Ep 2483b – Patriots Ready To Drop The Nuclear Bomb Of Information, Boom, Trump Confirms Next Move
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The patriots are pushing forward their plan to expose the [DS] system to the world. The fake news is doing everything they can to spin the information, but the nuclear bomb of information is about to be dropped. A judge in Georgia has now ordered the examination of a ballots, the pattern is being revealed to the American people. Trump confirms the way forward.
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Why did you not show the video of the police removeing the barriers?
Thank you Dave……..love your info….always have …keep up the good work…..the world needs more like you……thank you again from the bottom of my heart…..cheers Mike
So far, no one has mentioned that Faucci always reached up and touched the twin microphones before he spoke during the daily briefings. This was after everyone had spoken into these microphones.
His disregard for hand transfer proves something??????
Thank you for everything you reveal.
Thanks Dave for your continuing uplifting report.
Each day brings us closer to the truth for all to see. Can’t wait til President Trump is back in the White House when he is truly vindicated.
Time for the treasonous, guilty and vile people get what they deserve.
From a Patriot who keeps the faith in God.
God Bless America
Great work every time, Love IT
Great work
Thankyou Dave…we so appreciate these reports.
I live in NC and the news about rescuing the missing children is waking a lot of people up especially my family members. I have been telling my family and friends about the children for a long time but they didn’t believe it.
I find these reports very informative. I do not even watch the msm at all , have not for quite some time due to the biased propaganda they spew out. I eagerly await these reports for the real information about what is going on and how to defeat the DS.
Dave, i have no idea what planet you live on! THE CONSTITUTION? LOL can’t you get through your head that WE HAVE NO CONSTITUTION? The Consitution was rippped to shreds when the FIRST LOCKDOWN, the FIRST mask mandate was imposed! LAW? what fucking LAW? We have no “law’ no”justice”. WE LOST THAT when the supreme court REFUSED to uphold the constitution, and more or less granted the democrats the right to cheat in the election! ON THAT DAY SCOTUS turned the country over to communist chineses AND OUR REPUBLIC DIED!! IT IS OVER!! WE ARE DONE!! THE CCP HAS ‘conquered” America WITHOUT FIRIING A SHOT! TRUMP WILL NEVER RETURN! There will only be ONE PARTY from NOW ON! We needed to FIGHT, but we ran like cowards! The miltiary betrayed the american people and GAVE OUR COUNTRY OVER TO THE COMMUNIST! WHEN THE HELL WILL YOU WAKE UP?
Hey Dave:
Have you ever thought that these hollywood types and all the other featured people,might not be getting “vaccinated” but taking a placebo like saline,,which has NO effect one way or another,,but it looks great on celluloid!!,,,Just sayin`
Still nothing about the MOSSAD’s child rape / murder for Blackmail Operation ?
You have failed miserably.
The true conspiracy theorists are those who believe we are all gonna die because of covid or the world’s gonna end due to climate change. They are the real tin foil hats.
Would like to be updated if something changes.
We cannot wait until 2024…something has to happen NOW!!! It will be too late…DON’T GIVE UP!!!
Thank you for all you do. I look forward for each and every episode. I would like mention red white and blueprint to you. It’s a conservative group in Shasta country that have started to take back there part of Commifornia from there corrupt politicians. They are trying to show everyone else that if you work together you can and will overcome the corruption. Please help spread the word for them.
Don. Vacaville Ca
Keep me informed
It is time for everyone to drop their Netflix subscriptions. I dropped my last year when they were promoting that series with the little girls dancing erotically in front of older men.
Hi Dave,
Thanks so much for what you’re doing!! I have loved listening to your reports, they have kept me sane and hopefull! I look forward to each and every report, however I’m no longer getting your reminders. 😕 Could you please put me back on your mailing list? Keep doing what you’re doing and may God Bless you and your family. 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸
Love your program. Thank you for working so hard to keep us updated and informed.
Please add me to your email list 🙂
Or tell me where I can go to do that. I can’t seem to find it on the website.
Thank you so much!
Excellent vid from @9News Nancy of covid spread.
Dave from X22,
Why don’t you expose yourself visually and do your reports like RedPill78 does? What are you hiding for?
G-d bless x22report.com
Questions remain –
WHO will be counting paper ballots?
HOW will transparency of legal voters and counters/counting take place?
Each video seems to be down on your website as of late. I tried them yesterday and the day before. At first it seemed that only one was down and others seemed to be down as well. I enjoy you videos. I just wanted to let you know.
The problem will be the criminals will still be the Foxes in the Hen house . They need to be tried and
hung in public with DNA to prove who was actually hung in public.
Dave – many thanks for the inspiration!
‘Hey! Mr, Fact Checker – check this ‘
Sight wont let me in it says Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension.
Is there a problem?
Thank you
Thank you for all you do in keeping us up to date on everything that is going on “behind” the scenes.
I really do appreciate it. God Bless you.
Dave, technical difficulties today. Let me guess why. Did you discuss Dr Shiva’s win?
Rumble won’t allow me to post because I’m spreading word about the big win. Even Rumble is corrupt
Great post. Keep up the great work!
Dave and X22 Team,
Keep up the good work!!
Please add me to your email list.
I would also like notices of prepper specials but please do not over produce emails.
Thank you.
I would like to be added to your email list. Thank you so much.