Ep 2714b – The [DS] Woke The Sleeping Giant, Evil Is Embedded Globally, US Is The First Domino
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The [DS]/fake news is pushing everything they have, but there is no war in Ukraine, Putin is removing the [DS] players. Globalism, marxism, communism is coming to an end. The [DS] woke the sleeping giant. Evil is not just here in the US, it is embedded globally. The [DS] players are panicking, they know if Ukraine falls their funding dries up and its the end for them. The US is the first domino to fall, the storm is coming.
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- ← Ep 2714a – World Bank Is Panicking, Control Is Lost, Gold Nations, Structure Change Coming
- Ep 2715a – The Economic Pieces Are Being Put Into Place For The People’s System →
Yes,ppl are awakening and getting prepared. We figure it will be painful, we want freedom, we want our Country back. We want America!
I’ve heard all kinds of “Conservative hosts – Beck, Bongino” hosts telling us the Biolabs are myths and Russian propaganda. They point to multiple websites and posts referring to the same thing as your slide showing a post with locations.
Go the US Embassy in Ukraine website and read the “Threat Reduction Program” collaboration between Ukraine and American “scientists”. That’s where the Lab Locations and Fact Sheets are. Also, it mentions multiple “Mobile Labs”. Realistically, there could be upwards of 30 labs in Ukraine!
Website: https://ua.usembassy.gov/embassy/kyiv/sections-offices/defense-threat-reduction-office/biological-threat-reduction-program
Is Putin/Zelensky up to something? Remember how Putin destroyed ISIS when invited into Syria by Assad? The Russian Air Attack was persistent and ISIS/Opposition surrendered within weeks. Notice h
hardly any Air Attack in Ukraine?
No Carpet bombing by the TU-22M and TU-95 heavy bombers. No Smart Weapons from the Bombers. No Cruise Missiles from any of the Air, Naval, or Ground forces.
No strategic bombing from UAV’s. These were all used in Syria. Why not now??
No Offensive Exoatmospheric Missiles with the Huge Conventional warheads that take down Buildings, Blocks and Bunkers, fired from Russian bases up to a 1000 miles away. None of this has been used. Why?
Almost like Putin is pulling his punches and just sending in the Ground Pounders which are easier to combat. Is Putin just trying to minimize damage and death? Because based on Syria, Russia has the Beef… but it’s not using it!!
which biden?? i have counted at least 3. also the masks sometimes expose tabs by his ear or the neck exposing real neck and gap in the mask. no one else much seems to notice or give a shit. why???
I just get so tired of watching the X22 report 2-5 minutes at a time. Stop, start,stop,start. WTF? I don’t know if it’s rumble screwing it up or the report being screwed up.
reference to the guard, I wonder if they’re going to stage another 1/6 and blame Desantis for not sending NG. saying he knew and that’s why he refused their request….
VR! Vigilante rope. All you Soros lefties ought to quit now, before you are dragged from your warm beds and experience VR! I sincerely hope you know when to give up, instead of being awakened by an angry, pissed off, mob. Just sayin.
The pictures of the women with bloody bandages is an actress taken from a movie scene.
What is the reason for leaving all the Jan 6 prisoners in the DC jail? If there is none, the Republican party congressmen need a swift butt-kicking. This is a disgrace and a total embarrassment. There are so many things that the patriots have done and are doing to clean out the swamp creatures why are the prisoners being forgotten? The truck convoy needs to drive into the jail and break loose those being held without a charge, bail, or trial date.
Start supporting the effort to release these people. You have the voice.
They are stealing technology! See NLST
Netlist Lawsuit coming to a head this Soon! 12+ yrs and counting!
Googles modo… DO NO EVIL
Whata bunch of BS! That’s all they do is Evil! Tired of these “Corp(s)” dishonesty on all fronts!
(This is my opinion as I am a Financial Advisor)
Keep up the great work @ X22!
UNCONFIRMED report – Putin withdraws Russian forces from Ukraine. Engages in “exchange” of Crimean territory for area around Chernobyl.
Follow the money: if Ukraine is a money laundering deep state operation and the money returns to Biden. Clintons. Obama and so forth. To prove money laundering just follow the money or did Trump already do this when Billions in taxpayer funds went missing in Ukraine? It was Trumps responsibility as President to investigate the missing Taxpayer funds. I believe Duram has this as well.
Hi Dave, thanks for all the work you do on your show. I have been watching for about the last four years and find it very informative.
But for today’s show someone has misinformed you about the situation in New Zealand. This is where I live and I can tell you that the vaccine mandates were only halted for the Police and the Defense Force. All the rest of us are still being coerced, but fighting back hard. We are hoping that the lifting of these mandates for the Police and Defense will set a precedent for the rest of the unvaxxed. Our government is still pushing very hard for us to get vaccinated and now also boosted. We already have about a 95% compliance rate with vaccinations, which I think it pretty high. We also have about 78% of vaccinated persons breakthrough rate with Omicron but the sleepers simply cannot put two and two together.
She is the witch of the west who killed MG and turned Libya into a human nightmare of desperation. Yet she is still given the time of day and virtue signals.
The only science the D’s are using to end Covid right now is political science that says they need Covid out of their rear view mirror before November, 2022.
Covid has been canceled by we the people. Brandon had nothing to do with it.
The “neo-nazis” in the Ukraine are the ashkenazi jews that created communism. The same communist that killed a billion Christian Russians. The same ashkenazi jews that tried to kill the Christians of Germany. Hitler tried to stop that, but the ashkenazi jewish bankers were too embedded in all the countries that attacked Germany.
Are you aware Senator Mark Warner talked with a Russian Oligarch to get “dirt” on President Trump? Perhaps this is why he is panicking about “misinformation” coming out about him. Just thinkin’ 🤔
well said. Rumor is that Putin is a white hat. I hear that when He is thru,, He will have done the same thing that needs to be done in America. Do you suppose thats true?