Kash Patel – D’s Are In The Process Of Removing Biden, The Patriots Have The Leverage To Get It All
Prepare Today Take
Today’s Guest: Kash Patel
Website: Fight With Kash
Book: Government Gangsters
Kash Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations. Kash oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities. Kash begins the conversation the FBI who was arrested for colluding with Russia. The discussion then moves to the Biden classified docs, these docs have to do with Hunter’s business dealings. Biden is a liability and they are in the process of removing him. The patriots have the leverage and the ability to get it all by using a tactic called fencing.
A most excellent interview with Kash Patel, one of my true heroes.
QUESTION: Where is Bobulinski ?? Surely Tony rode in that Corvette and likely spent time at the document “drop” (FJB’s house he rented to Hunter for $50,000/month).
It would seem a real possibility that Bobulinski could be on Durham’s next witness list.
Thank you for keeping us informed.
We should never be silly enough to trust McCarthy any further that we can spit him.
Damn, Dave! you blindsided Kash. Awesome. It answers a question I always had, Do these guys ever listen to the Patriots like you? Now we know that they do not. Glad I listened today. I wasn’t going to because I’m sick of listening to Kash blather on about nothing we don’t already know.
I love Cash Patel, he just tells it like it is.
Obama doesn’t want to “save” Biden as he @ the same time exonerates President Trump.
Unfortunately, we don’t need to trust mccarthy any further than we can physically throw him. I think he is trying to be ‘INSTALLED” as president through the impeachment of biden & harris; resulting in another ford/reckeffler debacle. The other “interesting” premise is: Is Harris a whitehat ?
Kash Patel endorses X22? I guess I need to reexamine my opinion of your info. I do however, remain skeptical of the House investigating Rod Rosenstein, etc.
There is an interesting correlation, between young microbiologist Judyth Vary Baker — her involvement with the CIA in developing a virulent cancer virus with which to infect Castro — and current Pfizer Exec disclosures exposed by Veritas. Jack Ruby appears to have been dispensed with using some of Judyth’s research (“they gave me cancer” / JR), which today, one suspects has made its way into mainstream pharma “VaXXine” applications, specifically, Pfizer’s use of monkeys in multi-generational experiments to produce an ever more potent & virulent virus, ostensibly with which to manufacture a never ending demand, market & profit for Pfizer VaXXinations. Such tangled webs.
Me & Lee Blog
I think Kash just answered your question Dave. Biden’s health will remove him and Harris will run in 24.
It was not just a year ago that classified info about the Biden’s was known as regard the CCP and te going on’s in The Ukraine…it was all Public Record BEFORE the 2020 election, indeed BEFORE the Democratic ntional Convention whee the leadership of the Democratic party put Jpe Biden forwad as Candidate for Presidency and whee Trunp already had been investigating the Biden connection in the ukrain and the Biden Family had multi- billion dollar contractw withthe chineese military…a Treasonous Relationship…so what gives Z-22 Report.????
Love the show and Cash but this is what I’m thinking fifth generation warfare. Yeah I think that’s in play here. Kevin McCarthy is doing what he’s told and I’ve been around long enough to see many congressmen forced out, voted out by the ethics committee giving their pink slips for fraud, sex problems illegal campaign contributions everything and we got a bunch of a holes in their trading in the basement. Violating their oath to the constitution 80% of them should be prosecuted for treason and as far as putting up fences around the money, they need to cut 90% of the federal government. If there are any left that are decent, they can go to the states and do some kind of similar jobs , we don’t need any stinking federal bureaucracy look where it’s got us right now the most disgusting corrupt bunch of criminal a holes and Biden better be impeached as well as all these other aholes garland, mynoyourasskiss with DHS Fauci cdc, fda etc they need to be dismantled their budgets need to be cut immediately. They need to be brought to task all these corrupt judges these ahole judges presiding over the January 6 defendants of those incarcerated without due process. Are you kidding me , where are the spines on these stinking ethics committee‘s for bar members or the justices whoever preside over the bars in the ethics committee these judges should be banned and prosecuted for treason all the attorneys involved in prosecuting of January 6 people need to be banned for ethics violations half the attorneys in Washington need to be called on the carpet and never allowed to practice again and prosecuted for all their crimes. Yeah, I flunked charm school just like the Democrats but the problem is the Republicans need some stinking backbone. Maybe you can get representative Bobert to give congress grafts of her spine – because all the corruption, the FDA, the DOJ, DHS, CDC, Department of Education, FBICIA are you kidding me we the people say get rid of those stinking departments and corrupt hacks like branden, barry, garland fauci etc they’re disgusting waste of taxpayer money the states have the power and that’s what the founding fathers were afraid of exactly what’s going on now, so neuter the stinking federal government I know dhs as I worked there and was disgusted by what I saw !!! yes the states and the counties in the cities are filthy, stinking corrupt, political scum suckers too, and need to be cleaned up but there’s nothing as disgusting as the feds!!!
The 20% does not show up when you click on autoapply when trying to buy Kash’s book. Just FYI
JUST A THOUGHT…… I wish X-22 would come up with T-SHIRTS to purchase in multiple colors with your emblem… I for example play in bands and would love to wear one on stage in front of hundreds of people in order to advertise for you!!! THINK ABOUT IT… You could even donate the $$ to charity of your choice if you like! Hmmm!!!!