Ep 2747b – [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed, Irregular Warfare, A Critical Moment In Time
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This is irregular warfare, nothing is as it seems. The polls have turned on the [DS]’s plan, the people are awake and it’s getting harder and harder for the fake news to keep the narrative. At every turn the lies are being shown to the world and the people are seeing the truth. Soon the people will learn the true evil that has been guiding this country. This is a critical moment in time.
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- Thomas Renz – Never Forget What Fauci & The [DS] Put Us All Through, Accountability Is Coming →
We are just going to call you Dave lemon from here on out fake news in its finest form
1) the 22month requirement to retain ballots, logs, etc. expires this September. To preserve these records (i.e., evidence) will there be some sort devolution action before this deadline?
2) here in the midwest they’re using the bogus PCR test to exterminate large flocks of chickens, causing shortages in both layers and fryers. My wife paid $5 for a carton of 18 eggs this morning.
The Democrats are spending $BILLIONS developing a new cheating methodology to offset any Bills or Laws that are being passed. Just because a Bill is passed, it doesn’t become law until an Intern modifies the State or Federal Codes of Enforcement. Then, the new updates need proof read and approved until they are Released with a date of enforcement.
i.e., the Florida cell phone and seat belt enforcement laws. Actual enforcement of Cell Phone use during Vehicle operation was over 16 months from Governor signing Bill, Seat Belt enforcement was over 2-years from Governor signing Bill. Just because you pass Election Bills, doesn’t mean they will be in effect during this 2022 mid-year election… when most of the Cheaters like Ducey and Kemp et al.,
will be up for reelection.
All the sudden, countries like Finland, Slovakia and Latvia are “donating” military equipment to Ukraine despite possible Risks of Response from Russia. They are being promised by UK, US, EU and NATO that their 70 year old Russian Equipment will be replaced by US equipment in Production.
Funny, looking at the DOD Contracts website, there are NO replacement Contracts for Armaments, Mortars, Ammunition, Tanks, Aircraft or SAMs such as Patriots.
Sooooo… We are giving SOR (strategic oil reserves) to not only US distribution, but to China, Japan, and the UK as Loan Interest Payments as the Fed can’t make the payments. There are No plans to “restock” the Oil Reserves, and it looks like there are No plans to “restock” the Military Aid and Equipment we are giving and Promising to Give. Essentially, we are demolishing our ability to project strength and WIN a military confrontation. We have given our Energy Reserves, Equipment, and Ammunition away without plans to restock!!
Thank you Dave , we are listening!
Read about the fall of Babylon in Isaiah 47 . You are a digital patriot who never gives up , never gives in , and fights fights fights
Hi Dave,
The posts by Charlie Ward suggest we will be subject to nuclear war and other horrible events. he says this comes from the Quantum machine that sees the future. Their forecast is not worth fighting for.
I think it’s time. We have all seen enough. Trump should step up now. The midterms and definitely 2024 are too far away. Let’s do this!!
I was browsing Charlieward.tv on Saturday and watched two videos about Project Looking Glass. These were put out but a group called the Guardians (isn’t that the name of people in the Space Force?). The videos explained that a Major EVENT was supposed to occur on April 18, 2022. This EVENT would be blamed on Russia but was actually done but the West (probably the Deep State). Something would happen in New York City that would result in 2, 000 people being killed. I don’t know how to contact you other than leaving a comment but this is VERY Disturbing to me, Please watch the videos. Thank you.
I think it’s time. We have all seen enough. Trump should step up now. The midterms and definitely 2024 are too far away. Let’s do this!!
Also, what do you do if you see vote manipulation?? Apparently, even proof doesn’t mean shit.
Why would the President of the United States, then Donald Trump, be expected to address the same rioters who had tried to break into the White House and attack him during the summer riots? He would have been a fool to do that. He knew those people were hired to kill him, I’m sure.
I’m totally okay with Libtards having fertility problems. Because that’s less Libtards ruining our Country.🇺🇸
Great episode! Actually all the episodes are great and addicting lol.
Episode 2747b at 49:28 on post 3951 a link is shown stating “Best documentary of the Year”. YouTube has terminated the account. Is there a way to find this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=MY8Nfzcn1qQ
Thank you
This war started a long time ago. The White Hats had to infiltrate the Deep State. They found out that the Deep State was much deeper than they thought. The Kennedy murder was the wake up call. The depths at which they went undercover to expose and compromise the Deep State is immense.
This I know you know Dave. But a red pill is a red pill. Parasites are the “invisible enemy”.
IVERMECTIN for everyone. Parasites dead. Period.