Ep 2475b – [DS] Corrupt House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down,No Deals,No Place To Hide,Rain Coming,Pain
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The [DS] is continually pushing the big lie, they are panicking that the American people will see the truth. What we are witnessing is the show, the patriots wanted to the people to see what type of world the [DS] has planned, the people are rejecting their world. The [DS] house of cards is tumbling down, the people are seeing more and more each and every day, rain is coming, pain is coming. The [DS] will have no place to hide. Enjoy the show.
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- ← Ep 2475a – The [CB] Is Showing The World Their Agenda, More People Begin The Transition
- Ep 2476a – Patriots Outsmarted The [CB], Inflation, Tariffs, Boom →
Dave, your program is AWESOME. I’ve had a LOT of trouble listening lately. Stop, start, you’re blocked… blah, blah, blah. MANY patriots are listening and THINKING. Keep up your great work sir!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 You are on their radar. Godspeed
desantis of florida says he will stop unemployment ins early. huh? we are applying for jobs 24/7 and they are still closed up. restaurants and hotels., tourist stuff…shut down , bankrupted or take out only. destantis you shut us down. we didnt do it. you did it. south dakota governor didnt shut down anything in her state. but…you did. why? you put us out of work for a joke flu that has a 99.98% recovery rate brought to us by the deep state…the seasonal political flu i call it. dont cut off our only support UI until there are jobs for us. or do you want us to lose our homes and live under the bridge and put up tents like in california? wake up desantis. or we will not vote for you. dont be stupid. stop blaming us for what you did to us
Where’s Ep 2475b on pay site
Popcorn ready feet up, I’m gonna enjoy the show, its come a long way since 4chan wtg patriots wwg1wga
Awesome commentary! My eyes are open and very hopeful.
If the AZ election officials claim they did/do not have the admin passwords to the voting systems, and assert that the developer had control of the production environment of the system during the tabulation of the election results, ask any public accounting firm who performs SOX audits on their clients whether they consider “developer access to production” to be a control deficiency. Bingo.
The children are being trafficked. Many of the children have been trafficked to corrupt politicians in
Washington, DC. Important report today on the site Dark Outpost – Home. This is David Zublick’s site.
The report is on James Comey, who has been arrested and is at GITMO.
The swamp is being drained. In God we trust.
Disney is overrun with pedophiles. Lord have mercy.
I am very happy that The Deep State is being exposed. I am happy that the election fraud is coming out, that the “WOKE” corporations and organizations are being uncovered, and that the world is waking up to the evil actions and plans of the Deep State players. But, right now, my big concern is for the children who are being forced, through various means, to take these dangerous, nefarious experimental MRNA vaccines! What are the long term ramifications of this?! From what I have seen and read, once you have the vaccine, there is no “undoing” it. Today, an Epoch Times article reported that thousands of college students are being forced to get the vaccine in order to attend their schools. I am terrified that my daughter, who insisted on getting the vaccine herself (and refused to look at any information I tried to provide to her about the dangers of the vaccines), will have my six year old grand-daughter get the vaccine when they get down to that age bracket! Are the White Hats going to allow this evil plan to continue while they wait for the agonizingly slow process of the exposure of election fraud to play out! I hope and pray that is not the case!!!
Also heard that Netflix cancelled 3 programs that were questionable because people cancelling Netflix.
Hang Fauci right where Hillary was hanged.
Most of what you mentioned are very true. however I would NOT place any trust in Mike the I lie, I cheat, and I steal Pimpeo, since he cost Trump the 2020 Presidential Election, and helped Sleepy Joe Buyden become the 46th President on January 20, 2021. Now you will have to deal with Buyden until at least 2024 because of the damages Pimpeo’d done to Trump’s Presidency. It is what it is, and also the Saudi’s are quietly funding HAMA’s in the Gaza Strip, while the Iranians are funding Hezbollah as well. It always takes two to tangle. THIW’s.
Please learn the definition of the words conspiracy versus conspiracy theory. Do you use the word conspiracy as if it were interchangeable with the word hoax. Many conspiracies are real and are not a hoax. When you’re not certain if there was a conspiracy what do you think there might of been and you have an educated guess as to what might’ve happened, that would be a conspiracy theory. Sometimes a conspiracy theory is proven to be true sometimes it’s proven to be false. Please stop using the word conspiracy as if it were synonymous with the word hoax.
I only look at the news posted here! I am thankful for your website! I see things being exposed and people are waking up but unless these crazy people are held accountable it doesn’t seem like we have a chance?? Thank you!
Thanks Dave, you are always a breath of fresh air and wisdom in these mixed up times.
Biden is dire….of that there can be no doubt….however, this was entirely predictable months ago, it was always a given. Patriots need to somehow form a bridge with dems who have been deceived, in order to welcome them back to truth and light, without ridicule or judgement. As unpalatable as that may seem to some, it is only so as a result of the hatred that has been carefully cultured by the D.S. Therefore, if you have and exhibit hatred towards Dems, particularly those who may be awakening, then you give the D.S what they desire It is fundamentally imperative that this harmony is achieved. There is only one way out of this shitstorm for humanity, that is, Let us all Unite https://rumble.com/vfqlrl-paradigm-shift-requiem-1-let-us-all-unite.html
So it was the Patriot’s plan to allow the Dems to utterly demolish the US in 100 days? Great plan. And Trump has accounted for EVERYTHING? I assert this because when ANYTHING happens, it’s all a part of the plan. Bullshit. Before the election, you said the Patriots were going to expose the corrupt politicians and Trump was going to win. YOU WERE WRONG/LYING. Then, when Trump lost, it was all a part of the plan. Which is it? It can’t be both. 30,000 sealed indictments; whatever happened to those? Oh yeah, nothing. You say, “I do believe”, a lot. You know what that statement indicates? Those are your feelings, not facts. You don’t deal in facts. “This is just the beginning”. Really? Its always, “just the beginning”. It’s NEVER HERE. Guess what? EVERYTHING CAN’T ALWAYS BE JUST THE BEGINNING, you giant bullshitter. You deal in feelings and suppositions. You’ve never been correct in your statements/predictions EVER. Nothing has EVER happened that you said would happen. You just say to wait and it will happen on the patriot’s timeline. That’s a copout so you can never be wrong. “Hey, Dave, nothings happening”. “Just wait! It will happen eventually, this is just the beginning!” Either you’re galactically stupid or an enormous liar. Why should anyone believe you?
I am holding my breath. The John Birch has been spot on reporting the destruction of this nation by those mentioned since I first used them as an information source starting in 1970. this is prophesy coming to be. It will never stop because we will not stop it.
the politician and unionized government employee crime gang is running wild.
I received this from a good friend and I am very impressed with your information
I am A staunch Trump supporter I was there at the insurrection is they call it Thank you and God Blessings to you