Ep 2644a – The Economic Truth Has Been Revealed, The [CB] Doubles Down

3 thoughts on “Ep 2644a – The Economic Truth Has Been Revealed, The [CB] Doubles Down

  • December 5, 2021 at 7:00 pm

    If I had a spare $100,000 I would buy all the Bitcoin I could.
    This is an obvious attempt by Wall St. to drive the price down which helps the small investor buy more.
    I miss President Trump so very much. Were He in control US would not be undergoing Inflation.

  • December 5, 2021 at 9:54 pm

    don’t get me wrong,I LOVE TRUMP.What gets me is,that The Military,and Trump have the truth and can EXPOSE IT, THEY HAVE EVERYTHING ! Why hasen’t Trump or the Military stepped up and taken over the White house Yet? Please please dont say its because Trump Wants to show everybody the truth about the Deep state ,so it doesn’t happen again.THATS A BAD EXCUSE Do to the fact They as in the Military and Trump has HAD ALL EVIDENCECFOR SOME TIME NOW AND SHOULD OF TAKE OVER THE WHITE HOUSEALEEADY.8N THE MEAN TIME WHILE THEY WAIT ,MORE AND MORE PEOPLE DIE OUT HERE.SO THIS LOOKS LIKE TO ME THEY AS IN TRUMP AND THE MILITARY ARE ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN ,WHAT HAPPEN TO PROTECT ALL LIFE, THEM KNOWING THE TRUTH AS IN MILITARY IS NOT DOING THERE JOB PROTECTING THE PEOPLE BY ALLOWING BIDEN TO KILL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WITH THESE SHOTS.STEP THE F UP.there juat as guilty oby letting them kill people by knowing the truth they could of saved m8llions of people.I DEMAND THAT POPULATION CONTROL NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN,NO 9NE HAS A RIGHT TO PLAY GOD ON WHO LIVES AND WHO DOESEN’T HES STILL OUR GOD,HE WILL JUDGE THIS.and the building.

  • December 5, 2021 at 11:02 pm

    Hello Dave, would you please start to resend x22report to me when the
    new episodes are available. Thank You, I pray you are having a great Hannukah 5781.


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