Frank – There Will Be An Inflection Point Where The People Say No More
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Today’s Guest: Frank
Website: Quite Frankly
Frank is the creator and owner of Quite Frankly Podcast. Frank begins the discussion on how different states are handling the pandemic. Some states are dictators and while others are open and free. Frank does not believe Biden will make it the 4 years or even 1 more year. People have had enough, soon there will be an inflection point where people will not be able to take it any more and will begin to fight back.
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- Ep 2449a – Conspiracy No More, Digital Currency, The Choice Is Yours →
Please – there is a simple solution to the this plague- it would be so great if X22 would look at Germ Theory v Terrain Theory. Germ theory says if the fish are sick they need meds (vaccines), terrain says if the fish are sick clean the tank. Dr Andrew Kaufmann and Dr Cowan both make this easy to see. Please do look.
The UN as cover is stealing trillions of dollars from the American people even though we don’t have the money, they tell who gives ash it just borrow it from the CB and make their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren pay for it. When Trump did this it was for jobs security, all for the American people and our country. This is just out right theft. We do nothing
I would guess the politicians receive kick backs from the U.N.
My thoughts about this reset crypto and gold will be the currency in a digital form on your phone. Owning stocks shares will be the other form of value I have started to accumulate BIT COIN shares GBTC and all hard assets such as real estate. A program on this would be great. Thanks Dave !🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
HQN and Ivermectin has been known to work effectively by Dr Fauci and others since 2005, they have sat on this data, while vaccine producers are getting RICH, while millions of VOTERS are DYING. These scientists and corrupt politicians should ALL face the hangman. IT’S MASS MURDER!!!
It thins out the herd of the weakest. That is the plan. Follow the money.
Dave….I love your show, but I had to turn it off, because you and your guest kept talking about Bye-den (the faux person pretending to be someone he is NOT) like he is the President….he is NOT! President Trump will absolutely be back at the helm sooner than later! You just watch and see……GOD WINS THIS WAR OF GOOD vs EVIL!
🇺🇸👆🇺🇸TRUMP 2Q21-2Q24🇺🇸👆🇺🇸
Those of us with decernment & the ability to use common sense have a difficult time comprehending this evil plan from the globalists. We want to attempt to find some thread of logical reason to explain their illogical actions. The cold, hard facts are they want to annihilate us. Their own statements prove this. bill gates interviews, agendas 21 & 30, the lockstep bs. They spell it out clearly. They want us gone. Whatever it takes to accomplish that is what they will do.
I think we already have a social credit score, just let your credit score go bad and see how it affects your life, insurance companies use it and loans and who knows what else they use if for!!!
DRIP, drip, drip…..
Here’s the problem I have with the whole scenario. Every commentator is guessing that we are waiting for everyone to become ‘awoke’ as it were. The problem is that, when President Trump won over 400 electoral votes, the ‘majority’ was ALREADY AWAKE. That means that the rest of the votes came from what I call “libtards” who voted for the Biden clown. The problem is that the definition for libtard is “you can’t fix stupid”. So the whole narrative of “we need to WAKE everyone up”, I believe, is HOGWASH. What we’re probably really waiting for is the military to locate a couple of dirty bombs, get all of the dumbs secure and/or demolished, cleanup all human trafficking and do the financial reset. I remember Q saying: RED October – And that makes me wonder if that is the timeframe. Personally, I think the cleanup of the entire globe is so vast that the first 4 years was just not enough time to get it all cleaned up, and the ‘pain’ that Q espoused are PATRIOTS waiting for justice. I am getting tired of it all. I have shared so much “hold the line” rhetoric with family and friends who think I’m nutzzz; I gotta tell ya it is getting hard to listen to the same ‘ol, same ‘ol, stuff from the 12 or so commentator’s I listen to. I guess this all equates to just getting tired of the guessing game and beginning to want to just shut everybody off. and give up and watch the Biden asshole destroy my Country. But then that pisses me off, so I’m still here standing in the gap, but dammit it’s a struggle as one single human among millions. Just sayin’.
The U.S. military is a huge part of the destruction of this republic. I wouldn’t trust them .
Religion in China –
China officially recognizes several world religions.
Judas-ism isn’t one of them.
That’s because it’s not a religion.
It’s a satanic, criminal conspiracy/cult.
It’s obvious to all who care to look.
Just do a quick study of their “holiest” book, the talmud.
Must read:
Wuhan laboratory is owned by GlazoSmithKline (UK Pharma corp) which is controlled by Black Rock (investment fund) which is controlled by a group of shareholders that includes Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the Soros organization. Black Rock also owns Pfizer. These are some of the people who will need to provide restitution for the destruction caused by the scamdemic.
What happened to the comment section?
I want to know the url for trumps new platform please.
I listen to you faithfully and I am very concerned what is happening to
our Country.
Please inform Pres Trump that he has to show the people how the election was stolen.
We can’t wait any longer , we won’t have a country.
I hope we have not been misled.
You dumb ass. For the elderly, if you get the vaccine and get COVID, YOU DON’T END UP ON A VENTILATOR. I wish you would do more than just spout your personal opinions and at least provide both sides of the Covid vaccine story. I DON’T WANT TO GET THE VACCINE, but I DON’T WANT TO DIE IF I DON’T GET IT. Your 99.9% of people1 survival rating is crap. You are obviously not calculating THE THOUSANDS OF OLD PEOPLE THAT HAVE DIED BECAUSE THEY ARE THE VULNERABLE. We oldies are between a rock and a hard place. Don’t get the vaccine, pray you don’t get COVID and end up on a respirator or get the vaccine and hope we survive the vaccine, with the hope that if we get Covid we won’t end up on a ventilator. I THINK YOU ARE DONG A GREAT DISSERVICE TO THE ELDERLY BY NOT FULLY EXPLAING THE PROS AND CONS.
I just listened to your discussion with Frank and really have gotten to the point of wanting to burst. Nothing happens !!!! It’s just all talk. We a talk about Newsom : people want to recall him, but he’s still there. CUOMO, through the genocide that he committed plus all of the sexual scandals, and NOTHING, but NOTHING happens. Justice never comes even though is flagrantly before our eyes. You talked about the precipice, and I believe that many are over and above the precipice. I have tried to start talk groups and many don’t even seem to be receptive to anything. I guess what I am saying is that I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE SOMETHING OF SUBSTANCE AND IN FAVOR OF THE PATRIOTS FINALLY HAPPEN !!!
Hope this data or fact sheet on J/J ‘vaccine’ helps diffuse the vaccine confusion- its still ubnder trial assessments..THEY DO NOT KNOW ON EFFECTS /PROTECTIONS OR LONG TERM FALLOUTS
Side effects that have been reported with the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine include:
• Injection site reactions: pain, redness of the skin and swelling.
• General side effects: headache, feeling very tired, muscle aches, nausea, and fever.
There is a remote chance that the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine could cause a severe allergic
reaction. A severe allergic reaction would usually occur within a few minutes to one hour after
getting a dose of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. For this reason, your vaccination provider may
ask you to stay at the place where you received your vaccine for monitoring after vaccination.
Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include:
• Difficulty breathing,
• Swelling of your face and throat,
• A fast heartbeat,
• A bad rash all over your body,
• Dizziness and weakness.
These may not be all the possible side effects of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. Serious and
unexpected effects may occur. The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is still being studied in clinical
[email protected]
Here is what your Q BULLSHIT trust the plan has gotten us, while Trump smiles and does nothing but golf. He had his day in the sun and now is letting the country become communist. but hey he said it would never become a socialist country….I guess that’s true straight to communism. Listen to what your Orange man has left us with you fucking clueless dolt….Oh ya, your Trumpet endorses Rubio…another fucking RINO…..I hope with all of my might that the world goes up in a nuclear war, every bomb fired to get rid of your ilk and other idiots the world over. It is time for everything to end.
I am living in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA & you wouldn’t believe the propaganda/hyperbole/lies. We’ve been in lockdown for over one year…no restaurants/bars open. No gyms open. HAVE to wear masks when you enter a store or they won’t serve you. I don’t know ONE person who got covid, let alone died from it yet the lying media keep saying how everyone is dying & the hospitals are full. I HAD to go to emergency a couple of months back (I have severe blood disorder & knew I had to get help although I haven’t been able to see specialist in over a year, the doctor has been home or holiday & not at work).
The emergency dept was almost EMPTY, whenever I’ve gone there in the past I have to wait about 6 hrs, this time with the so-called pandemic, I only had to wait half an hour!!! In fact, the hospital emergency was so empty, that the nurse allowed me to have a nap for a couple of hours at the back where all the beds were empty except one man groaning in pain from stomach (nothing to do with covid as I asked the nurse. It’s ALL BS! Very, very few people have actually died from covid here in Canada….it’s all very old, sick people in nursing homes who have died. I also don’t know ONE person who is going to get the ‘jab’ although I did see a huge line-up at one covid vaccine clinic, I went there to see what was going on.
But nobody I know will get jabbed with these ‘experimental technologies’ which are killing people & they are covering it all up. Canada is the WORST place to be, Trudeau is obsessed with Schwab’s Great Reset & keeps pushing the Plandemic. I am planning to move to Florida or AZ, I’ve GOT to get away from the Biden sheep. My own family are ALL Trump supporters and we have to keep quiet about it or we get bullied & attacked. I LOVE your reports where I hear the Truth & gives me hope that the entire world is not brainwashed. Thank you
I think you are dead wrong……The people came out and voted in record numbers for Trump only to see the left successfully steal the election right in front of our eyes…….and then watched and waited for Trump to do something……NOTHING happened…Nothing ever happens….
The Left doesn’t care if we know what scum they are, what cheaters and evil they are as long as they can do whatever they want and not be held accountable. Now they know they can steal elections anytime they want to and the Right can’t do anything about it.
The right blew their opportunity and Trump ( 5d master chess player or not) was out maneuvered when he was trick into closing down the economy. It was the beginning of the end. We just didn’t see it because we were foolishly being mislead by Q lies… the plan…pop the popcorn and enjoy the show……
Good morning, Dave
Texas Salty Legion. 25k , Coming at you. Ask me why!!! Because the salt must flow.pew pew
Hey Dave, if I haven’t said to you before I say to you now … I am thankful and as the Living God is my witness I appreciate ALL that you do and I believe will continue to do by the Grace of ALL Mighty GOD.
I just wanted you to know that. Declan Fremont says that you don’t seem to be on Twitter still … Is this True ???
And finally the original reason I again was prompted to email and I hope you are able to respond but I suppose I understand if you cannot. Nevertheless, on my desktop THIS interview did what they usually do and get to a early point and then the dill goes fast and forward and ends … Is this on my end ???
Sincerely, MWS
I surmised that this deadly virus was not all they said it was When doctor Fauci Was caught contradicted himself in early March 2020. I am a high risk individual I’m 70 over weight have A compromised immune system But yet on March 18th , 2020 I flew coast to coast For a business deal. I then flew back within a 24 hour period Breathing that fabulous air That airplanes all have and I have not even caught so much as a cold. Now what’s coming out if you gargle with Listerine which I do it kills the virus. If you take a baby aspirin daily it kills the virus. If you were a smoker It kills the virus. DoctorFauci I believe was also involved with the NIH which granted funding for a us lab to set up in China With the US government’s blessing.
I cannot agree that Florida is ‘free’. I just got home from Sanibel Island and the Everglades area. It’s worse there than here in my state, PA. Those people demanded masks on!! Both areas! Why I feel far more free here in eastern PA than I did there. I went there with the idea of being more free because of all I’ve heard in the last couple months. I was on the beaches, in cafe’s, fast food places, shops, grocery stores and every single time I went in without a mask, I was ‘told’ to put one on. I can go pretty much in any stores here in my home state and no one says anything about putting on a mask. In the past year, I have hardly worn a mask. I spent two weeks down in FL and wore that stupid mask more than the entire year here in PA.
The John Birch Society has been talking about the politician and unionized government employee crime gang and the elites destroying the freedom and liberty of people since has come since I first used them for information.. The Tv watching drones will always obey the Tv.