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The [DS] is throwing everything they have at Trump, they thought they removed him from office, they didn’t he sacrificed himself to put everything in motion. The election fraud is being produced and the criminality is being exposed. The pandemic narrative is falling apart, the [DS] is making the last push to get everyone vaccinated, they will make it very difficult thru this winter, they will make the people suffer so they fold. The [DS] players are now trying to get ahead of the story, [LP] is panicking, something big is about to drop and the enormity will shock the world.
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My 84 year old mother is having heart trouble now once ahe got the vaccine. The rest of us are refusing it.
I am 78 years old & will NEVER take the Coronavirus vaccine.
I am unafraid, jail me, make me homeless, make me sleep under a bridge…no matter what.
I WILL NEVER COMPLY! I have never seen such a propaganda effort on the entire world.
I may be dead, but history will eventually show that this virus is completely overblown.
I am going down in history as a FREE MAN & President Trump supporter.
Dave …
You should start something new …. Instead of calling it a false flag label it properly and say terrorist attack. Cause false means it’s not true and 9/11 was very true… false flags = terrorist attacks that means domestic ( senators, politicians, governors, mayors, judges, and the list goes on ) these guys know and I think it would be more false news if you don’t put out their involvement or knowledge of these attacks before they happened
You should also expand terrorist attacks to include any political stunt done by them that erodes the constitution
Liz Channey’s claims seem to be false and slanderous about the Presidents response time.
bichute is horrible. always buffers, fails to start, wont replay if you rewind.
its an awful platform. just an fyi thanks.
I had “covid” back in September” and was hospitalized for 10 days. I was unjabbed before and still unjabbed. I will be 64 this winter, in medium health, should I be more or less OK this winter?
Dave… The following are things I have witnessed, but cannot find again.
#1. A reproduction of a world map with percentages in all countries. The vast majority were represented in red and a negative percentage. The map was untitled, but it showed -97% for the United States and the only positive (green) percentage I found was in Ecuador (3%). Could have this been a depopulation objective?
#2 Barak Obama in a speech to UN stated in one sentence that Americans will have to give up some of their rights.
#3 Nancy Pelosi in a street side interview between 2016 and 2018 said, we can’t let voters decide the next election.
This is the objective of the UN’s agenda 2021 and 2030 clearly stated on a monument in Elbert County Georgia erected in 1980.
Don’t bother trying to find me, I’m not there.
Thanks. Watching & Waiting with Great Interest and, thanks partly to you, with some HOPE.
““The millstones of justice grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine.” – Now, about those millstones:
Matthew 18:6; Luke 17:2
New King James Version
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
The non violent protesters should file a class action lawsuit against Nancy Pelosi who was responsible to secure the capital and her capital police who pulled back the bike racks and gave the impression that it was ok to enter the capital. They should demand her emails and all correspondence from the prior week and on the day of the action
Look at the age of those who are not running again… may give you a different outlook
Bitchute does not offer current contents. They only have 3 -4 limited videos but not current. Don’t know if it’s them or something else… lindelltv also challenging have to switch to frank speech. The only source seems to be podcasts. Not good !!! Hopefully your website will not be effected….
Something wrong with the site. I was halfway through your video and it just stopped and won’t let me see any of them
great shows…good work must continue!!!
Citizens should recall the DA’s that aren’t upholding the laws and letting the criminals out. Then recall your legislators that are allowing the theft of merchandise and not charging people.
Maybe Biden is trying to repeat she as President to convince people to accept her. Remember you keep repeating a lie or a statement and people begin to accept it.
Dave, Will you please give your opinion on this? President Trump said live he’s takin the booster. Why?