Ep 2458b – Hidden Messages In A Picture, Think Andrew Jackson, We Have More Than We Know
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Trump and the patriots created a plan to remove the swamp. The plan was telegraphed in many ways, but the most obvious was the portrait of Andrew Jackson. We the people were warned about the plan, the reason for this is so we the people can push back on it. The [DS] is panicking, their plan is out in the open and everyone can now see it. The push of racism is no long working, the majority sees through all of this. We always had more than we know.
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- Ep 2458a – Conspiracy No More, The New Economic System Will Go Viral →
Hi Dave
Thanks for everything you do.
Yesterdays Pol geo was awesome, best episode yet.
on todays episode I would like to give you some feedback especially about the offloading of responsibility they want of corporations.
It is really interesting how if the political establishment is opposed to election FAIRNESS but wants alien involvement, and yet says they are working for ALL Americans. Are these cCompanies that are boycotting Georgia short-sighted, or just imbeciles, … my wife is a corp exec. or was with title “people and culture” and she was researching a term the other day called Cultural Competence for a job interview. I thought this was a little wacky because people are people and culture is an evolutionary process from stability to new stability. How can you not have a clue about your new stability (socially, culturally, and economically) without some understanding of people and tradition. Government is a hierarchal idea of our historical generations, but how far back and from what cultures and what cultures have been wiped out and what cultures are currently trying to be wiped out.
What should we hold onto.
yes the Magna Carta was a step.
yes the printing press and literacy was a step.
then came book burning because people had more capacity to understand and think and the grip of dominion over others became threatened.
(it) has been overcome several times in recent history
but is shaming working
is segregating violent perpetrators working in a time of MEME warfare.
Is emotion and chaos bad or is the push to create emotional extremes and Chaos via blaming a nefarious INTENT.
Can we recover our sovereignty as individuals or have many never even understood what that means because they have to belong or they have to be liked or they have to part of the special people or is the real estate of the flat screen and what shows up on it and who controls what can show up on it a fundamental component of the MEME war.
In episode 2458b you said one fact wrong. Shortly after the break in the middle of you broadcast you stated that Obama was president for 16 years. He was only president for 8 years. This was really not that important but I know you want to be accurate with all your facts. I understand you just misspoke. Have a great evening.
One thing I wanted to ADD
Sounds like the Left is writing a Narrative and hiding the PLOT
whose life are they playing with ????
I would like to know the PLOT at least … this is not a novel but will be our future!
Dave says the same phrases EVERY SHOW. If he doesn’t have any info that day, why does he put out a show? Btw, he says “We were told this” a MILLION TIMES. It’s annoying, because we were not told “this”. He needs to stop.
Don’t forget to mention you were right there with all of us misinterpreting the timeline thinking stuff would happen prior to 20 Jan. It’s ok, it’s better this way, but you did play a bit of a pied piper role. God help you if you’re psyop to keep patriots at bay while the DS catches up. I don’t think that but the fact remains nobody has seen your face, therefore you’re not out there like praying medic and Zack. God bless you.
Very concerned about the shedding effects of the vaccine. Am in Functional medicine and hearing first hand reports of serious women’s reproductive issues who have not been jabbed but are around those who have. Miscarriages up over 300 percent. They are a public health risk and quite frankly need to be quar. The fear is they are shedding prions which is what is shed with Kuru or mad cow disease and highly contagious.
I just want to say thank you for your reasonable opinions about COVID and the vaccines. I can barely listen to most “citizen journalists” anymore because they have dived off the deep end into vaccine fear-port hysteria. It’s not ok for anti-vaxxers to spread unscientific unsubstantiated fear-based propaganda any more than it is ok for pro-vaxxers.
video does not play
Dave what do you know about Cabal feeds humans to aliens ? This came out today title is called DARK OUT POST 4-21-21, on bitchue.com
Um, the fact that people believed that the Nazis would eventually be defeated was little comfort to the people in Auschwitz. We all get your point. It just doesn’t help. And the numbers of “the American people” aren’t nearly as important as the people in control. There were only 22,000 SS soldiers. and you are mistaken about Trump. He thinks he’s in a business deal when he’s in a war. The rules are different on a war. He doesn’t have the stomach for it. And they are maki g huge gains. They are working in Costco, the post office, our schools, hospitals. They control everything. I don’t know what country you live in. But I’m the country I live in, the degradation has happened so fast that Trump is not going to be able to fix anything g three years from now. He may not even be alive. I believe they will kill him. But not before they set up a situation where we demand martial law and they suspend habeus corpus. Then it’s over. Define the police means our streets will beg for rescue. And that rescue comes with the suspension of have us corpus. Patriots? Whoever they are they have done a piss poor job of maintaining power over anything. Amd Cuomo is expendable. The investigations are not necessarily going to result in any accountability, or have you missed all those investigations over the last five years?!
Hi Dave I have a question what do u know about this clip Dark Out Post 4-31-21, Cabal Feeds Humans To Aliens on bitchure.com
I don’t know how much longer Americans can hold on. If they riot, I figure armed citizens will say enough is enough, and shoot a bunch of them. This will start the war the DS wants. Many vets now feel the military is letting us all down. The crimes the corrupt politicians have committed against this nation are more than enough for them to step in. Yet they don’t! The people have lost their voice and it’s going to take some effort to get it back. Do something! We have no real power, just desperation!
After all the BULLSHIT that has been feed the trump followers,…from trump and Q,…and nothing has coming out of what we were led to believe,…being told ,…its our fault that we are disappointed, because we got our expectations up to high,…trump ABANDONING HIS SUPPORTERS,….now we are compared to impatient CHILDREN.
Went to Costco yesterday for hearing aids. I did not wear a mask. The tech and I were in the little room. No one else. The shade on door was pulled up half way. The tech asked me to please put my mask on. I said I have been vaccinated and he said he had been too. He said he was already been in trouble with the store orbit enforcing people to wear masks. He said they have people in the store that walk around looking under the shade to see if he is making us wear masks. I told him I was upset and maybe I did not want to spend my money where they were trying to control me and I walked out. That’s what people need to do. I am 70 year old woman. Stand up folks!!!!!!!!!
Dave the shot heard around the world is “the shot” – the vaccine! It is the galvanising red pill for all the world to SEE for themselves and be brought to the precipice.
Yes, the whole NWO-Agenda is about getting rid of the white race. More precisely: The nobodys from the godless “elite” feel threatened by the superiority of european christianity and it´s cultural achievements.
What comes to the US now, is war of fascistic mediocrity on people with exorbitant skills and knowledges. In Europe, at least in central Europe, the spirit of competition for example in fine arts or writing has almost been wiped out. Democracy is equal to mediocrity, because politicians and media want it that way. Because american models like the”selfmade millionaire” inspired many austrians or germans, media and politicians and governments wantetd control over the inspirations of the people. Peoples intentions to be superior by virtuosity has been suppressed systematically in order to gain the mediocrite population the EU wants.
Michigan residents should impeach Whitmer and not waste time trying to repeal her laws which are against the public. Get her out of office she is evil and working to imprison all people and destroy America.
this shit is getting old! anyone still believe this crap! SHEEEP much!
Great work, Dave!
Hi Dave. Thank you so much for all you do. On the episode 2458b Hidden Messages In A Picture you read an article at the end of the elctions of John Qouincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. I would like to print that article for my husbands history class. My husband teaches high school history. I hope this finds you well Dave. Be well and stay healthy.
Belen Vidrio
If the Kenyan had been President for 16 years we’d be like North Korea.
X22 Report, Episode 2458b
I could not find any German Nazi flag that resembles the one shown for comparison to the anti-fascist flag. Maybe I misunderstood?
Just found it using your exact description 1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist party…regards.👍🏻
Fascinated by this… Don’t know whether to be happy.. proud.. or troubled by it all.. very. Very worried.
Obama was only in office 8 years. Not 16.