Ep 2924b – Civil War Has Begun, Swamp Exposed & Draining, Election Fraud, Setting The Stage
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The red wave hit and the [DS] players needed days to combat it, they are failing because the people can see the cheating on a grand scale. Trump was able to call the jackals out the wood work so we now know who is with Trump and who is not. The civil war between the Republican swamp creatures and MAGA has begun. The swam is being drained, the stage is set. The NG monitored the election, so did the military, let’s see what the NG produces.
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- Ep 2925a – [CB] Following Same Gold Playbook & Using It On Bitcoin, Big Fail →
dave, love ya man,, but they haven’t got a dam thing… the entire thought of they monitored the election, has not in my estimation, happened.. thats my only bitch. and its a big one, the rinos did nothing to stop the cheating as we knew they wouldn’t but i do not think anyone monitored this election… srroy they are all corrupt..
I’m so glad that our forefathers had the guts to go to war and resolve these issues, unlike x22 who keep saying it’s a long war and going to war is not the answer. Our forefathers fought in many wars. I’m sick of this no civil war crap. Swore to defend America from enemies foreign and domestic. I’ll take a civil war because we can start hanging traitors. The enemy keeps taking our money, election, wealth, and all x22 can say is a civil war is not what we want. We The People do want a civil war to stop these satanist…so stop telling us want we want…stop gaslighting us.
Same thing in New Hampshire with Sue unew and maggie wheeling out her handicap child in her tv ads. Disgusting to say the least.
x22 keeps saying we need recounts…no, we need forensic audits of every vote.
You know what talk, talk, talk. You know something you can talk yourself to death. Action has to happen or people get tired of hearing it. You get enough and those that are not awake by now they will never be awake. I have been a soldier for a lot of years. I prefer a peaceful solution. You people talk too much and we are really tired of it.
Impressive Dave – good one – well done
Hi Dave,
Thank you for all the good information and keeping us up with what’s going on but mostly for interpreting it and helping us to understand why certain things are happening.
The frustrating part is that yes we realize there is a war going on…but for those of us who have been awake for awhile wish we could be involved with what is going on…I personally can take all the truth of what’s going on..I wish we were able to fight the war with Trump and the military! I would have been happy to help so I think that is a lot of the frustration or the people saying hurry up….we would have like the opportunity to help, we needed to fight them as well, we all need to know the truth…no matter how bad it is, why hide things from us, this will just allow the people to go back to sleep! I hope they do not sugar coat what was going on…it needs to all be exposed no matter how barbaric or disturbing. Thank you! Janet Grant
I’ve listen to x22report for 2 years, after the mid terms and the 2020 election. I now understand, They are clearly above the law, and they can and will do whatever is needed to stay in power…we just witnessed another, Biggest crime of the century… Lol, love your reports, but I’m going to take a break for awhile… I’ll be back when someone is arrested.
so, Trump and the military were outsmarted again. Exposing vote fraud my ass. If Trump doesn’t know who he can trust by now he’s an idiot. the People will never accept the military if the military is afraid to show the evidence. and Trump gave up in 2019 to avoid a civil war, but we’re now in it?? patriots have had the shit kicked out of them for two years and we aren’t an inch closer to data being released. Face it, Trump was defrauded but the politicians, courts, law enforcement and military are corrupt and neutered him and us. You’ll never see a recount. the entire system is corrupt. It’s over.
I have been saying this for days now as more Republican party mewmbers are bent on dividing the MAGA movement does it not remind you of when the NFL and players took a knee during the National Anthem at the horror of WE The People? They lost fans for four years. The Super Bowls lowest ratings in decades.
They are traitors in hiding and now that they have taken the bait we see them. This should all end by the end of the month and the entire government removed.
“Watch The Water” = “Kari Lake Election”
All WEF penetrated countries have subverted their constitution.
Let’s be crystal clear this is a plandemic folks 💉
I’ve been listening to you for the longest every day I stop what I’m doing to listen to you and you just keep dragging us along and dragging it along how much suffering must these people go through before you decide that enough people who woke up
“If you just thought there would be a red wave…”
Oh, silly us. we must have been listening to the wrong people.
Go listen to your show from Friday “Oh don’t worry, we’ll get the senate, we’ll get the house”
Operation Trust.
Ok guy, been listening for years now, all I hear now is ‘nothing will stop what’s coming,’ ‘everything is or had been exposed,’ ‘we’ve caught them’ bla bla bla. Trump has all the leverage this and that. Great. When is something going To be done about it? Yes, they’re evil
I want to know when the anvil will fall on their heads. Damn I’m so tired of you garbage.
I am disappointed in you…you keep saying the same thing…the deep state… The private central bank…the deep state is trapped…they are backed against the wall…bull crap…they have stolen the election again…delays in counting votes…voting machines breaking down mid counting votes …accepting late ballot votes without signatures…Trump and DeSantis is dividing the republican party… now the democrats have gain in the house of the senate… there is no red wave coming…nobody is going to jail for violating the Supreme law of the land…the constitution… and Dave you keep saying the same thing trump and the patriots know the playbook…really? …when will America wake up!!!! When will somebody do something…this is very painful to watch…very disappointed. No more lies. Tell us the truth about the economy. Who will stop the democrats…George Surros…the Clintons…The Bidens…the Obamas…Mark Zuckerberg? I voted all Republicans…what a shame.
Dave…all the same people showed up at the last election. The same people, again. We know who they are..we don’t need to see them again. We can not wait another two years. My family is dying. I want to the return of My America before I go..hoppium is over.
Dave, you are awesome! What a great report! What would we do without you? You have kept hope for our country alive for more than two years now, and you are absolutely the best! I cannot thank you enough!
why wont you ever reply you been telling us since 2020 with Q post that after 2020 election they elections would be protected etc etc etc then look here we are again 2022 the same cheating and you just keep changing your story saying this is part of the plan but since 2020 you said it wouldnt happen and look at Virgina how they voted and removed the the deep state governor etc etc etc
I am not so sure a bloodletting isn’t the right thing to do.
WHY ARE DEM’S so good at “curing” faulty ballots, and REPUB’S ARE NOT? Complicit, or not too bright?
GLAD to see Kari Lake’s team at least TALKING about volunteers curing ballots.
So far, a WEEK has gone by and tabulations are not complete in AZ.
Wonder what’s next, and who will come out with it.
If you deny the means for peaceful revolution, violent revolution becomes inevitable. JFK.
Dave, the rule of law demands fair and honest elections. Nothing has been done about 2020, and 2022 election has become a complete disaster.
Where is the rule of law?????????????
If they couldn’t overturn the 2020 election with even more obvious fraud going on, all recorded in real-time, then I don’t see how any of the current cheating will matter. Unless the military have been involved and are prepared to step in, this will just be a repeat, or worse, of 2020. This will continue for the next 100years, unless it’s dealt with now. ALL and EVERY BIT of TREASON should be dealt with by hanging the perportraitors.
Its the same story day in and day out, another election stolen and the pussy republicans can only cry.i hate to tell you but the maga crowd are done with your lies about a better tomorrow.
Battling all these groups: one he won’t have to battle is We The People. The entire people will be in this fight too;
God Bless & Protect all Patriots everywhere.
How many more YEARS are you going to spin every loss we encounter as an opportunity to wake up the masses? WE the MAASES woke up and VOTED and it didn’t Count!!!
This is a SPIN that’s all I see…You can’t keep MOVING the GOAL POST to keep people in a false hope without coming to ACTION my friend!!!
Hear my heart….
Although you speak with such authority and persuasion and remained constant in your narrative, You always leave a little room for doubt when you say, “I DO BELIEVE”! This goes to show that, NOBODY knows the TRUTH in this GAME Of Cards! Are you actually lying, I wouldn’t go that far, I “Do Believe” you are making every attempt to keep us in LINE and In our Lane so as NOT to start a CIVIL WAR which in MY opinion, was started long ago and we’ve opted OUT!
Enough DARKNESS already!!!
Enough Election Fraud / Treason
Enough Illegal Migrating,
Enough Human Trafficking,
Enough Corporate America
Enough Hollywood Programing
Enough of FAUCI, GATES and SOROS etc…
This IS a BLOODY WAR and many many lives have been lost already!
Stop the BLEEDING!
Enough DEATH!!!
It’s OUR time to put BOOTS ON THE GROUND and I’m NOT talking about Military!
WE THE PEOPLE, not only have every Constitutional RIGHT to develop our OWN Military to RID the EVIL doers from our land… IT’s OUR RESPONSIBILITY!
Look at the foreign countries ie…BRAZIL, who are flooding the streets…It’s NOW or NEVER !
Thank You and Love you Long Time !
Here is a topic for a future episode. What happens when irregularities are proven in court, after a candidate conceded the election. As I recall that did happen and a judge reversed the election results. It would be interesting to know what could happen because Oz conceded his Senate race as did Zeldin in the NY gubernatorial race. Others? Remember when a thief is caught they don’t get to keep the diamonds.
Why doesn’t the RNC do a poll on who should be Speaker and Majority Leader? Let the people speak.
Great work on the crypto story. Let’s hear more
I live in Florida, the election was stolen very artfully by Dominion’s E S& S machines. Even at the local level people who did not have a chance got elected. In Palm Bay , a Republican town, a pedophile was elected to thecity council. E S &S funny business was visible at every level. De Santis is wildly popular in Florida but onlygot 60 % of the vote. 80% Would have made more sense. Everyone I talk to senses the fraud .
this is a bunch of crap. i’m pretty sure people who watch these videos see through you spinning news.
EXCEPT….You put it out there every day. Do you think only supporters listen? If this was true, you have ratted them out. On every platform, even youtube. You haven’t been silenced there that I see. So, I imagine smart people will just change their strategy. Ben and Candice, that is heartbreaking to lose them. There are sooo many traitors…
Good Luck to us all.
God Bless us all.
Well I have been listening and paying attention for about 2 years.My wife was hurt by the vaccine and is just know being able to walk again.They said it was GBS but now they said its all in her head by a doctor.I know this takes time but its getting harder to believe!!!!
Your Q-hopeium ‘‘tis all well and good, but without comfortable control of the house and Senate, how is this election fraud going to be prosecuted. Biden, Obama, the Clintons, and other swamp creatures could slip out of serious prosecution. Barring an outright Military takeover, how and who will prosecute all this criminality. Meanwhile Puppet Biden and his banking overlords are pushing the economy to oblivion, and the mess with Ukraine keeps WW3 with Russia on track. We are quickly running out of time.
Play out the War? Remember all the people in this war as well as the criminal politicians are old people and will not live for ever, something very urgent before this BS continues.
A 50/50 Senate still leaves republican Nevertrumpers and RINO’s to side with the democrats future legislation, as they have done before.