Ep 2435a – A Major Move Has Just Been Made With The New Currency, Panic
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The [CB]/[DS] wanted to destroy the economies of the world with the lockdowns, Trump countered this with the vaccine, but many economies are hurt and the people are paying the price. A new study was release showing that Trump’s tax cuts worked, it allowed businesses to expand, wages increased. The Fed is now doing more than their mandate, congress should remove the Fed for breaking the mandate. Teslas will not accept Bitcoin but will not convert it into cash.
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- Ep 2435b – You Are Watching A Show, Moves & Countermoves, Establishment Panic →
The [CB]/[DS] wanted to destroy the economies of the world with the lockdowns, Trump countered this with the vaccine, but many economies are hurt and the people are paying the price. A new study was release showing that Trump’s tax cuts worked, it allowed businesses to expand, wages increased. The Fed is now doing more than their mandate, congress should remove the Fed for breaking the mandate. Teslas (((((((will not)))))))) accept Bitcoin but will not convert it into cash.
Hey Dave, I absolutely love your reports and make sure I listen every night. I truly believe the patriots are in full control. I have one question that I can’t seem to figure out yet.. Maybe you could answer it for me? So I totally get that the CB is doomed, and the fiat system is imploding. I understand how and why BC is taking over and going to keep climbing, as well gold and silver.. My question about this is what happens when the CB ceases to exist, and the fiat currency is obsolete? Let’s say for example Bitcoin is at 60k, meaning it takes 60k fiat to purchase 1 single bitcoin, and that’s where it is at when the value of the US dollar is down to zero. What happens at that point as far as the value of BC, or the ability to purchase it? What would we purchase it with? Would the value of BC continue to go up and down if there is no fiat to compare it to? What would determine the value of it? I could see that BC could end up our 1 and only form of currency, where that is what we work for to get paid in, and use to purchase goods, pay bills, and use in just every day life, but is there a limit on how much BC could ever be available? There will have to be A LOT of it produced/mined or whatever, to be able to support every citizen. Will.it be a world wide currency, or would there be a way to keep it for use within the 🇺🇸? I know it isn’t controlled by the Central Bank, but almost feel as if something or someone would have to control it. Those are my questions about this topic. Any input on this would be highly appreciated! Thank you so much for bringing us the X22report, and for keeping me informed on what is going on in today’s crazy world!
Hi Dave!
Your reports are great! I look forward to listening to them every evening. So thankful you are here to supply facts!!!
Actually you and others as well.
Fake news is on the way out.
Keep up the good work. Your a patriot Dave and proud to tell others about your reports.
Rex from Montoursville Pa
Messenger no longer allowing your video to be forewarned to anyone not even the person watching the video.
Do you ever answer questions that people have? Cause I’ve asked you a few.