Ep 3049b – April Showers Brings Evidence Raining Down, [JB] Panic,Shot Heard Around The World
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The [DS]/[JB] are now panicking over the evidence that is showering down. This cannot be stopped, the patriots are now exposing the crimes and it is just going to get worse. This will not end with [JB], evidence will lead to [HRC] and [BO], panic in DC. The people are soon going to hear the shot around the world.
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Page 2 of 253
- ← Ep 3049a – D’s/[CB] Debt Ceiling Plan Backfiring, Patriots Maintain Control, Optics
- Ep 3050a – [JB]/[CB] Makes A Move To Bring Down The Market To Shift Blame, Big Fail →
Aloha Dave,
Potus D.J. Trump supposedly signed the second declaration of independence on July fourth twenty twenty!?! This allegedly returns the power to the people of America and nullifies the fraudulent UNITED STATES CORPsporation?!? Hopefully this will make moot the second civil war and restore our constitutional democratically representative repulic!!!
Aloha oi,
Prosecution and sentencing of these deep state players has to be extremely severe. If not, those who escape prosecution and sentencing will continue their evil ways with new players.
The amount of Treason and Sedition is enormous done by this lying ccppaid ds government democraps rinos corporations universities politicians hospitals companies blue states blue cities blue counties lawyers judges da’s hollywood big techs election officials the lying media. 2020 ELECTION INTERFERENCE! The barges will be very busy. NEVER EVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS! MAGA 2024
Showers Brings? “SHOWERS BRINGS”? Does dey We-e-e-wee? Doan fink so!
Restoring correct & accurate LANGUAGE is surely ONE of the GOALS in restoring America,
especially in Education. I appreciate Every small effort in that direction. Tune in, Gang!
Tried to listen to todays report and it is only showing 31 seconds here on the X22.com website. I went to Rumble and it is the same over there as well..
You probably know by now, but episode 3049b only uploaded 31 seconds… Maybe you could re-upload thank you, I love all your videos, Dave!
Report 3049b only runs for about 30 seconds. What’s up?
There’s an error with ep 3049b. Only 31 sec long intro.
Not recieving my report Dave its giving me part b but is only running 1 min financial then cutting out.
Episode 3049B is only 31 seconds. What happened to the rest of it?
Oh no… Dave 3049B is only 30 seconds. How do I get through this day without my x22 podcast. I never miss an episode.
Episode 3049b is not working. The only thing I could see this morning was the intro.
Hey Dave,
We have been listening to you for years but somethings gone wacky with you lately. I don’t like the live recordings because you put them out so late, I would rather watch them already recorded earlier and the 31 second ones are terrible. I hope you go back to the way it has always been.
In episode 3049b only 31 seconds showing on Rumble, and also on your website, sad Rumble is doing this too
This episode didn’t load.its o lyrics 31 se onds long
I love listening to you. I have for numerous years. The only problem is having trouble. I love the end picture effects, but unable to watch beginning of the geo-political Apr.19th. episode. Tried email, Rumble, podcast to no avail. Not sure if anyone else having problems. Sorry to bother you. Thank you for all your hard word and dedication.
3049b,,,, 31 sec video?????
Hi Dave,
I’m not getting the report for 3049b-Apr. 20.
Only the 31sec intro is showing up.
I listen to you every morning on my way to work, Thank You for the support information and exposing the corruption.
For some reason 3049b is only the intro, to 31 seconds, no report.
Dave the episode 3049b is not playing correct. It’s only :31 seconds long.
I watch your podcasts everyday, but noticed whether on your website, or on Rumble, Ep 3049b is only 31 seconds of introduction.
I look forward to you uploading the full episode soon.
3049B is not posted, only the intro!
Your website was malfunctioning today. I was unable to view the report. Multiple crashes before I gave up.
Juan O Savin noted there are large numbers of Chinese and Africans coming over the border. Five or six years ago I heard a former miilitary/intel guy say that after the infiltrators weaken the U.S. enough, then the UN would send in blue helmet troops from China and Africa to take over the country. Alarming!
I wonder if the open border is to also blur the count of the children trafficked. This way they can confuse the numbers.
“Get rid of women” LMAO Good luck with that.
I’m old enough to remember watching Watergate LIVE! (When Hillary was launched. Was she from a “connected” family?)
This is VERY interesting and way more complicated.
Looking forward to JUSTICE.
The DS is needling adversaries to goad them in to reacting. Nice try Grasshoppers…
Does Fauci daughter still work at Twitter? I wonder what her DMs reveal. OR, was she working for the FBI??? btw His wife’s Wikipedia bio was scrubbed of her Head of BioETHICS title.
$787M (adds up to 13) lol
Let’s get this DONE. 🙏🙏🇺🇸🙏🙏
Great Episode Dave, thank you!~NancyR
Thank you Dave for the updates!