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The [DS] is now panicking. They are now pushing the J6 protest to prove to everyone that the Trump supporters are violent, why, whats coming. The pandemic is now being exposed, the omicron variant is burning the covid pandemic out. More and more papers are released showing herd immunity is working. Scavino sends another message, 11.3 is a marker. Through all of this chaos there is opportunity, down goes the entire [DS] system, buckle up it’s going to get rough.
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Riddle me this Dave, How are they supposed to come out with a new pcr test for a virus that does not exist, Of course the corona virus does and has been around for decades, But they keep saying a new covid test, Does not make since to me, And I am a avid Fan of yours, I have every Q post memorized and they were never wrong, And I have gone through Patel’s Devolution quite a few times.
They”ll try to use vaccine status on election days to turn people away and claim they can’t enter to vote.
Do you have any idea if we need to worry about the “Deep State” pulling off any last ditch effort to screw up their demise, such as an event that would kill a massive number of people? The reason I ask this question is there is a man who posts videos on YouTube (Ruger4Life) who believes that the deep state is planning an event, centering on LaPalma, in which they would blow up the island to create
a huge tsunami, which it has already been theorized could occur if a large part of the island broke away and slid into the ocean. He believes their plan is to significantly “help it along” (i.e., the tsunami). He has posted more than thirty videos in which he shows magazine covers (such as The Economist) or other materials and points out what he believes are references to LaPalma, The Canary Islands, and/or a tsunami, using images, codes, symbology, numbers, etc. that the satanists use, and he claims it is all predictive programming because those who follow Satan always “show” what they are planning to do before they actually do it. As I already mentioned, he has made over 30 videos and some of them are quite persuasive. I follow several channels like yours and none have addressed this in any manner. Since I live on the east coast, I am understandably quite anxious to know if there is any possible truth behind this. Another reason I felt I needed to ask this question is that I believe I heard President Trump, in an interview many months back, refer to a false flag type event planned by the deep state which he said would be worse than anything that has previously happened in our country (like 9-11), but what I did not hear him say was that this event would be prevented from happening! I hope you will check out this YouTube channel and, if you have any thoughts or information to share, that you would include it in one of your videos soon. Or, if you are able to respond by email, that would be greatly appreciated! Although this plan sounds far-fetched, considering some of the things we have learned of that were done in the past, I would not put anything past these people.
You accurately report on how dangerous the vaccines are and how evil the scheme behind these mrna drugs is. Yet, you never mention that Trump helped fund these vaccines and still is touting them. I voted for Trump. But i cannot reconcile this.
May you explain why Trump is not atleast in part complicit?
Thank you for any clarification.
Dave i enjoy your video and podcast. I am 70 years old memory failing me. You bring back the truths my mind has forgotten. I have a question: what happened to the letter sent to America by Italy top government attorney stating that Italy was used in election fraud?Italy had the smoking gun with hand attached and he sent a letter to our government what happen to that letter?
I read that Germany’s vaccine passport official government list has been deleted by hackers……. Can you verify or deny…..I know you’re super infotmed!
Italy has given proof the Vatican server was used for election Fraud. That there were people in the American Embassy that took part in this Fraud. Italy even had the man that program the server in Italy. What happened to all this? Swept under carpet by criminal government? Want proof of election Fraud? Get Italy to show the people.
liz cheney is scum and no one likes her, believes her or trusts her. She is a TRAITOR to America and the World.
pls listen, quote, comment on in a vid.
Is Charles the antichrist ?
(they err in the vid, the Beast is the system, not a person).
can U pls be careful to join the dots, like,
– did U know Rumble ceo & his part of the A.I. push, inc what is happening here, facial recog. s/w, cameras EVERYWHERE, Melbourne, Oz. maybe not so wise re TMTG & Trump joining with Rumble.
-Why is Trumps wife shown with 1 eye in here pic on Parler, – she just joined it.
[U are aware of Masonic signs, signals I would hope! ] See Altiyan Childs, vids, Rumble/Bitchute.
-Why do U never talk about the Masonic influence in your country, your politics?
Otherwise, LOVE Ur work, high speed updates, consistency.
kindest regards,
R&L H.
pls listen, quote, comment on in a vid.
Is Charles the antichrist ?
(they err in the vid, the Beast is the system, not a person).
can U pls be careful to join the dots, like,
– did U know Rumble ceo & his part of the A.I. push, inc what is happening here, facial recog. s/w, cameras EVERYWHERE, Melbourne, Oz. maybe not so wise re TMTG & Trump joining with Rumble.
-Why is Trump’s wife shown with 1 eye in her pic on Parler, – she just joined it.
[U are aware of Masonic signs, signals I would hope! ] See Altiyan Childs, vids, Rumble/Bitchute.
-Why do U never talk about the Masonic influence in your country, your politics?
Otherwise, LOVE Ur work, high speed updates, consistency.
kindest regards,
R&L H.
Sounds like when Kennedy was assassinated and they wouldn’t release evidence for 50 years and they are still sitting on it
NY’s mask mandate also ends on Jan 15 “unless extended” so more than one ends on this date.