All X22 Reports


All X22 Reports (podcast and video)
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Watch The X22 Report On Video The climate report that the Biden administration continues to quote is flawed, it is Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The green new deal is not going well, they want to use the covid Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Kerry and Biden are pushing the green new deal, they are throwing money at Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The people of Spain are fighting back against socialism, this is going to spread Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Germany is falling apart, the green new deal is ripping the country apart. The Read more
Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Everyday the passes the great reset and the green new deal are exposed. The Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The [CB]/[WEF] lost the battle for the Green New Deal, the people around the Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Germany's push to make everything green is destroying the country. The people will not Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The Biden administration is going to have to make a decision on EVs. Most Read more