Ep 2985b – [DS] Covering Up Bioweapons Production, Trump Sends Message, Optics Are Important
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The [DS] is in the process of covering up all their crimes. They have put block on certain information that they don’t want released. Trump is now battling against the RINO’s. The [DS] is in trouble, the more they cover up their crimes the worse it’s going to get for them. The patriots are exposing it all and the people are seeing it all one drip at a time.
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- ← Ep 2985a – [CB] Targets Crypto, Is Elon Introducing Crypto Payment Processing?
- Christina Bobb – The Big Lie Is That [DS] Cheated In The Election, It’s Time To Remove The Insiders →
Dave I just saw in the January 2022 National Geographic on page 89 where the National Geographic is publishing lies and misinformation about January 6 the insurrection and I quote. ” Police officer Michael Fanone struggles against Trump supporters after they dragged him down the steps of the U.S. Capital. At a rally earlier that day, then President Donald Trp falsely claimed that he’d won the 2020 presidential election “in a landslide” and urged supporters to go to the Capital, where the House of Representatives was certifying the election results. “You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” Trp said. Five people died as a result of the attack. Some 140 police officers were injured. More than 600 people have been arrested. The assault on the Capital is the focus of a congressional investigation.
Then at the bottom of the page is shows a statement by officer Michael Fanone D.C. Metropolitan Police. “They tortured me. They beat me. I was struck with a taser device at the base of my skull numerous times.
What a bunch of b.s. lies
Wow! Haven’t heard Dave this fired up in a while.
Dave I thought I read Rudy was given a copy by the computer of the laptop. Is this true
Ciaremello is pencil neck Shiff’s daughters boyfriend/fiancé.
“Everywhere SHIFF went, Ciaremello was sure to go!”
Always at Shiff’s heels, beck and call.
Carpenter is one of Biden’s assts./aides
This is all info many of us have known since2016/17. It’s all out there, you just need to look for it. NOT PROPAGANDA WHEN IT IS TRUE.
COVID was an intentional release. Anyone trusting enough to get ANY INJECTION BY THIS ADMIN., IS RISKING THEIR LIFE. EVER WONDER WHY SO MANY PEOPLE REFUSE TO TAKE THEIR POISON? We know who and what they are. This DS administration is still creating bio weapons to use against WE THE PEOPLE.
First place to go are to the Q files. That tells everyone the entire plan, The Who, what, when, how and with whom.It’s not propaganda when it has predicted everything that happened and who is responsible.
Also, the reason Putin went into Ukraine was to destroy those Iola’s before they could release their plan on the people of the world. Their plan was Closer to KILLING 90% of the population. LEAVING No more than 1 BILLION OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET.
Ok Dave,,,,,, Stop saying “That tells you everything you need to know” NO IT DOESN’T.
Try saying “That speaks volumes” or “That says a lot”.
Also It’s not all just Trump. yes he may be an intricate part, but there are a lot of people working to do this. Just stick with the Patriates.
Keep up the good work.
There’s no leaks because Schiff and Slawell were kicked off the intelligence committee.
Sorry, Swalwell
Did Obama reverse and put back into place the media propaganda ordinance that was established in the 40-50’s? Plz help me with this I heard and read this someplace. An anti propaganda bill was supposedly passed back in the 50s and was in place til 2009-2013 when Obama reversed it. If I am mistaken plz tell me and let me know.
If a lot of people have been through the courts and executed, why is everything so out of control. Fake Biden, fake Gates…and Soros,,,,so isn’t this time to have the actors walk off stage …unless it’s really Trumps war . All the top people are gone, supposedly..then who is pushing for war. As the puppet master.
I am a Christian. I am also a trained minister. I believe this country was founded on GOD – the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I believe it is our job to protect this country. I am, therefore a Patriot.
I know you to not use curse words, however taking the Lords name in vain is way worse. I would like not to hear that. I otherwise like what you do and have been listening for a long time now.