Ep 2578b – Out They Go,Clean House Is Very Important,[DS] Panicking Over Durham & AZ Forensic Audit
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The [DS] now know when the forensic audit is going to be released. Think about all of the distractions they put into place to clog the news cycles. They are building the narrative to make it seem like Trump is unhinged and that he would use nuclear weapons, think mirror. Psaki says that [JB]/puppet masters would never foment an insurrection, RED 4. The forensic audit is coming out at the end of this month and the [DS] is ready to push their agenda. buckle up it’s going to be a rough ride.
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WATCH! https://www.bitchute.com/video/xkZIW0kOXmTM/
Thumbs up Dave
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Thank you Dave for your great reports that come out to us each day. They are like a lifeline to the real news and what is happening. Prayers for you and for our great nation and for President Trump and all the patriots.
Listen to your program nightly. Thank you for the great information. I did not take the vaccine because of how you educated me
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Dave, scrolling through the old Q posts. Does Q mention or do you believe we will ever know what really happened on 9/11?
I believe we were tricked into what we were seeing!
POTUS Trump said that boxing matches are too short at 10 rounds and should return to 15 rounds, last Saturday night at that PPV fight card at the Hard Rock in Florida. I thought the 15 round suggestion sounded strange at the time. But now, it’s making sense.
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Dave, if anything happens let me know where to go. We listen every night.
Please let me know where your broadcast can be found…e-mail below.
Thank you.
You should refer to the War Room with Steve Bannon, who has interviewed the person who organized the rally in DC to support the patriots who have been in prison for January 6.
Don’t be warning folks against attending if you don’t know the organizers
Sharon Mahoe
The jab is too weak and wears off. Conclusion: experimental drug is a failure. End of experiment.
Thanks again Dave..
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I no longer receive your emails. How do I get back on your list?
Good job today 😉
So what you are saying is that the STORM is here ? ……. Buckle up, It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Senator Kelly Townsend MEANS: “Be ready to PORE over this report.” Dems will “pour” scorn over it.
PORE means to read or study with steady attention or application” – Random House Websters, 1061a,
Right, right. The Durham report is going to drop any minute now that’s been dangled in front of us like a carrot on a stick for about a year now. The Arizona audit results have been dangled for about 6 months now, which is supposed to be just the beginning of other state audits, which will take…. Well you get the picture. Any day now Trump is going to be reinstated by the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny.
Can you address the military Vax mandate. With the majority of our military being under the age of 50….this is infuriating! When you keep talking about military is the only way, folks like my husband are at risk!!
Thanks for all you do! So glad a patient of mine told me about you in November!
Most interesting !
Please take note of my email in case of a problem.
Thank you and congratulations for the quality of your analysis.
Love X22Report! Thank you Dave
love the news (Episodes) they are presented in a cohesive fashion that is easy to digest.
thanks Dave, kudos
I have been following for years.
I want to make sure I don’t miss anything.
Please keep me in the loop no matter what.
Send me updates if you have to change platforms.
Hi Dave:
Just want to thank you for keeping me somewhat sane this last year, I listen to your reports every night. I am having a problem on rumble though, I’ve subscribed at least 20 times, and sometimes you come up in subscriptions, but lately, your reports disappear in subscriptions and I have to use the search bar. I’m not sure why that’s happening, is anyone else having that issue? Thanks
Could you please look into this more it’s the inventor of the MRNA vaccine technology Robert Malone.
I have watched a video of his interview with Jimmy on the Jimmy Dore youtube channel. And it cleared up a lot of the confusion on what the vaccine is actually doing to a person who is vaccinated.
The youtube video is, “EXPLOSIVE Truth About Vaccines & COVID w/Inventor Of mRNA Vaccine Technology, Robert Malone”
Hope you had any easy fast. Did you finish building your Sukkah yet?