Ep 2464b – [DS] Panic In Arizona, How Do You Inject Evidence Legally? Sting Of The Century
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ย The [DS] is panicking over Arizona, they are now moving to the next phase to stop the information from getting out. The AG in NY raided RG apartment over Ukraine. How do you inject evidence legally. “This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government.” This will be the sting of the century.
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- ← Ep 2464a – The [CB] Panics Over Inflation, [JB] Introduces Economic Indoctrination Plan
- NEW Maricopa Audit Judge’s MASSIVE Conflict of Interest Discovered →
Tonightโs episode does not load. It says โencoding โ and never plays.
dave, remember when trump said “you wont see me for a while” he was telling us then as well.
Thank You , Dave! I loved seeing that Trump video again. It was perfect then and seems to be even more perfect now! We do need him back. MAGA rallys starting again so that is a great sign of things to come.
Keep up the great work! WWG1WGA
Tulane has always been infested with CIA operatives. I first become aware of their involvement with covert LSD research in 1971
After this is over , round all the DEMS — put them in front of a
Military Tribunal and ” erase ” them from the surface of this
EARTH …. Let’s advance to the 5D World …..
Enough of the Deep State and their Satanic system …..
Hello, Dave! First, thank you for your immense service to all of us – keeping us informed. Have just a comment – in particular – regarding today’s Report – Episode 2464b. I’m 85 year old widow — have to use a rollator indoor and outdoor due to osteoarthritis in hips. I was a Conservative activist when younger — standing on street corners waving signs, etc. Feet still firmly implanted in the Constitution. Sadly, I live in Blue Washington State. Also former RN — who figured out Fauci was a political fraud by March 2020. However, I do have a plastic mask — that is see-through — and leaves LOTS of room so I can breathe O2. OK — I do wear the mask in my bank, where I get my car oil changes, nails/pedi, MD office etc. THE REASON — though I’m SO well aware they are absolutely useless is that our corrupt Governor (who ran for President, as you know, but less than 1% of his own party was in favor of it – so he came back and re-ran for Governor!) has ‘mask police’ who spy on the small businesses — and they will remove their licenses if they find any client without a mask. That is blackmail. Puts a heavy burden on We The People. It doesn’t matter that what the Governor has mandated — all of which are in violation of State and Federal Constitutions — are NONSENSE — only a means of enslaving the people. This side of the state is very Left leaning — so – a SINGLE old lady taking her mask off at this point — is difficult. It would be better to have a GROUP of 20-30 just DO it one day — as some communities have done. I don’t want a small business owner to be fined or have their license taken because JUST ME took it off. On all the ‘underground’ news sources I have — they talk about the Governors in Wisconsin, Georgia — OTHER Blue States — but NO ONE EVER helps us to shame THIS Governor in Washington State. We are being stifled. It broke my heart to see the people of Ontario – with their flag upside down — flashing SOS over the US/Canadian border! We can’t help them! WE KNOW HOW THEY FEEL!! Just mentioning it. I AM ready to get rid of of all of this — but it isn’t as EASY as just taking off the mask. Our Governor has already seen the demise of over – was it thousands of small business in 2020? Those now are frightened and are trying so hard to be allowed to stay open to make a living now. Thank you for reading this. People WILL, hopefully, wake up quickly and it will be easier to do what is expected of us by our great POTUS Mr. Trump.
I really enjoy your report
Wow Dave! Great report as always!!! Thank you! ๐
You Tube gave me a 3rd strike and deleted my channel completely. Oh gee, 150 subscribers! I’m a threat! LOL … but it does make me sad as I’ve had that channel since 2011 with many meaningful videos, not all political but of my dogs and favorite places and poetry…all gone. Poof! Like I never existed.
But we will prevail!! And Trump’s speech that you played will go down in history as one of the most important speeches in our history. God bless. And God bless America!
It’s going to be very difficult for Hunter Biden to teach any class this fall, since he was arrested a long time ago. He faced a military tribunal and he was executed. The real Joe Biden was arrested and executed as well. It will also be difficult for Adam Schiff to release a book, since he was also arrested and executed by a military tribunal! Go to AMG-NEWS.com List of indictments, arrests and executions. Military tribunals have been going on for well over three years. GITMO is overflowing. The swamp is being drained. The Patriots are restoring our Constitutional Republic.
In God we trust.
Again you bring a common sense brief on the Status of our threat from DS and how they are panicking.
I am thinking of trying the multi collagen Dave.
At the end of 2464b was Trump’s video, but I’ve never seen this particular version. Do you have this version available for download?
Those students should get up and walk out on Hunter Biden master criminal. He is fake
I thought it interesting in Arizona the dems Lawyers tried to use a Liberal Judge to stop the Forensic Audit in Arizona, and it did not work. What are the DS democrats afraid off
whatever evidence they find at Rudy’s like hunter biden crap and what night will come to light now. I believe ghis was a white hat operation to bring stuff to light.
Well done – save that ending Trump speech; will be the new beginnings trumpet.. its gonna be historical only after many biggees go to prison for treason and sedition.
Too much rot in congress, judiciary, Feds, DOJ etc etc..an abhorrent disgrace to the founding fathers values. Bugle call to spiritual arms… its truly frightening…thank god we are not in this stasi country USA.
Good work Dave!
Here’s a little something for you. Please pass it on.
The speech by President Trump was the most powerful speech ever given…
Yes he did tell us all..did everyone listen and understand ??..Maybe some did…
I love this President and will STAND AND REPRESENT his rights and the movement of We The People…
God bless President Trump and God bless America…
Great show tonight, Dave. Thanks for that last clip with President Trump. It reminded me of how much I miss him.
Dave, it is absolutely patriotic to buy Gold, Silver, and platinum. No country in the world will refuse goods paid for in precious metals. As a patriot it is our duty to stack this commodity. If we have to throw down with the illigetament fed. 80 million people collectively contributing our silver and gold can buy our FREEDOM by force if necessary. Just a thought
So lets say that all these criminals DO get away with their agenda. Filling their pockets with all OUR hard-earned cash.
We turn to the Holy Scriptures that DESCRIBES the demise of such as these. Just Revelation 6 :16-17 should be enough to make them shudder.
Thank you Dave for your tireless reporting. A day is coming when we will all REJOICE together with the KING of Kings. HALLELUJAH!
What an ending of your program!!! Thank You so very mch from the bottom of myself and my Family and all other true Patriots.
I will never forget the sight of that wonderful black woman in NYC, down on her hands and knees, splashing black paint over the BLM sign on the street, and as she rubbed her paint over the letters of that org., she kept on repeating, “RE-FUND THE POLICE!” It broke my heart to see her go through that, and I wished with all my heart that I could have been there with her, blotting out those letters on that street with her! The very idea of defunding our police depts. across the country struck me as the most inane and insane idea anyone has ever had–I just didn’t think forward enough to the fact of federalizing the police, ala the German Gestapo of WW II! These people on the left would act totally outraged at one of us referring to them as being no better than Hitler’s thugs, yet that’s just an act on their part because they do know who and what they really are, they just don’t want us to openly know that about them. Thank you so much. I try never to miss one of your broadcasts!
Speakers’ fees is a HUGE $$$ flow…$250,000 Billary
What about al gore? It might seem like a dumb question but wasnโt he the one that started all this go green? It seems like the people that have the most influence names disappear and are forgotten… kind of like Edward Barney … anyways, for those of you truth hunters out there just look into Wikipedia… there are a lot of gateways and keywords that open the door to a lot more then what x22 reports on… brace yourself if you go down that rabbit hole and donโt eat anything cause it will come back up if you know what your doing
Hi Dave,
Thank you for another informative video. I listen daily.
I came across this video from Epoch Times TV today. Would you mind taking a listen and perhaps commenting on it. Are we in the midst of a socialist revolution?
Thanks again!
you believe Russia was given secrets to enable them to disable the Aegis electronic warfare system that is deployed across NATO?…I am sure Russia can use espionage to uncover secret tech…in any event even America acknowledges the Russians are years ahead in their electronic warfare capabilities. I do not agree Russians were sold the secret to Aegis system, were is the evidence that happened? Conjecture is not evidence.
I hope John Kerry gets arrested soon. I am so tired of the corrupt politicians. They’re agenda is becoming obvious to the people they’re supposed to serve. They’re a crooked, deliberately evil bunch of infiltrators paid to enslave and cull the population.
I pray that all of the details of this corruption is written for all generations to come. AND TAUGHT IN OUR SCHOOLS!
i was there when this bs virus began….
Is Q+ an issue ๐ค ๐ ๐ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ , afraid it is …
Why haven’t you told the people to read rockefellers ” operation lockstep” written 10 years ago.
This is the blueprint the liberals are follwing.step by step. SHOCKING
Tears in my eyes with the end of the podcast, joy in my heart! WWG1WGA! Thanks Dave!
Can you please remove that picture of the Ghislain ?? Seeing her gives me the creepies
Where can I find the President Trump speech online that you shared in Episode 2464b outlining his plan for America?
Thank you,
Conspiracy means two or more organisms working together for some, often nefarious, goal.
A conspiracy does not change into a non-conspiracy unless it is NOT TRUE that
two or more organisms working together for some, often nefarious, goal.
Why the failure, dave?
Dave, stop the self humiliation, and learn the definition of a conspiracy theory, little fella.
Conspiracy: two or more organisms working together for some, often nefarious, goal.
Conspiracy Theory: a theory in which two or more organisms work together for some, often nefarious, goal.
It appears you don’t understand what a conspiracy theory actually is.
A conspiracy theory is a theory that involves a conspiracy.
A conspiracy is when two or more organisms (the ‘conspirators’) work together for some goal.
Conspiracy, collaboration, collusion, cooperation.
That’s it.
Conspiracy theory does not mean ridiculous theory (a theory that is ridiculous) or false theory (a theory that is false).
A conspiracy theory may be good theory, offering value.
A conspiracy theory may be bad theory, offering no value.
So what is it that makes it a conspiracy?
The relevant question to ask is, are there two or more people involved?
If yes, then it’s a conspiracy, collaboration, collusion, cooperation.
If not, then it is not a conspiracy.
A baseball team conspires to beat their opponent.
The “official US government story” about 911 is a conspiracy theory; there were more than one hijacker involved.
Don’t conspire with other idiots to keep the status quo.
Instead, conspire with intellectuals to change the world to be a better place to live.
Conspiracy, collaboration, collusion, cooperation.
All REQUIRE 2 or more people.
If you think a theory is a conspiracy theory, ASK YOURSELF, “WHO ARE THE CONSPIRATORS?”!!!
The term, conspiracy theory was weaponized by the CIA in the mid 1960’s during Operation Mockingbird, in which agents infiltrated corporate mainstream news outlets.
This sewage was then spewed on a public lacking the cognitive abilities required to vet information.
Dave, you sound like an uneducated fool when you misuse the term, conspiracy.
I and others cannot listen to your dribble on banking, since you CLEARLY don’t understand the money creation process.
Don’t force us to stop listening to all of your stuff. Some of it is valuable.
What happened to trust the plan?
Now you expect people to do something!!
Any one you can find the link for the Trump spech in the episode EP 2464b ??