Ep 2556b – How Do You Know When Something Big Is About To Drop,Shall We Play A Game, Wargames
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The [DS] fell right into the patriot trap, Trump, Miller put together a wargame, their plan worked. If they planned the wargame for Afghanistan did they do this for devolution. The [DS]/fake news is in trouble, the [DS] getting ready to use the 25th on Biden, the world is turning on the [DS]. Trump and the patriots are exposing it all. The [DS] is now setting up the narrative for [FF], slowly but surely we will see more people pushing a revolution and the story will morph and the fake news will say it’s Trump supporters that are pushing this.
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- ← Ep 2556a – [CB] Trapped By The Patriots, Transition Picks Up Speed
- Afghanistan: A Moment of “Epochal Change” Demands Accountability for the Authors of the Debacle →
I have been wondering why Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington State is never talked about. Its almost like he is protected by B.Gates. More people need to shine some light on Inslee he is a sicko dictator too! Just a thought.
Hi Dave Gave a thank you plug to your show at end of my video
If Afghans Are Scared of Taliban, Imagine What The Taliban Will Do To Americans? (Revenge)”
I appreciate you reporting,but I’m beginning to feel like we are hearing the same thing over and over! I don’t believe that many are waking up and I really don’t see any white hat moves! I’m beginning to wonder if this is just to keep the Patriots hope up and nothing will ever happen! I believe more and more Patriots are beginning to believe this! How long can you keep this going and which side are you really on? I want to believe you, but I just don’t see anything happening! I think the deep state is too strong! I hope you are right, but I just don’t think so!
Yes, there is a huge difference between government intelligence and military intelligence! Go patriots go! God bless them, each and every one! ;^)
I have been waiting so long. I am totally awake. I do not know if I can wait much longer. Years I have been waiting. I am so tired!! I feel I cannot wait another day. All these videos saying this week this week. I am stocked up again and nothing is happening. We might have to wait months and maybe years? I do not have that long. I can’t believe the military is taking this long if they are in charge. People die everyday on their watch!! Too long. Most people are awake enough to support. 50 percent of people are awake. 25 percent are somewhat awake! Those 25 percent will wake up more!! Up to 10 to 15 can start on the road to being awake many liberals. 10 percent will never be awake!! They need to do this now. Many people cannot handle this dire stuff. Many people want to commit suicide young and old because they cannot believe this is the world!!
Here’s something that needs to be addressed. Why are the Q posts always in Chinese format? Who the heck decided to do them in such a way that they read from bottom to top, and from right to left?
I asked this question several years ago (to other sites) when Q was fairly new. Nothing but crickets.
Oh, this is supposed to be normal? ln other words, we have found a new more efficient way to write things, or “hey well its a computer ya know, so it’s got to be different”? Different like the way the Chinese write, which is from bottom to top, and from right to left?
It would be great to get someone to actually explain the reasons for this.
You said months ago the covid would disappear early in 2021. Now you are saying after the new test comes out. You are full of crap just like the deep state
Dave, where is the devolution series? I can’t find it.
Thank you for all you’re doing?
If this is a sting operation and President Trump said “we got them all”, why is he allowing them to do this to us. We don’t know what this vaccine will do to us. If he knows that it will harm us why don’t he put a stopped to it. It seems to me that the patriots are harming us more by letting us experience all this things. What will it take to “trust the plan”. We are more divided now the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
“They hate us for our freedoms-whatever is left of them”! A perfect description of the agendas of the Dark Side.
Please ask President Trump to stop promoting the deadly vaccine. He is helping to kill millions.
Forensic Audits: First Arizona, then another state, then another…..
Except, I don’t yet see even Arizona getting it done. Has AZ legislature/senate issued SEIZURE orders for the machines, logs & other paraphernalia that, on ASKING, they’ve been told is needed to complete the audit? Last I heard, they’d issued subpoenas (ignored, refused) but they’d NOT issued WARRANTS. Other 49 states are still considering whether to consider doing an audit. THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING. Apparently. Or, they HAVE, and this is one of the best-kept secrets in the public/gov’t sphere. The cowardice, bribery, fraud & chicane are well off any chart that a ‘normal’ citizen could conjure. “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” – W.B. YEATS
Yours is the perfect podcast. You let us know what evil is afoot, and give us hope that we’re going to win. Thank you.
I think they will use the “NEW COVID TEST” just to convince the people that THIS test distinguishes between the FLU and COVID but it probably wont and they will still say its all COVID but now its with a NEW TEST that is suppose to distinguish between the two so the result can be trusted!!
Yeah Dave, Go to brighteon.com and watch all the videos of Bill Gates and his nanobot technology and whats in these vaccines to kill and control us, wow tell everyone Dave. Love your show, been following you almost from the beginning. God Bless
Trump already has the people on his side.
The Rasmussen Twitter Poll showed 75% of the peoplemwould vote for Trump and only 5% would vote for Biden. WTH is he waiting for? He’s letting people suffer and die.
Afghanistan was done on purpose this way. Obama’s shadow Government that has been in place since he left office is running the show. Not Biden and Harris! This is ALL Obama. This is Sharia Law brought real quick like to America. Patriots better get busy, because I don’t think one life lost is worth all this?? And still no one charged?? With anything??
Sweden has nearly zero deaths for months: never lockdowns, maks, just normal behavior and with the best outcome (probably herd immunity by now).
Dave, the new Covid test is being made by Gates and Soros. Duh? That means it will show what they want it to show. It wont be trustworthy either.
So, Trump and the Patriots are in control and they are going to sit there and let the black hats inject almost every American until what % of the peoplecwant Trump back? UGBSM
76% of the folks want him back now. So hes going to come back to be POTUS when 75% –‘ 90% are dying ftom the jab?
What youre saying isnt adding up.
I guess if 80% are poisoned by the jab and are dying, things will get bumpy for sure.
So Trump has the declass info that the cabal is poisoning 3/4 of us to death and not releasing that info to us? Boy, that will go over real good.
Im losing hope in this plan. My state just passed vaccine mandates and I will be unemployed in October. I look around at where to go and everywhere is falling to tyranny.
Many people are getting more and more upset about everything to the point of thinking they will fight the enemy if push comes to shove. They can then be manipulated to riot by enemy players- just what the bad guys want patriotic people to do so they can bring in their forces – BLM, ANT and “other forces” to take complete control over the people and our country. It should be emphasized that we need to look to our military to come in and remove the enemy. We should encourage more and more the emphasis being on that faction of our military under the control of white hats – that they are the ones that will come in at the last minute to lawfully save the day. If a civil war breaks out because people get tired of waiting, then all will be lost. We must wait on the military. It may be hard for some to believe, but there are white hats in charge of the military faction under Trumps command. We have to wait until it is fully understood by the people that the illegitimate Biden Administration is a total sham and failure when the 3rd quarter economic report is released. We have to wait until then before the military can act in full public view and with their support. In the mean time we cannot have civil war. This would possibly destroy it all. Please encourage everyone to pray, stand firm, take legal action when needed, but do not start literally fighting in civil strife. No fighting, but wait for our military. Next year we will soon enough start seeing some relief. Until then, we must love our neighbors and help one another, we must be patient and compassionate, we must have faith that the plan will not fail. God bless you all and stay strong in love.
Bank of America. Lost for words. They have stopped just short of demanding that all whites kill their children and commit suicide. Far beyond anything our black nationalist/communist ANC regime in South Africa has ever pushed.
This was on the Buck Sexton show the other day. In NY they have vehicles driving around to get people to take the vacations. So the driver asked them if they wanted to really get the shots. The drivers dont have the shots. Then he and his friend went into one of the clinics for the vacations. A nurse said there is only one real vacation which is the J&J and the other two are something else. Think about that.
Just like Trump was going to be president in August??? Do not be deceived Trump killed a lot of people through warp speed and he played the game also!?? 🌈✝️🌈
Some of the info coming out is the spike protein integrates into the person’s body and the then their own immune system attacks. Now there is also info coming out about proteins in bovine and swine meat that has a protein which causes an inflammatory response (because it’s different than human).
When people start dying – they will find a different narrative to explain the sickness/death. Judy M. said this manipulation to cause disease has been done since the 90s through annual flu vax – to cause human immune system to get sick, then claim “vax” cures you. So maybe T knows this as he said Pfizer boosters are a money maker. Any disease, she said, can be placed within the monkey virus sequence by attaching proteins to the dna sequence and then injecting flu vax. The govt did this in the 50s with polio (contained monkey ca genetics) – and decided to dump their stockpile of the tainted vax onto the population back then. How long have we been used as a lab experiment?
Also – if there is graphene in the vax (?) as was stated by Spanish researchers – they said NAC degrades it. Almost all my loved ones got vaxxed and my mother died 2 weeks after getting it – (2 doses) in the nursing home. But she was old – however stopped eating after getting the vax. Of course the place was negligent on many levels and we were helpless to monitor her care due to Covid. She was in a reputable place but was seriously neglected and also received the vax.
ARE WE NOT MEN? NO, WE ARE DEVO! Let’s hope that shit works!
Well,,, as always, you make my day. Your optimism keeps we from going insane. I am so ready for the Grand Finale. I do believe that the Dem {wits} are not going to give up their power. It is gonna take handcuffs and body bags to remove them from the White House. I am ready for anything that comes our way as far as fighting. I only wish I could do more at this time. My Father was a tail=gunner in a Liberator during war world 2. He fought for the USA and would roll over in his grave if he seen what was going on. Thanks Dave and please keep things safe in you and your family, friends and others in your life.
An Alabama redneck.
I enjoy your programme, but what irks me is that you took the vaccine, and still vilifying it. This is hypocrisy, Dave
you might want to consider interviewing Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs and Digit.. fantastic researcher on todays topics.. thanks
I’m so fortunate to have friends that are sending me this information. Another word for the truth! The Patriotic truth. I love my President Trump, and I love my military! Biden is not the president. I actually believed Biden isn’t really even Biden.
Will you address Ivermectin. It is being capped like Hydroxychloroquine and zinc as a early stage covid-19 treatment.