Ep 3291b – [DS] Just Revealed Their Plan For Election Day, Trump Says Judgement Day Is Coming
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The [DS] is pushing different agendas to stop Trump. Each agenda will fail and they just revealed their plan to stop Trump if he wins the election. They will not certify the elections, they will say Trump is ineligible to be President. They will use this to make the MAGA supporters angry, they want a civil war. Trump has the people, once the people vote for Trump the [DS] will be judged and tried. Judgement day is coming to the treasonous criminals.
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What I love about the Hope* & Hype Train ,.
It’s the strongest longest running engine in the world.
Unfortunately the path of the train leads to absolute no where .
You know how you know rite ?
its Feb 2024 ,. we’ve been hearing the same bs day in and day out since 2016 LOL
poor sheep,…
poor poor sheep,.
You are being led to a slaughter
CAL 19280 CAN $$ STRIP criminals, & BILL the convicts CFTB COLLECTION NUISANCE, 20 YEARS ago! Gov ASchwarteNIGGER, CA AG KHarris; CA Sen: Christine Bish, DFeinstein’s 19280, AShit?
Were 19280, basic interlocking CA Penal Codes taught K – 12 who’d become a criminal?
Who’d join a gang? Or liable parent allow … ?
Were 19280 common knowledge, what might OTHER US states do? Other nations?
+2000 CA electect, judicial, contributors, CPC 205 CONSPIRATORS 19280 LIABLE?
PS .. 1% THINK they control everything: PedCOMMIESObama, Soros, Wuhan Lab Bill Gates;
10% .. PUPPETS: Sleepy COMMIES: Joe, Clintons, … ;
85% .. ZOMBIES: COMMIEcrats, Covid BIOWEAPON recipients (RIP,);
++ 4% .. 1 Cor 15:52, 1-4
Anti-Communist Manifesto, Jesse Kelly
X 22 Report
SEE the light
You MUST fight for your freedom,
Take BACK this country.
An individual, Clinton, put something out, very interesting, exPLAINS what President Trump
Is going through right now, OUR country:
… Heard a story once ’bout a teacher who took a fish out its bowl, left a children’s classroom. As it flopped around, he told them. If ANYONE left their seat, they would be EXpelled!’
All the children sat, watching the fish gasping for air. NO ONE wanted to get up, to avoid getting into trouble.
FINALly, a boy sprang from his seat, ran to the fish, placing it back in its bowl. He was the ONLY ONE who REFUSED to watch it die.
Upon his return, the teacher told the class, ‘THIS was the lesson:
‘FEAR of authority trouble, group – think should NEVER stop you from right!, ie NAZI Germany
Thank you, President Trump, for ALWAYS doing the RIGHT thing, save America; threatened, punished, over, and over again!
President Trump is only in the way, they’re REALLY after YOU; ReMOVE HIM, COMMIcrates will DESTROY YOU!
Thus Trump will NEVER give up.
X 22 Report, paraphrased SEFPE
Thank you,
May God Bless You, and
Untied States of America,
I know this is pointless (you never read/respond to emails. Thanks for the virtual shield catastrophe of 2023), but the 1948 Smith Mundt Act PROHIBITED the propagandization of Americans by news media. Obama “modernized” it in 2012, to say in cases of “national security”, the ban on propaganda could be “modified”.
South Carolina is a crossover state Dems could vote for Haley, look at the low vote for Biden; do you think they voted on the Republican ticket for Haley? Wisconsin has same situation so if Biden only candidate they can safely cross over without jeopardizing their Presidential candidate?
YES! The MILLIONS & MILLIONS of ILLEGALS – esp. FOREIGN SOLDIERS – that the Biden Regime INVITED IN & SUPPORTED TO DATE, THEY will be the ones OUT in the streets, burning, looting, screaming & hurting anyone getting in their way. I think .50 cal. machine guns on MILITARY vehicle should INDISCRIMINATELY TAKE THEM DOWN. Stay HOME, PATRIOTS & STAY ALIVE. THE PRODUCTIVE MEEK should “inherit” the American Earth.
Trump and the patriots have a plan…they know they will try to put him in prison…I believe the military will reinstate Trump before it comes to that…he already set it in motion…thru Devolution !!!
nov 5 judgement day …THE TRUMPINATOR !