Cyber Attacks Attempts, Election Day, Nov 5th, Everything Is A Go, Biggest Day In History – Ep. 3321


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Cyber Attacks Attempts, Election Day, Nov 5th, Everything Is A Go, Biggest Day In History
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The Biden admin are trying to force people into purchasing EVs, the people are rejecting them, the demand is not there, the Biden admin is now getting angry. The Fed is now predicting one rate cut. The soft landing is now more. Biden will not fill up the strategic oil reserves. The [DS] is continually destroying themselves, back in the day when they had control over the narrative they could easily convince the people, now this is not working. Trump has turned the table on the [DS] once again and is empowering the people to go vote on Nov 5. It will be the biggest day in history. The [DS] will try to stop it, most likely there will be cyber attack attempts. Playbook known.



Pete Buttigieg Given Brutal Reality Check After Using Faulty Analogy to Mock Americans for Refusing to Buy Electric Vehicles (VIDEO)

  • Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg this week used a faulty analogy on Fox News to taunt Americans for refusing to buy overpriced, environmentally damaging electric vehicles. But Americans on social media gave the inept and elitist Buttigieg a brutal reality check afterward.


  • Social media users quickly jumped on the flaws in Buttigieg’s arguments. There were reasons why cell phones were better than landlines, whereas EVs have several drawbacks compared to gas-powered cars and the only way for EVs to be “competitive” is to crack down on traditional vehicles.
  • Moreover, landlines cost almost nothing compared to electric cars, and many Americans still use them.








Bidenomics Failure Shows Up At Polls As Gen-Z Revolts Against Democrats 

  •  a new Gallup poll shows a growing number of Gen-Zers and millennials are becoming increasingly frustrated with the failure of ‘Bidenomics‘ as they struggle with the cost-of-living crisis.
  • We didn’t need a poll to reveal the frustrations of youngsters working two or three jobs just to afford rent, auto payments, and avocado and toast. The writing has been on the wall, especially on social media feeds of TikTok and X:
  • The new Gallup poll of 18-29-year-olds validates the Biden administration, which seemingly cares more about illegal aliens and the LGBTQQIP2SAA community (not sure what all those letters mean), is quickly losing the young vote.


Source: Bloomberg
  •   a.



House GOP Probes DOJ On Possible Retaliation Against Hunter Biden Whistleblowers

  • House Republicans are probing the Department of Justice (DOJ) about possible retaliation against whistleblowers connected to its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, letters obtained by the Daily Caller Tuesday reveal.
  • Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith addressed letters to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Special Counsel David Wiess and U.S. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Daniel Werfel on Tuesday, asking about potential retaliation against the whistleblowers.
  • The letters claim that Hunter Biden, the president’s son and a key character in the impeachment inquiry, and his lawyers launched an intimidation campaign against the whistleblowers. The lawmakers demanded that the DOJ tell their respective committees if they are investigating the subjects.

  • “Retaliation against whistleblowers is unlawful and morally repugnant, and if the Biden administration is doing that to these whistleblowers, there will be hell to pay,” a GOP source with knowledge of the investigation told the Daily Caller in a statement.




Geopolitical/Police State

Trump sues two Trump Media co-founders, seeking to void their stock in the company

  •  Donald Trump is suing two co-founders of Trump Media & Technology Group, the newly public parent company of his Truth Social platform, arguing that they should forfeit their stock in the company because they set it up improperly.
  • The former U.S. president’s lawsuit, which was filed on March 24 in Florida state court, follows a complaint filed in February by those co-founders, Andy Litinsky and Wes Moss. Their lawsuit sought to prevent Trump from taking steps the two said would sharply reduce their combined 8.6% stake in Trump Media. The pair filed their lawsuit in the Delaware Court of Chancery.
  • Trump’s lawsuit claims that Litinsky and Moss, who were both contestants on Trump’s reality-TV show “The Apprentice,” mishandled an attempt to take Trump Media public several years ago, allegedly putting the whole project “on ice” for more than a year and a half.
  • But it also targets the pair over their Delaware suit against Trump, saying that it was one of several attempts they made to block Trump Media’s ultimately successful plan to go public. Trump Media accomplished that goal by merging with a publicly traded shell company called Digital World Acquisition in March.


Poland Prepares New Hate-Speech Law: 3 Years In Prison For Insulting LGBT People

  • Poland, once a bastion of conservatism, is radically shifting gears under the new left-liberal government with a new “hate speech” law that could see offenders imprisoned for up to three years for “offensive” content against LGBT people.
  • The left had already been pushing for stricter speech controls before the coalition government formed, and since it won power, the left is now making good on its promises. On Wednesday, the Polish Ministry of Justice published a draft amendment to the penal code regarding hate speech on the website of the Government Legislation Center.
  • The new draft law is looking to expand classifications regarding hate speech to include age, disability, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, according to Polish news outlet DoRzeczy.
  • Poland’s new government moves to crack down on ‘hate speech’
  • In a strong stand against government plans to penalize what it calls “hate speech,” Poland’s Confederation party asserts the need for free and unrestricted public discourse



‘More complaints’ were made about First Minister Humza Yousaf and his 2020 speech about ‘often being the only non-white person in the room’ than JK Rowling under new Scots hate crime law – as police receive nearly 4,000 reports in first two days


US Army and Air Force Call on Retirees to Return to Active Duty Amid Recruiting Shortages

  • The current fiscal year is likely to be even worse. The shortfall forced the Army to cut its planned active-duty end strength from 476,000 to 466,000, but according to the War on The Rocks outlet, “Army officials project that active end strength could shrink by as much as 20,000 soldiers by September, down to 445,000.
  • That means that the nation’s primary land force could plummet by as much as 7 percent in only two years — at a time when its missions are increasing in Europe and even in the Pacific, where the Army provides many of the critical wartime theater enablers without which the other services cannot function.



Cyber Attacks

False Flags

CDC cries ‘wolf,’ again!

  • The CDC just released an ominous warning about the danger of the spread of meningococcal disease.


  • What should the public make of this?
  • Today, the CDC is frightening the population with 143 cases of meningococcal disease, writing, “meningococcal disease has a fatality rate of 10 to 15 percent,” while in the same sentence, admitting it is “rare.” What is the public more likely to take away from the official CDC release: “fatality rate” or “rare?”
  • CDC and the entire Washington medical establishment including NIH, FDA, and the White House have lost credibility with Americans. Trust once lost cannot be restored, or not easily, and certainly not if they continue to lie.


New Study Shows McKinsey’s Studies Promoting DEI Profitability Were Garbage

  • A 30-page paper published in Econ Journal Watch found that studies conducted by the consulting giant in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2023 could not be verified to find significant results supporting conclusions that favor corporate DEI regimes.
  • “Our results indicated that despite the imprimatur often given to McKinsey’s 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2023 studies,” researchers concluded, “McKinsey’s studies neither conceptually (in terms of the correct definition of causality) nor empirically (in terms of their set of large US public firms) support the argument that large US public firms can expect on average to deliver improved financial performance if they increase the racial/ethnic diversity of their executives.”

  •   … they should not be relied on to support the view that US publicly traded firms can expect to deliver improved financial performance if they increase the racial/ethnic diversity of their executives.”
  • Despite the flaws in McKinsey’s work, the U.S. military cited the 2015 diversity report from the consulting company in 2021. In the Navy’s “Task Force One” final report espousing the need to diversify the force, the authors wrote that “gender-diverse organizations are 15 percent more likely to outperform other organizations and diverse organizations are 35 percent more likely to outperform their non-diverse counterparts.”

violent felonies. Pictured below, @SDDistAtty prosecutor Makenzie Harvey presents evidence in opening statements about the Antifa aliases defendants Jeremy J. “The Antifa Soldier” White and Brian “Antifa Boy ACAB 5” Lightfoot used while communicating plans on Signal. Both are represented pro bono by far-left San Francisco attorneys. At the beginning of trial, defendant White suddenly pleaded he’s “not guilty by reason of insanity.” Court photos today by Ken Stone/Times of San Diego.


Statewide Emergency Declared in Indiana Ahead of Solar Eclipse

  • Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb issued the emergency declaration as a precaution ahead of the April 8 event.
  • The Republican official said that the number of visitors to Indiana may strain the state’s communications, transportation, and emergency response systems, warranting the need for the declaration. Indiana includes some of the best locations in the United States to see the eclipse, according to a map of the path of totality.
  • Texas EmergenciesMultiple counties in Texas declared emergencies due to the upcoming April 8 total solar eclipse due to potentially heavy traffic and gridlock.
  • Niagara FallsMeanwhile, last week, a state of emergency was declared in the Canadian Niagara Falls region, adjacent to the city of Niagara Falls in New York state, due to traffic and crowd sizes.



Severe Swelling’: Rep. Lauren Boebert Announces Rare Medical Diagnosis, Emergency Surgery

  • Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert underwent emergency surgery after she was diagnosed with a rare vascular condition, her congressional campaign announced Tuesday.
  • Boebert disclosed in a Facebook post she was diagnosed with May-Thurner Syndrome, which affects the body’s blood flow, and that she completed a surgery that addressed an “acute” blood clot and had caused “severe swelling” in her left leg.


  •   There needs to be a national injunction to stop this takeover before it’s too late All of these voter registrations need to be removed if they are illegal aliens Red state attorneys general need to be all over this


Wisconsin Voters Approve Ban on Private Money Support for Elections – Buy-Bye, Zuckerbucks!

  • Wisconsin voters approved a ban on private money in elections on Tuesday night.
  • The voters approved a constitutional amendment brought forth by Republicans in reaction to Zuckerbucks money used in Wisconsin in 2020.
  • In 2020 Wisconsin rolled out a mobile home voting station on wheels paid for exclusively with Zuckerbucks.
  • The Zuckerbucks money was also allegedly used to steal votes from elderly Americans in nursing homes.
    What a disgusting act!

Wisconsin Watch reported:



Trump Wins Republican Primary Races in New York, Rhode Island, Delaware, Wisconsin and Connecticut

Swing-State Voters Overwhelmingly Trust Trump Over Biden On Pivotal Issues Ahead Of November Election: POLL

  • Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden by large margins on key domestic issues across seven battleground states ahead of the November election, a poll released Tuesday evening found.
  • Trump is trouncing Biden by 20 points on handling of the economy, border security, inflation and the “mental and physical fitness needed to be President,” according to a Wall Street Journal survey among registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Inflation and illegal immigration have surged since Biden took office in January 2021, and questions concerning the president’s mental fitness continue to mount.
  • The only issues polled that Biden led Trump on were abortion and “protecting democracy.”  
  •  t.


CURIOUS: The White House Spanish Language Social Media Account Didn’t Mention ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’  

  • The Biden White House came under fire this week for promoting the ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ on the same day as Easter.
  • Some people have noticed, however, that the Spanish language accounts for the White House did not mention this. Why do you suppose that is?
  • Is it possible that team Biden knows this would have been a losing move with Spanish speakers? Are they admitting that Latino voters would have been offended by such a message?
  • Townhall reports:




Jul 17, 2020 5:47:13 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4dc5f No. 9991332 
C19 narrative kill date: ELECTION DAY +1
Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.


Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147591125
We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT

4 thoughts on “Cyber Attacks Attempts, Election Day, Nov 5th, Everything Is A Go, Biggest Day In History – Ep. 3321

  • Pingback: Cyber Attacks Attempts, Election Day, Nov 5th, Everything Is A Go, Biggest Day In History – Ep. 3321 - x22report -

  • April 3, 2024 at 8:28 pm

    DNA and race — The discussions/arguments about race are all pretty funny to me. Course, I have heard it all before. Many times. So, I have a very simple question for you. I ‘assume’ you know what DNA is, correct? Everyone of your cells that make up your body has an approximate 6 foot long string of DNA inside of each cell which carries all of the info needed for your cells to reproduce. OK? With me so far? ALL cells ever examined, including the oldest known to man, have some version of DNA in them (RNA in the oldest). Without this ‘map’, there is no reproduction of the cells possible — this is not my opinion. It is science. RNA/DNA is noted by Scientists as quite possibly the most complicated ‘construct’ (interesting word; you should look it up) that exists in the universe. IN THE UNIVERSE. So, since there is ‘no god’ according to many, and most who claim that race and God both exist still cling to concepts of race? Now, since evolutionists can’t explain how evolution occurred without RNA/DNA, here is your opportunity to solve their grand problem and explain it to them (and to those who claim to ‘believe’ in God), oh, and to me, of course, by explaining how DNA/RNA self-assembled? You understand, like, when you decide to build a house and order all of the material, have it delivered to where the house is to be built, and then stand back and watch how the house self-assemblies itself. Kinda like that. (Genesis 1:27 And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. — Acts 17:26 And he made out of one man every nation of men…)
    On the other hand, we have proof of how Almighty God views this subject; Of course, this comes as no surprise to those who accept the scientifically accurate viewpoint on race found in the Bible: “[God] created every race of men of one stock, to inhabit the whole earth’s surface.” Hence, genuine Christians view other races as does “God [who] has no favorites, but . . in every nation the man who is God fearing and does what is right is acceptable to him.”—Acts 17:26; 10:34, 35, “New English Bible.” By doing this deep study, you will also come to the conclusion that race only exists in the eyes of fools, and not of God.
    Acts 10:34 At this Peter opened his mouth and said: “For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, 35 but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.
    I am ‘white’ as most would presume upon seeing me. Born and raised in Wyoming/Montana but I live in Mexico and have for some 27 years. I am married to a wonderful woman of Mexico who does not speak English. Most of my numerous friends also do not speak English. And I could care less, but I do not know how that could be done. I mean, caring less. I have never understood the discussions about ‘race’ and why it matters so much to so many, and how such discussions and hatred (which are not spiritual but are works of the flesh) separate them from Almighty God. We know that the end of this system ruled by Satan is very near. The faithful slave (Matt 24:45-48) appointed directly by Jesus and which oversees the world wide preaching work NOW being done has told us this and what is happening now worldwide is apparently the beginning of the fulfillment of Matt 24:21, 22. If you want to know more, please ask, or, if you want the entire explanation of the Holy Name Jehovah (about 15 pages and some 12,000 words) email me at [email protected] and I will send it. Any help/answers I can provide are always free. I also conduct free Bible studies online, or, I can give you a web connection to a free Bible study course that you can use at your convenience.

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