Ep 2402a – The Patriots Are Now Pushing Against The [CB] & The Great Reset, Welcome To The Transition
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
[JB] is a puppet, he is controlled by foreign governments, everything he does is not in the best interest for this country. Trump and the patriots have already started the economic transition. The [CB] fiat currency and their system will cease to exist. This is just the beginning.
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- ← Bitcoin 100k by April??? Silver To The Moon!
- Ep 2402b – Patriots Will Not Telegraph Moves To The Enemy, But Will Light A Fire To Flush Them Out →
Ya didn’t do your homework on bitcoin. Its not a currency and never will be.
Why not?
Dave where can I get Bitcoin at? Is it in your commercials?
Re: Bitcoin,,, It MUST remain independent! Bitcoin CANNOT become part of the “central banking system”,,IE: I think they the centralists are trying to find a way “in”,,stop it at ALL costs!!!
Bitcoin sounds alot like a global currency! We do not want a global currency! This leads to a global society and the end of times per Revelations.
Thank you… ! That was a bunch of information for sure!
I said that, not so long ago, that there is already a new financial system in place. It’s a gold backed system. America is already gold-backed. in fact, the country doesn’t use the fiat dollar for trading.
there is a new system in place that is already set to take over the fiat financial system and its called, the QFS, which is the quantum financial system that all 209 nations have already signed on to.
Hey men, you need to do more inquiry on this. you should have long ago when I put up this information. The other nations are waiting on Trump to finish off the Globalist system to introduce the gold backed system which is already running the economies of the planet. the globalist Swift system is no more
May I ask where we can see what countries sign onto this?
Let’s hope this is true! Peace to all.
Hello Dave,
I am an avid follower of X22 and one of your best advocates by word of mouth and internet. I was watching todays Financial Report and I don’t totally agree with the Bitcoin. I did seriously look into it when it was at around $700. However, I see BC only as stong as the power grid. And we know how China is very interested in our power grid. If you have no electricity, you have no BC. Now, after saying that, when we evolve into a society with zero-point energy it will be a whole different ballgame. No one will be able to control electrical usage. But in this present day and age I wouldn’t want to risk my wealth on a monetary system that is totally dependent on an electrical grid that could be taken out or controlled. I’m sticking with physical gold and silver. I can trade it and do not have to rely on having a computer to do business. Much of the same reason I keep very little in my bank accounts.
Kind Regards and keep up the great reporting!
Don’t give your bitcoin to banks!!!! Give them the worthless dollars which they insist on devaluing and enslaving you with. If the banks amass enough bitcoin…they will then manipulate that market as well to further a central bank cryptocurrency for their full control! Resist.
Both Biden and China lie, lie, lie. I suspect that there was no phone call at all.
Bitcoin belongs to the wrong side of the fence and all crooks use it for fraudulent transactions..I hope it will be safe for people who are using it and want to use this way of banking
I am old school. Decades ago, as a very young woman, I dutifully got a bank acct., only to have the bank mess up my credibility with people who I used to write checks to. They did not record a deposit I had made, which to my chagrin, once i wrote checks out and mailed them in, I began getting notices of insufficient funds. I knew I had put in a bit more than enough to cover my bills etc.. With these notices and them penalizing me, it took away any extra I thought I would have had. If I had not have had my deposit slip to prove I had deposited the sum that I did, I would have been in a real pickle. As it happened, it took a few months to c lear it up and get reimbursed for fees. i closed it out after that and opted to keep my cash in my possession and did never open another acct. i want “in my possession, what I make. after an elderly retired friend of mine, had her savings almost wiped out because her savings and loan bank bellied up, I definitely was glad i never banked again. I deal in cash or money orders only. I trust no institution to hold any monies I make. during disasters, the ATMs don’t work or only allow x amount of money removed. S, the answer is a definite NO! For electronic systems to hold my money is a definite NO! No on Bitcoins. At 71, and the present economic corruption and control, it is a HELL NO!
#GMAB David. Bitcoin was created by the Russians to trap all the morons.
What happens to people’s savings after the reset? 401s and IRAs. Do they disintegrate if they have not been invested in other currency?