Ep 2450b – The Plan Was Told To The People,Conspiracy No More, Checkmate
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The patriots told us the plan from the beginning. This is about exposing the [DS] system, showing it to the world. The Biden Administration will lose control, the invisible enemy will push their agenda and people will see that [JB] cannot control the situation, this is the perfect storm. The elite are now moving into their master plan of having everyone chipped. Conspiracy no more. Mike Pompeo tweets out a chess board and says checkmate.
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- ← Ep 2450a – [CB] Is Now Self Destructing, Message Received
Utah lifted mask mandate 4/10 now only 80% of Utah wearing mask man what an awakening
Hello Dave I appreciate what you do if you weren’t around for the past few years I would have sunk into oblivion thank you
Funding these illegal immigrants to stay in this country with taxpayer money at the same time lockdowns have put people out of work and shut down small businesses is so wrong in so many ways. This is to destroy the US economy. There is no reason for any of this massive invasion. None.
the fences and razor wire is in place…lock the gates..start the TRIBUNALS…and hang them publically..
Oh my god I am at the precipice. I have been for a long time . I was a Q follower from the beginning . I knew Obama was a traitor and a Manchurian puppet . And Hillary was evil . Now if pritzker would get arrested life would be tolerable till potus comes back . I love x22 and never miss an episode You kept me sane in November . I told so many about x22 and they love it to … thank you
I’ve always maintained that Trump, or those around him, switched off HRC’s cheat mode. He could have done the same with Joe, but as Dave has eloquently stated often, it was necessary to wake the peeps up by letting Joe win, and the peeps can see for themselves the corruption endemic in the system..
A risky strategy sure, but perhaps this was the only way…
Biden should be ashamed of himself but of course he doesn’t care. TRUMP is our elected President. He can’t wait forever to take over as our legitimate President. Biden will destroy our country. We need TRUMP back now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but Dave you know its only the states with a Democratic governor that won’t open up……Wake up people
Thanks Dave…
Important read if you are against the Covid vaccines. It’s a detailed compilation of all that has been and is continuing to go on.
trump encouraged the deep state dem o rats to implement the 16 year plan to destroy the U.S., by walking away from the ELECTION STEAL. The true enemy is the one that turned COWARDLY, and walked away to play golf, after telling his supporters for years of the treasonous seditious criminal traitors,…with no evidence produced, and no indictments, no arrests , no military tribunals, no jailing in Gitmo,….the people now know WHO THE INVISIBLE ENEMY IS, and who could be trusted. There is no check mate, its BULLSHIT, there is no plan to expose the INVISIBLE ENEMY, its BULLSHIT, the Patriots have no plan, its BULLSHIT.
NOBODY IS GOING TO TRUST trump or his endorsements, after the lies he has told.
Hello Dave, The link sent to our email isn’t working.
We also can not allow Ashkenazi jews to come into the country, as they are not jews and they are the agents of the Khazarian Mafia.
Top 100 company CEOs (Delta, Coke, MLB, PGA) not 100 CEOs.
Personally, I think they are slipping the microchips into the vaccines. I have not got the vaccine nor do I intend to get the vaccine. My 34 year-old granddaughter almost stroked out after receiving the vaccine. Her job as postal carrier required her to get it.
Trump was trying to wake the people so we will fight for our freedom.
Another great show Dave. I just wanted to to share with you something I find interesting. A couple years back I came across a video of then Judge Roberts durring his confirmation hearing to the Supreme court. Then Senator Biden asked him if you are confirmed to this post you will be forced to look at controversial subjects and make rulings on them such as health care and brain scans.
Now we know the outcome of health care, but what about brain scans? Now you must be mentally fit to own a gun? I already see the direction this is going. It is the same direction as when Obama was in office as his administration was trying to make the same link. Watch and wait as they will claim that they can detect through some kind of brain scanning weather or not you are fit for ownership of a gun.
Just a thought to ponder, perhaps I will try and dig up a link to that video so you can see it.
Thanks again Dave, keep up the good work my friend.
The reports are getting monotonous. Same mantra every day. Frankly, I don’t think ANYTHING is going to happen to fix the US. The country as we knew it is done.
x 22, all you do is keep saying the deep state is “being exposed” the people are “waking up”!! WAKING UP TO WHAT? What in the good does it do if we we all know whast is going on BUT WE DO NOTHING TO STOP NOT! WHEN are we EVERY going to do ANYTHING to fight back? In all these months, you HAVE NOT GIVEN US ONE EXAMPLE of how the “patriots”are in control! NOT ONE! Oh sure these people are “out in the open”! They are NOW “out in the OPEN” becauce THEY HAVE ALL THE POWER AND CONTROL!! The deep state and the democrats DON”T HAVE TO HIDE, they DON”T NEED the peoples approval, BECAUCE THEY ARE IN CONTROL! They count the VOTES! THEY DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT RELECTION! Like sheep we just follow them to the slaughterhouse! THE ONLY way out is WAR! Just like in 1775!
Dave, is there any kind of a topical index for the screen shots for your X22 programs. Most times, I view the videos while having a meal and can’t get the reference points noted as I eat, work, etc? Thanks for for your info.
I believe we were at the precipice on election day. We’re somewhere completely different now.
People are really tired of
all the stupid crap being
Told to them not knowing what’s true or not ! We want to see
Arrests !
The problem I have with this theory is that the vaccines are a massive health disaster that is harming and killing tens of thousands of frightened sheep and the longer term consequences will be disastrous! How will President Trump not be held accountable for that? It gets worse by the hour with no end in sight.
Can you use a host video player with a progress bar that let’s me skip forward? On Android it only has pause. The video always starts at the beginning when I turn off the phone.
I am concerned you are not relaying the negative reports on the so called vaccine. I have seen numerous ones, but the one tonight is from someone with a lot of credentials, a doctor FOR vaccines, from Germany a Geert ? but he is pointing out that these antibodies they are putting in their system is shutting down the antibodies from their natural immune system and these new ones can only deal with one form of COVID, anything else, it cannot/will not attack an invader and it prevents your natural ones from doing so. He made it sound very scary and serious. This is global and with so many people getting it, we are in trouble. I believe many “elites” who say they have had the shot are doing “fake” shots. I love Trump but am upset with him over his stance with the vaccine. Yes, he says it is your choice but he tried to rush it and I think that was wrong.
Sorry about a previous comment. I was basing it on prior reports where I had not noticed the “vaccine” being called out for the negative aspects of it. I had not listened to all of this report but had just watched a very upsetting one about COVID. I see later in the body of this report, he does go after the vaccine in a negative way. I pray they are wrong about what this vaccine (medical treatment) will do to people as far as eliminating their natural immune system. We already ingest so many things that damage us or cause many of our diseases. They will no longer let me post X22 on FB. I stayed on FB, hoping those programmed by the left would see something to wake them up, but now they appear to be blocking everything, so there is no point of staying, other than the groups I use. At 72, I never thought I would see this day.
Hungry for seditious and treasonous persons to our country to be arrested and jailed. Martha Stewart did basically nothing and went to prison. We the people want much much stronger punishment. They execute treasonous people don’t they ?