Ep 3090b – [DS] Made Their Move, Trump Has Them, Don’t Fire Till You See The Whites Of Their Eyes
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The [DS] fell right in the patriot trap, they indicted Trump again. Trump will use this against them, they just set another precedent. Now Trump can go after political opponents, they are fair game. Trump is waiting to strike, just like the colonist during the revolutionary war, don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes. Trump is taking all the punches and hits, soon he will begin to punch the [DS] back.
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- ← Ep 3090a – The Economic Truth Was Just Revealed, People Understand Now
- Bitcoin Ben – The War Has Moved Into The Next Phase, Truth vs Propaganda, Good Guys Winning →
your little show is becoming more worthless and irrevalent every day…
the idiotic vp kamilla harris… cannot be president… it.. being a male… was
not born in the USA… do your damm homework…
Love your information but why are you letting the criminals know what we know?
Please Dave – stop shouting at us in your reports.
I’ve been listening to you every night since 2017.
More recently, you get so worked up in your narrative that you start raising your voice and almost shouting your words.
I have to listen with ‘in-ear’ headphones and it makes me have to snatch them out my ears.
It’s very uncomfortable and someone yelling at you in that crazed, raised voice manner makes me uncomfortable and often skip forward in the report.
I used to send your reports to my friends whom I was trying to enlighten, but they have told me to stop sending them for the same reason, the raised and angry voice that you sometimes have. I understand that it’s just emotion coming through, but for us listeners, it’s sometimes painful and upsetting.
Please Dave, go back to your early days style of presentation.
Thank you.
I am really sick of this damn movie we are being forced to watch. Many of the people you continue talking about as if they are still out there have already been arrested and removed. Many of them have already gone through military tribunals and have been executed. Why do you continue to talk about them as if they haven’t been arrested by the military and as if they haven’t been executed? Both barrack obama and michael robertson have been arrested. barrack obama has been executed already. bill and hillary have both been executed. joe biden died in 2019. His own niece or granddaughter even revealed it. Adam full of shit Schiff has been executed. You need to start telling the people the truth if you want them to wake up. The lying msm needs to be silenced because millions of Americans continue to listen to and believe the bs lies of the lying news media. The majority of my neighbors are not waking up. Even some who are Trump supporters don’t believe me when I tell them what’s really going on. That President Trump is our true Commander In Chief of the military and the Supreme Court appointed Trump as our true President after learning the evidence of all the voter fraud and cheating that took place during the 2020 election. Not the fake biden actor. It’s way past time to start telling the American people the truth. They are not going to wake up as long as everyone continues to lie to them.
California of all places has THE key to eliminating crime.
Allow me to share
CAL 19280+CPC K12, US, World MYSTERY
2004 enacted, thus CA LAW: CA Revenue & Taxation Code 19280 = CRIMINALS WORK vs prison, Victim PAID! LESS CRIME gangs PRISONS?
19280 grants CFTB:
Track down criminal(s,) (crooked politicians (Wait for it …))
Wage garnish law abiding, tax paying employment
Job referrals as needed!
3) Property Liens
All collected PAID TO VICTIM!
Administrative Fee
NOT victim,
NOT taxpayers,)
(IN ADDITION to crime victim)
CPC 1203(e) 10% annual compounded interest,
Per payment,
CPC 1202.040
6) NO PAROLE, case seal until PAID IN FULL !!!
KNOWING CONVICTED CRIMINALS, and / or their parents, $$$ LIABLE to their victims, CFTB: WHY become a criminal in the first place? Why join a gang?
CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT CA LAW, LEGAL LICENSE(s) REVOCATION: Gov A ASchwartzeNIGGER SIGNED CAL19280, AG (Senator Kamala Harris (Former CA Attorney General,) CA Senator Dianne Feinstein recalls her 19280 work; retiring like Judge McGee who GRANTED my 19280; Rep JIrwin, VP KHarris (Form AG, DA, Senator,) AVOIDS Ventura,NO HELP Hmmm …
Friday-another great X22…thanks Dave for your dedication.
If we don’t have the military, we might as well give up right now, and start learning how best to live as a slave.
So many people I know are just disgusted with the indictment on DJT yesterday. They don’t see a way of winning back our Country back. I try to tell to watch you but, they don’t. These are smart people, i.e. doctors, lawyers, fire fighter, teachers (good) nurses etc….
I want more than anything for these filthy rat bastards to be buried under the military jail. I am holding on to the plan and praying without ceasing. Thank you Dave, for giving ME hope that I try to pass on to others.
Dave, you need to talk about the WHO world treaty that if we in the US don’t say NO by November, all the amendments will pass and we will loose the constitution. The WHO will be in charge of everything . By the health treaty they will control everything..please, Dave. This is life and death of America .
where to subscribe????
michelle obama aka michael is a man ..a traitor .. and a pervert/ and even if wasn t these thigs / what experience or skill would this do nothing person have ????????any common working man on the street would do a better job !
#WakeUpAmerica #LetMeLearnYouSomething There is no question. There is no way around this TRUTH!! For where it goes, light goes. No matter what the world says!! #ImTellingYouRightYouJustLookingAtItWrong
Message Of Hope For Black America!
@DonaldTrump @GreggAbbott_tx ElonMusk #RealEyesRealizeRealLies
If #BLACKRIGHTSMATTER is inspiring positive change in others and the world by being of service to humanity, and sharing the light of TRUTH.revealing messages received from God, the universe and my higher self to help in the “Great Awakening” with insight, intuition and research to manifest and co create a template for the greater good of Black America and the world. Why can’t you Fact Check? Either prove me wrong or tell the TRUTH.
No one believes this bull crap anymore! 3 years of “coms”… delta…. The patriots are in complete control… what ever happened to ” Red October ” ? I trusted you. I trusted Trump. You 2 have lied and lied and lied…. Just to PACIFY THE REAL PATRIOTS! WE HAVE THE NUMBERS!!! WE’VE HAD THE NUMBERS SINCE 1-6-21 . NO ONE NEEDED TRUMP TO LIE AND SAY THE BEST IS YET TO COME… WE CAUGHT THEM ALL…. I’M DONE WITH YOUR HEAD GAMES!!! DONE WITH TRUMP PLAYING DICTATOR!!! YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN BIDEN. QUIT LYING AND GET THE FUQ OUT OF THE WAY!!! TELL TRUMP TO WALK THE HELL AWAY!!! WE GOT THIS!!!
Firefighters use compressed air in their tanks ,NOT oxygen.FYI
Firefighters generally are wearing Compressed Air breathing apparatus
Oxygen breathing apparatus is usually confined to mines rescue & long duration type fires in basements & ship fires. So it is ” compressed air ” like scuba divers use.