Ep 2416a – What We Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The Old Economy & The Birth Of A New One
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
The establishment is now panicking, they need a way to figure out how to stop people from moving from one system to another. They will try everything and anything, watch for [FF] with cryptos. The people are now shifting, slowly but surely, what we are witnessing is the destruction of the old economic system and the birth of a new one.
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- ← President Trump Returns – The Best Is Yet To Come!
- Ep 2416b – It’s Time To Restart Everything, Patriots Only Go Public When They Want The Target To Know →
Everything has gone to hell in a hand basket – here’s powerless Civillian Trump people bragging about the wonders of COVID-19 INECTIONS wheereby people are being maimed and killed just going for a vaccination ( that isn’t a legal Vaccination) in effort to make themselves immune from a Covid-19 Virus and that isn’t what this injection provides they stll have to wear the face diapper after it is done and they are still jusrt as imprisoned tghey were before they got the damaging DNA Re-Writing vaccine that makes the bodies immune system fight against the body that it has been injected inside of!
Whar the hell good is Donald Trump – advocating for Culling Injections? You call that a hero!
Typos: Here now we have a powerless Civillian Trump who had all the power he needed who gave it up to render himself impotent left is job undone and left the Presidency!
Now he is bragging of what a good miracle job he did by obtaining injections for COVID-19 that has Maimed and killed thousands of people – in other words what he’s obtained is a Culling depopulation injection system – this is going to bring back Americans back to a normal life style? On top of that down the road the COVID-!9 Injestion starts the persons to attacking their total immune system inside their own body!
While they must still wear their Face Diaper Mask and still have the possibility of obtaining the COVID-19 Virus Vaccination or not what kind of worthless benefit is that? I’d rather take my chances with Covid – my odds of survival and keeping my sanity and control of my body is higher!
Do these Official believe people are stupid and that we are just going to take it? Give your God Dam head a shake and watch your back!
I mabe wrong but i don’t see anything for bitcoin but bad!…for my opinion!
Dear Dave,
It has become fun to find the mini marker line on your graph~ics 🙂
Love Peace and Respect
The Festival Spirit
March 15, 2021 is Lose the Mask Day world-wide.
Got to work with no mask. Challenge your employer to “go ahead and close up.”
But aren’t the criminals using BITCOIN for money laundering? Human trafficking??
Slow to open , Thailand GMT +8 hrs March 02/2021 …
There’s direct interference into this website , stop playing … , slow to open …..
Until bitcoin is backed with a solid commodity, it isno better than ANY OTHER FIAT CURRENCY.Until this happens I stay with my original assessment. THIS BITCOIN CRAZE IS BEING PUSHED AS A BACKDOOR BY THE GLOBALISTS FOR THEIR AGENDAE. Ask logical questions……WHY ARE BANKS AND CREDIT CARD COMPANIES FLOCKING TO BITCOIN IF IT SPELLS THEIR DEMISE. COMMON SENSE.
I always look forward to your reports Mon-Friday. They are every encouraging! Please never stop!
I only hope and pray that Trump will be back SOON
Dave,there is a HUGE problem with crypto currencies.They are electronic as is credit/debit cards.If and when the internet and cell systems go down,and they will go down because of who controls them,crypto currencies and credit/debit cards won’t work because no one will be able to access them.Kind of like what occurred with the central banks last week.That entire system went down for several hours,and the banks couldn’t make any transfers.If you are going to hold any kind of currencies,you want to hold physical precious metals and or U.S. mint coins and nothing fiat,(federal reserve notes) or electronic.You want to spend your spare fiat currency on what you can physically possess,precious metals and hang on to all of your spare change.The federal reserve note has lost almost all of it’s value.As a matter of fact, 95% copper pennies,early 1982 and older,are worth more in copper weight that the federal reserve $1 bill.My proof,moneymetals.com.Hold your cursor on ‘other’ and click on copper.$.10 face is an ounce of 95% copper and costs $.26.$1.50 face is 1 Lb.1 Lb. currently costs around $4.21.