All X22 Reports


All X22 Reports (podcast and video)
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Watch The X22 Report On Video The [CB]/[WEF] are now getting frustrated with the world because the world is not Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The green new deal is not going the way the [CB]/[WEF] thought. The people Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video John Kerry is panicking, the countries are doing what they said they were going Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The people around the world are rising up, the economy is imploding and the Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Germany is now pledging 100 million to compensate climate change, this will destroy Germany. Read more
 Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy. Bob also does a podcast on YouTube which is called Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Biden is skipping the climate summit in Dubai, Harris is going in his place. Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The [WEF]/[UN] are pushing the agenda, they are now trying to limit the food Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The [WEF]/[CB] green new deal is falling apart, California can not hit their goals Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video A new study shows that the fake elites emit as much carbon as the Read more