Ep 2406b – [JB]/[DS] Wants Durham Gone, Fear, Panic Sets In
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The [DS] are trying to remove Durham, they want him gone, but Durham is a bull, he doesn’t back down. This is what they are afraid of. The people see how corrupt the [DS]/MSM are each every day. Trump has become more powerful and popular now. The [DS] plan is backfiring and it will all come down around them.
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- ← Ep 2406a – [CB] Is Now Panicking, The Rise Of Digital Currency Is Upon Us
- Channel Name BITCOIN BEN Email [email protected] Title BITCOIN HITS $51,200… BYE BYE GOLD, THE SHIFT GOES INTO HIGH GEAR!!! →
We’re definitely ready to MAGA!
Hi Dave, thank you so much for all your hard work to keep us informed. We love you and appreciate you. God bless you. This is Ana. Love you!
I have never written to anyone or anything of this nature. I learned about Q last June and never went back and once this all stops making sense then I will give in but I can not see that ever happening, because as crazy as it sounds everyday makes more and more sense as to why this is the dark to light. I found this website mid January because I hold truth to be self evident and my gut knows I’m right, and the most important part is not because I want to be right, which everyone does of course, but because I have FACTS. People need to look at this plan like stocks it started at 0 and it keeps jumping up with each drip drip drip. Dark to light is a process and with each drip people expect the stock to shoot to the moon but have patience and it will eventually. Until then we keep patiently climbing. We are very fortunate to have dedicated people like you to the discovery of undebatable truth. WWG1WGA
Excellent & honest post. Thank you & welcome!
MYANMAR military are doing their job, per their rules and laws, constitution and such. once civilian government failed to do theirs, the military stepped in. corruption in elections and in government have to be dealt with. period. their military will ferret out the illegal voters and dominion who is world famous for voting machine fraud….and restore honest voting results. they then will return power to the people, per their laws. ashamed our military do not to the same. lord forbid there is so much vote fraud and dominion doing same here as around the world
I thought Trump was going to be President THIS YEAR, i guess that did not work out right even with all of the voter fraud also i really don”t believe that ANYONE WILL GO TO JAIL, my question after Biden is gone now we get Harris she gone then who do we get CRAZY NANCY THANKS
Hey boss
Love you
Ck presidential transition enhancement act of 2019
DJT still in control of military
It was posted today that Biden and Harris were welcomed into the Pentagon. General Millie greeted and escorted them up the steps leading into the building. What is going on? The thought that Harris will step in as president scares me. She announced that if they won she would hunt every Trump supporter down and we would be killed. I know about the Fema camps and genocide that was planned by Obama and Clinton. I pray throughout the day and night for Trump, his family, patriots, God and Jesus. My American flag has been flying outside my house since the Russia hoax. My neighbors think I’m crazy. They all voted for Biden. They won’t talk to me. I’m a widow so it makes it tough. But I’m standing my ground. The history channel had an excellent presentation about Washington. The story mirrored to the letter what president Trump and the patriots are experiencing. Thus in my mind I see what Lin Wood has stated that we are in a second revolution to save our country. Please just let me know. Why did the pentagon receive Biden and Harris?
Cause they want to see how big of a pile of shit they stepped in…. jade helm…. UN…. or in other words when the shit hits the fan they wanna see who they can call on to help… just wait for the false flag… Edward Barney… do some research on some of the things I mentioned and please do it on an empty stomach. There are a ton of avenues you can go down researching these topics best way to keep track is one thing and a time and notes…. notice the words out of place for example Biden’s dark winter phrase in a middle of a sentence. Best source of information is hard copy books they are unedited, and go back longer then the internet has been around. To bad the library’s are closed … well… were closed. I wonder if they used the time to remove books from the shelves 🤔… think I’m kidding go to your library and look for Edward Barney. His books are hard to find and for a reason…. it’s a hitchhikers guide to everything going on now. Hint he is called the father of propaganda. Happy hunting
Tried comment got an error message that my message was a duplicated. Wouldn’t let me comment.
Why was Biden received at the pentagon?
Somebody better hurry up and do something to stop the Biden flood of illegals and deconstruction of the constitution before it’s too late.
How do we stop Biden before he destroys our country?
Is impeaching Biden a good idea if Harris takes over?
Dave if possible can you do a written daily of your production, the reason being is I cant use the facebook link but I can copy and paste and it drives them crazy. Dave I had produced an excel file of all the top county judges and county supervisors for my Republican Counties of Oregon. I am starting dialog with people. I have a vision of the Red Counties of Oregon leaving the Blue Counties of Oregon. People are listening. Dave Greg Waldon did an amazing speech on the floor. Concerning the events leading up to an FBI agent murdering a citizen. Its on youtube. Dave something strange happened my 2 terabyte memory was tagged by the microsoft defender program as a potential hazard and guess what yes it cleaned off the access to the memory and it was because the memory was 32 byte not 64 byte. So I will restore it and then have my files back. Dave if you need to check me out my Merchant Marine files concerning explosives, ordanace and small arms quals and certs are on file with the Oregon State Police firearms division. You can also find my Hamm radio certs. As well as my Marine radio certs. One more if you google Capt Brad Fry USMM med ret you will find an explination of my disease which disabled me upon returning from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom I have the Civilian Service in the Global War on Terror and the Merchant Marine Expeditionary with Citation.
Hi Dave, still watching every day! Good show, excellent info!
If patriots are in control, why are the Dems in charge. They hold republicans accountable. Republicans dont make sure dems are held accountable.
PINO’s Patriots in Name Only…..
One of our goals should be to put a stop to the lies we’re now hearing constantly on most news networks. It’s so sickening. They call it news, but it’s just propaganda. We need to repeal the legislation passed in 2012 that gave them the right to lie to us. Can we do it at state levels? I despise the constant and continuous dishonesty. It makes me physically ill. Also, I agree with Amuse? that the fence says something bad is coming. One need only listen to Ayanna Pressley threatening the People, and giving directions to the “soldiers” (listen to Trump defense video) that they’ll likely replace our police with, so they can take our guns, and God knows what else. Our children? Bad is definitely coming. A government that hides behind a fence, with armed forces is up to no good, and not working for the People.
Great show as always Dave!!
Keep up the awesome job – enjoy your information!!
You always say the panicked, and so forth, yet day after day they keep getting their dirty works done.
The fence prevents peaceful protestors from publicly challenging the rigged election and the abominable policies that take aim at the American people and their economy.
Biden fears a return to the 60s, when peace-loving Americans forced a US President to end a war, simply by standing together for what they believed in, and making their views known to the world.
Daily peaceful protests on the grounds of the Capitol would be a devastating and global vote of no confidence for the usurpers.
In this installment you suggest25th Amendment to remove Biden. IF Kamala resigns … Nasty Pig-lousy is 1st Woman POTUS. Could this be the plan?
Thank you for our privacy
They (Dems) just gotta keep beating a dead horse cause they have NOTHING! They know damn good and well who the instigators were in this whole thing. Yes, you are correct is saying, “They are panicking.” Yep, they will try to pull off a big false flag. As Patriots we need to keep our eyes on them every second of the day. The “See Something Say Something” thing? All that is is a ‘snitch program’. Well, turn around is fair game and will be used against them with full force.
Why does the video on the landing page show “financial/geopolitical” but when I get to the page where I actually run the video, it says “political/geopolitical”?
Dave has two threads. One is all about the CB and the financial system. He may have just made a simple mistake.
If we go to bitcoin what happens if a EMP hits ??
I look forward to hearing your wisdom on the political and geopolitical news everyday. Thank you. And I thank God for brave, intelligent, inventive and intuitive Patriots like you, Dave, who are getting information out there. It makes sense and it’s so hopeful. Again, so grateful.
Bill Gates is dead. Who is cloning him?
OOOK So now Dave subtly admits Trump is not going to be the President. And now WE ARE GOING TO FIX EVERYTHING. The Supreme court hearing is just to decide if they are going to HEAR the voter fraud case. They refused to hear it when it was most important BEFORE THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN They are not going to do it now. By the way. Trump is more POPULAR then ever NOT more powerful When he walked away from the Presidency he handed the power over to the Deepstate. What happened to all the laptops that were “taken by the whitehats”? Shouldn’t that have ended them? What happened to ” They are being allowed to do all this to show the people”? You are no longer saying that either Ohhh so they are afraid of Citizens Trump. They stole the house, the senate and Were handed the Whitehouse on a silver platter and have the power of the Military but they are afraid of Trump swinging a Golf club on a golf course. Yes back when Trump said Biden “should be careful what he wished for regarding the 25th amendment” You implied it meant something else. I knew it meant Trump was plainly saying Biden was going to be removed and replaced with Harris. What you are doing is so wrong you have a large platform You should be advising people to join together rip off the masks. Refuse to comply stop pushing this false information Durham will be removed. They have all the power. NO ONE will be arrested TRUMP WALKED AWAY we need a plan B.
Even if Durham is allowed to remain in his position…. Lets say best case scenario, he comes out and says All these people need to be charged. WHO IS GOING TO ENFORCED THIS? It is a GLOBALIST JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. It will be swept under the rug. STOP LYING TO THE PEOPLE. IT IS OVER TRUMP QUIT AND WALKED AWAY. PERIOD…
What we were told Trump knew, and what he actually did know, are probably two very different things. The time to act was BEFORE handing over the levers of power to Joe Biden. A grassroots movement to restore the Republic is a noble aspiration, but if the various means of voter fraud used to usurp the 11/ 2020 and 01/2021 national and GA run-off elections are not dealt with, this kind of planning is meaningless.
LOL! Stick with that.
Why do Americans call a certain group ‘Social Justice Warriors’? These people do not believe in ‘Equal Justice for All’ and are certainly not sociable. They are also so cowardly that they don’t deserve to be called warriors. A better description would be ‘Sad Jealous Wimps’. They compare themselves to others and become sad because they are not as good as them. Then they become jealous of them and start behaving like wimps by complaining about them.
I think we should be careful of digital currency.
The militarization of DC is not out of fear. It’s a stage set to imply Trump Supporters are dangerous to further justify persecuting us and taking our guns. It doesn’t matter what Durham does. Any court that adjudicates will not convict. Anyway, I know enough to bring indictments. So, If he hasn’t, it’s because he isn’t gonna. He’s a place holder.
I’m not holding my breath.
He’ll most likely do absolutely nothing of substance.
Too late for the US military to act at this point, I think.
How can we be sure Durham is not a controlled opposition appointed by Bill Barr? Just killing the clock in allowing time for destroying evidence etc.
DAVE! I want to buy the “FAKE/PHONEY/FALSE!’ BLACK TEE WITH THE LARGE X22 LOGO ON THE BACK O>)-… Just sayin, love your stichick.
I’m waiting and watching to see when Kamala and Pedophile Joe get a few others together so they can play London Bridge is falling down.
Are we sure the fence is to protect them or is it being used as a prison because they are getting arrested either now or in near future?
(@14:15 – 14:20) You mention people making a “rational” decision, an “intelligent” decision. Fine, those address structure & process. But we do need CONTENT. We need the FACTS & EXPERIENCES (the raw stuff of conscious life) to process, to create our mental picture of our world & to inform our decisions & actions.
I love your daily presentations & listen to them regularly. Very much appreciated. They help us Patriots stay informed & sane, while the “world” is busy telling us “there are no facts, no evidence,” and WE are the insane. Thank you for your valuable contributions to the present and future.
Just found AMG News- Our beloved POTUS is Busy -Gitmo has 260 people he has them in Gitmo for the Coup. Traitor44 along with an Italian and they’re charged with Treason,Crimes Against Humanity. President Pretender Joey is either a look-a-like,Harris is awaiting her punishment see it for yourselves look on the menu for Politics and Boom, line by line you’ll see it is Shocking 😳🤔
Just found AMG News- Our beloved POTUS is Busy -Gitmo has 260 people he has them in Gitmo for the Coup. Traitor44 along with an Italian and they’re charged with Treason,Crimes Against Humanity. President Pretender Joey is either a look-a-like,Harris is awaiting her punishment see it for yourselves look on the menu for Politics and Boom, line by line you’ll see it is Shocking 😳🤔