Ep 2468b – Election Fraud Will Be Known As The “BIG LIE”, We Caught Them All, We Have It All
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The people around the country are waking up and they are pushing back against the [DS] agenda. More and more will rise up because they hear the calling. The [DS] is pushing everything they have to stop the audit, they have planes flying overhead, they have carnivals setting up next to the audit they have people sneaking in, nothing will stop this. Trump issues a statement that election fraud will be the biggest lie ever told. The patriots are now on the offensive, pushing the [DS] to expose it all and when they do its game over.
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Where’s Hillary? Where’s Comey, Podesta, Brennan, Clapper et al . Rumors abound. “Inquiring minds want to know”
I absolutely LOVE these daily reports. I never miss any! Thank you for providing us with such news!
Monkey Werx was the patriot who first logged the flight pattern over the election audit location. Someone stole his work. Gateway must have got it from the thief.
Look, if we have it all what are we still waiting for? Do we have to have thousands killed by the terrorists coming over the border, or ethnic cleansing from the terrorists in the new administration. Maybe we’re waiting for mandatory vaccination so we can kill folks that way.
Please understand, I’m not angry or aiming this at you. I genuinely want to know, what are we waiting for. A lot of people I talk to are giving up. Both of my Sisters’ who were on board with this plan have decided it’s a bunch of B.S. and don’t even want to talk to me anymore. To them it’s now just another conspiracy theory. I’m getting pissed myself, but it’s not at the deep state. This seems a lot like slow torture and mind control from what I thought was my side of the fight. What can they accomplish by breaking the people who trusted and backed them up? I’m physically and mentally exhausted from all this. I have stood and prayed for this country since 9/11 and for Trump since 2015. All I can say is enough already!
Thank you Dave. I look forward to you nightly Sunday thru Friday. Connecticut being a blue state many people are afraid to go against the DS. As a Republican I am not afraid to speak up even though or maybe it is because I am an 84 y.o. At my age I tell it like I see it. Your show plus other conservative programs and I also read the Epoch Times gives me the info I need to debate with Dems and others who disagree.
Keep up the great work you do.
Osama bin Laden acutally died in 2001 from kidney failure. This was reported by Dr. Steve Pecienik,
Dr. Stan Monteith from Radio Liberty, and many others. He was not captured by the Navy Seals. Even
the Pakistani Intelligence Chief came forward and said the “capture” of bin Laden was a fraud.
Lord have mercy,
Facebook is censoring me at times, my comments disappear and it won’t let me share.
Thank you Dave for you accurate reporting on our countries voting fraud, only listen

to you a few other underground news media’s. I believe this will be our new source of media coverage, may God bless you and yours continued success for our Truth
I’m 70. I am pissed off. I remember my oath from all those years ago. It’s too bad those fat assed, do little generals can’t remember thiers. To me the oath to the constitution is not negotiable! There will be blood and anyone who says they can fight back and win, without shedding blood is full of shit! I saw two little girls cheer at the sight of an old man being kicked and punched at the hands of a mob. He deserved it because he was wearing a maga hat! He must have been a racist! If some one can convince me that their minds can be changed is welcome to try.
Rumble is the platform you have to constantly babysit. Stops and needs restarted. BS platform.
Any doubts about the 2020 election? Go check out Mike Lindell’s videos on election fraud.
Surely the Deep state didn’t think they could get away with this fraud?
Maybe they did…
Trump was winning by so much that the DS had to go to ludicrous and comical lengths to get Joe in. They had no choice, and really hung themselves out to dry….
Dave, its kinda funny that you champion the scientific method over scientism when it pertains to covid , but you revert right back to scientism when it comes to cosmology, re: the shape of the world you live on. Earth is flat, the scientific method proves it a thousand times over.
your vidio’s will not play. I am still on windows 7 but other shows like Stroppy Me and Dr. Charlie Ward play.
I’m still checking in for ‘some’ of your reports, but am drifting away. They contain some useful information, but then you reference ‘two year old’ Q posts that ‘easily’ can be ‘cherry picked’. ….. Easy to do with 20/20 hindsight. ….. Who cares what he said two or three years ago? ….. Not me.
IMO, dig into the pertinent information and ‘drop’ the ancient ‘Q posts’, as well as the cheerleading.
Does anyone else feel like we’re being led with that carrot in front of us?
As I’m sure most can feel that something’s got to give… but then we are told of what seems like a slower transition.
I understand that unforseen things happen, but I feel like its never going to end.
China teying to take over the world internet , they can eat poop and die !!
Don’t know if you have seen this, thought you might be interested in adding to an upcoming X22…
The New York Times
Pfizer Will Seek Approval to Give Covid Vaccine to Children
Emily Anthes 2 hrs ago
Like the x22 report