country at record speed! This illegitimate needs to go!
I enjoy Your Great optimism, this is why I keep coming back to these videos.
I think the time for anything to happen might be gone. It wasn’t only a few days ago You told us that the Military was going to come in. I think You said Q said, “Done in 30.” Well they have 4 days.
I am still breathing and not holding my breath. I am beginning to feel, no know, that we were sucked in. I am believing that Trump was a set up so they can find out who we are, so they can come after us.
I am stocking up and have prepared for the coming depression. You can’t shut down a nation’s economy for 9 months and not expect something to give. You should be telling those who still believe that a savior will be coming, riding a white horse, to get ready for the hard times coming. Wow,, Are they going to turn on You when the hard times come and You didn’t tell them.
Who cares about the rest of the people, the vigilant shouldn’t be forced to suffer this prolonged uncertainty for the sake of the complacent and ignorant.
If the patriots have a shred of sense they will end this nonsense.
If the goal keeps shifting I’m just going to assume the real goal is to keep the people complacent.
Democrats will not allow Trump’s side to be heard. Schumer said it will be swift… no witnesses needed.
It will be closed like in the House….
You give them & media too much credit. Truth will be closed out.
Are the military going to arrest the corrupt politicians and Biden within 30 days? Is Trump going to be our President? Is the declassified information which incriminates the corrupt officials going to be released within 30 days? Considering the fact that the left owns the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, Supreme Court Justices, and other judges, who will convict and arrest the corrupt officials? Biden is in command of the military now. Are they going to arrest him, or protect him, and follow his orders? Biden is the commander of all armed forces now. Trump left. He is no longer in command of the military. Biden is coming after everyone’s guns, and he is going to abolish the Bill of Rights. Rudy will find nothing because all evidence of fraud has already been removed and destroyed. They will make Rudy look like a fool. He will probably be arrested, along with Trump, and anyone who supported and defended him.
I truly find the x22 report informative and helpful. However, I don’t understand a strategy to use the second impeachment of Trump as a platform for educating people about the fraud and other key issues. The critical truth and facts that people need to hear will never be allowed to enter the impeachment discussion. They will never allow the information about the election fraud, Durham findings, etc. to be presented during the impeachment trial, since these topics are not the subject of the impeachment and will be shut down. I don’t think the MSM will need to black out the proceedings because the Senate will not even allow the discussion of topics not directly related to the trial.
I agree that the general population, and especially people on the left of the political spectrum, need to be informed about the truth. and that this will improve the optics of any actions ultimately implemented. What I don’t understand is how we can expect the left leaning portion of our population to get educated in the current environment of propaganda and censorship. I see no evidence of this actually happening. The only people who are getting educated are conservatives who already understand and support measures to right the ship.
How long are we going to wait to restore our Republic? One that has been overthrown by foreign and domestic enemies. It seems that the current conversation has shifted from intervention to what seems to be an open-ended timeline (months? years?) to try and set the stage with truth and facts. The longer we wait to achieve an uncertain goal of educating people who don’t even want to concern themselves with the truth, the more likely it will be that we never get back our Republic. Now we are hearing that the DS may be working through this illegitimate, puppet regime to de-fund our military, and even rely on foreign military (e.g. China) for our security! At some point, soon, we will run out of time due to an overemphasis on education and optics.
Thanks for the opportunity to share. I’m hoping there will more discussion about these issues since I think there are many of us who are very concerned about having a strategy that effectively balances the optics with the urgency.
Hey Dave,
Thanks so much for your continued reports – you’ve provided me with lots of mental fodder! So here’s a thought – it looks like the riots by Antifa and BLM have escalated in the PNW. The video reports on Fox News are telling. Looks to me like there are larger gangs, better organized, more uniformly dressed and equipped, marching with their flag and boldly rioting in broad daylight. They appear more brazen, with even less fear of police, and have signs saying they were anti-Biden, anti-America, etc. It occurs to me that the grip the left had on them may now be slipping, and that they are becoming their own “party”, if you will. Obviously the money is still pouring into the organization, but do you see a possible splintering since the inauguration? The blatant lack of any direct actions – or even addressing the violence – out of the WH is astounding. Peter Doocey did ask Jen Psaki, but it was nowhere near an satisfactory reply. Could the left be in the midst of becoming a victim of their own Frankenstein? Other than keeping the DC swamp creatures locked inside fencing and protected by our NG troops (perhaps to our advantage), do they now not only fear the Patriots but also their evil creation?
Keep up the great work! So many of us depend on your clarity for our own sanity…
Ok, does anyone here keep a tally of which, if any, of these speculative assertions by x22/Dave come to pass ? Anything ?
If Trump, and the people behind him does not start with the indictments soon… We are tired of waiting..
God is directing this show and no-one outsmarts God’s choice no-one
I believe your quote from Pres. Trump – “I will not say when we will attack, but attack we will” – referred to Afghanistan, not a political reset. You need to make that clear; it may represent his thinking, but it is not fair to use a quote about one thing and imply it is about another.
I thought you said the military were going to clean house
Dave, left you a note in Bitchut today. Please have a look.
My puzzlement and a quarter of the world’s citizens are puzzled by the fact, with more freedom than any other country, why the Trump followers, with their flags and massive rallies…….didn’t have mass protest on media grounds, against the media, against the reporters??? We watched how POTUS gushed about his nation and great people…while your hyenas mocked him, degraded him, told the world how stupid he was, a dictator etc as he was talking…….it was shocking. Then after a while, since we never heard or saw mass protest from his great people against the fake media….well it must be true!! You think it was hard to convince your people?? it was double hard for us around the world. They are the people’s greatest enemy, from waking up to reality. Yes Trump or 16+1 never said or directed….but where is the pride of those people of yours when your own POTUS is being humiliated worldwide daily??? You all lost site of what free speech really means….its time Dave, for your people stand united against the fake media. It’s no longer enough to just shut the TV. Remember 6 billion people also need to wake up. And you all anons have done a incredible service to mankind! We thank you. Love from Bali.
P.S. It didn’t stop the people around the world from falling in love with him, for a man to stand up tall and strong alone , day in day out against the massive onslaught from the world and fight and work day and night for his beloved country and make a go of it.
If anyone hasn’t woken up by now they must be brain dead or thick as a brick
How do i get the thumbnail?
I am not with you in all this.
(though I followed for almost 2 years)
except one point: military IS the only way.
What is meant by, ” Freedom is never free”?
x22 is best report out there.
Dave question how will the evidence come out at impeachment? They are not going to let them have testimony.It’s a kangaroo court.Jay Sekulow thinks if the votes are there it will be done without any defense.What do you think or know how it will play out?
Confusing- the dems didn’t call in military.
people are getting a sour taste in their mouths… to much hope was spued out to all who listen…
keep dragging us along… this is exactly what the left is doing… loosing faith in this theory is snowballing… the world IS watching… and this doesn’t look or feel good… hope is fading at the speed of light… the time is now
Thanks, Dave. Why do you think Trump didn’t pardon Assange?
He is safer where he is. Let him out and we will never see him again.
I have followed you for a year.
This is a brilliant plan. It all sounds wonderful. It would make a great fiction novel. The problem is that it all depends on people waking up. People are STUPID! They are worthless puppets. Most people don’t realize that they have been living in a “matrix” their entire lives. I just don’t see it happening. Even if they do finally arrest the traitors within our government, they would have to arrest everyone that owned a media organization, every journalist, every journalism professor and every journalism student second year and above to cut out the communist cancer.
Great news reporting! I am a Patriot and stand beside or in front of my president—-President Trump
Biden is not a legal president nor is Congress as they partakes in rigging the election for Biden to win. What they didn’t plan on was President Trump got 10Million more votes in the 2020 election. That is why anyone with half a brain saw numbers being taken from the Trump votes and moved to Biden right on national TV.
Does it look like the patriots are in control? Does it look like nothing can stop this when Joe Biden has been sworn in and Q admitted they don’t know the date. Does it look like there is a Trump card with Trump being removed from the process at the very least for the purpose of optics? Did the Tear’s in Trump’s children’s eyes look like a sign of certainty. Do we know that there will not be betrayal or cowardice within the military as there has been throughout the ranks of republicans and conservatives in America?
Don’t be foolish. Only God is in control. If it is to be, it will be understood that it is God’s glory not Trump’s or the military’s. In time’s of crisis get down on your knees. and pray to our creator.
Freedom Is The Right To Map Ones Own Future.
Bungling Leaders Will Only Send You Down Their Brush Covered Thorny Lost Trails.
Move Slow, Move Sure.
Keep The Gained Pathways Cleared.
The Republic Will Win !!
It makes me nervous that we are depending on people to “ask questions” as to why the media is blacking out information. These are the same mask wearing people who have not asked questions about the covid rules but blindly obeyed.
Dave, STOP pushing your HOPEIUM! Trump is gone for GOOD! Q was and still is a Mossad/CIA psyop! God is JUDGING this nation that legalizes pornography, the MURDER of innocent babies through abortion, and the legalization of homosexual marrige. Read God’s word in the book of Romans to see that this country is under God’s JUDGEMENT (Romans 1:18-32). God has given the people over to a debased or depraved mind. This giving people over to a depraved mind by God is a JUDICIAL ACT of God to bring punishment and judgement to a people who have turned from God to wickedness and sin.
This is what happens to a people who have turned their backs on God and openly flaunt thir wickedness and their sin! There will be NO REPRIEVE for this country. Persecution is coming for Christians. We all must INDIVIDUALLY embrace Jesus as LORD AND SAVIOR and beg for His mercy and Grace to save us from the wrath to come!
Have been watching on Rumble, but could not find yesterday’s. Use email one if cannot pull up on the tv. Thanks!
Dave.. I know you believe what you’re saying but you’ve been sayin g “it’s coming for years.” It is getting irritating to hear you say public opinion will change and that the people need to be shown. They have been shown everything! If they don’t see by now they never will! It is over and we have to admit it! Trump is moving on…and you need to as well!
I love listening to your report. I’m patient
You say the same old stuff every night changing it just enough to make it current. “People are seeing the lies” your right and it’s you telling them. How long do you think you can keep this going? There is a lot of corruption but much of it is internet sites that spew false hope.
I love you Dave! Thank you 🙏
Thank you so much for keeping us alert to everything going on!
This is all very exciting and troubling at the same time. I am so glad to have my eyes opened.
I so look forward to reading these daily. Stay strong! WWG1WGA!
Would like to watch videos have tried everything. Where should I go to watch??
Thank you Dave for your continued optimism! I am frustrated that indictments have not been issued. I have watched this great country go down hill the last 12 month. TRUMP was a great president. he accomplished much in 4 years. Let us not go back to the MSM and deep state.
Thank you Dave for your continued optimism! I am frustrated that indictments have not been issued. I have watched this great country go down hill the last 12 month. TRUMP was a great president. He accomplished much in 4 years. Let us not go back to the MSM and deep state.
Thank you Dave for your continued optimism! I am frustrated that indictments have not been issued. I have watched this great country go down hill the last 12 month. TRUMP was a great president. He accomplished much in 4 years. Let us not go back to the MSM and deep state.
What makes you think that the dems put the walls around the capitol and brought in the national guard? I believe Trump had something to do with it.