[DS] Failed, Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Insurance Policy In Play – Ep. 2414


[DS] Failed, Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Insurance Policy In Play
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The stimulus bill is not a stimulus bill, it is a payoff for the corrupt politicians. 90% is going to non covid related issues, while less than 10% is going to help the people. The federal workers will be getting 1400 week while everyone else will be getting a one time check. [JB] is in the process of destroying the entire economy, people are now seeing the truth. The [CB] is panicking, their information war will not hold the new currency down. The [CB]/MSM have already failed in their mission. Everything we see playing out now is to bring the people back in power. Trump was counting on the [DS] to pull out all the stops, and they are doing just that. The entire plan was to return the power to the people. DS sent a message that this is exactly what is happening.


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Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion COVID Bill Includes Up to $21,000 Bonus for Federal Workers Whose Kids or Family Members Are Impacted by Virus

  • The Democrat bill gives federal workers an extra $21,000 if they have kids out of school or loved ones affected by the coronavirus.
  • This is exactly what Socialist countries do, Government workers get the goodies as the rest of society suffers.
  • Forbes reported:

The U.S. House version of the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” – a $1.9 trillion emergency aid package to help America recover from the coronavirus pandemic has an extra perk for federal workers: Enhanced paid time off if your child is enrolled in a school that isn’t back to full-time, in-classroom instruction.

Critics call it a personal bailout for bureaucrats. It is funded through a new $570 million family leave account exclusively for federal workers.

While millions of parents struggle to work from home with kids who are enrolled in shuttered or partially shuttered schools, and millions more left the workforce or lost jobs to care for their at-home children, evidently parents in the federal bureaucracy need their own, personal Covid-19 bailout…

…Under the bill as currently drafted, full-time federal employees can take up to 600 hours in paid leave until September 30, up to $35 an hour and $1,400 a week. That’s 15 weeks for a 40-hour employee. Part-time and “seasonal” employees are eligible, too, with equivalent hours established by their agency.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

In summary – federal employees get up to 15 wks paid leave at $1400 per week if having to stay home w/kids for virtual schooling.

The peasants get $1400 once. ONCE. Let that sink in. Then pass it on.

Democratic spending package would cost each household a decent yearly salary 

  • If the coronavirus relief bill supported by Democrats is passed into law, the total cost of all the relief packages will surpass $40,000 per household.
  • The Democrats’ relief package, estimated to cost $1.9 trillion, will cost the United States $41,036 per household when combined with previous laws that came in response to the virus, according to Congressional Budget Office numbers compiled by Just Facts.

source: washingtonexaminer.com

Biden Revokes 7 Trump Executive Orders, Offers No Explanation President

  • Joe Biden revoked seven executive orders on Feb. 24 issued by President Donald Trump between 2017 and 2021. The White House offered no explanation for the revocation in its formal press release.
  • Biden’s action revoked one of the first executive actions Trump signed upon taking office—an executive order titled Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System. The order set out the Trump administration’s policy on financial regulation, with the first listed goal to “empower Americans to make independent financial decisions and informed choices in the marketplace, save for retirement, and build individual wealth.”
  • The policy also sought to “prevent taxpayer-funded bailouts” and to “enable American companies to be competitive with foreign firms in domestic and foreign markets,” among other priorities.
  • Biden also sacked an April 2018 executive order titled “Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility.” Trump’s order directed the federal government to reform the welfare system around a set of core principles, including improving economic independence, targeting benefits for people with low incomes, and reducing “wasteful spending by consolidating or eliminating federal programs that are duplicative or ineffective.”

Source: theepochtimes.com

US Durable Goods Orders Surge In January To Pre-COVID Highs 

  •  US durable goods orders to re-accelerate and they were not wrong as preliminary January data showed a huge 3.4% MoM jump (more than triple the +1.1% MoM expected).


  • That is the ninth straight monthly rise in durable goods orders after the March/April collapse, with orders up 4.5% YoY to pre-COVID highs…


Source: zerohedge.com

Q4 GDP Revised To 4.1%, Missing Expectations

  •   the US economy grew to 4.1%, up from the original 4.0% estimate

Source: zerohedge.com

Yesterday the Fed system crashed and what is very interesting is that 3 years ago post 820 and 821 said the following


!UW.yye1fxo ID: 3f8788 No.476339
Anonymous ID: 3f8788 No.476325
No coincidences.
Expand your thinking.


!UW.yye1fxo ID: 3f8788 No.476461
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is a large independent agency of the United States federal government that was created following the stock market crash in the 1920s to protect investors and the national banking system. The primary purpose of the SEC is to enforce the law against market manipulation.


SEC-Securities and Exchange Commission



Republicans Seek FBI Briefing on Rep. Swalwell’s Past Ties to Alleged CCP Spy 

  • More than a dozen House Republicans sent a letter on Feb. 23 to FBI Director Christopher Wray, asking to be briefed on Rep. Eric Swalwell’s (D-Calif.) past ties to an alleged Chinese spy.
  • “As our nation faces a growing security threat from the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) attempts to infiltrate and undermine the United States Government, we write to request a full briefing regarding counterintelligence threats to Members of Congress, including information related to Rep. Eric Swalwell’s ties to a suspected Chinese intelligence operative,” reads the letter from 14 House Republicans.
  • The lawmakers referred to public reporting that Swalwell was among a group of politicians targeted by the alleged CCP spy, known as Fang Fang or Christine Fang.

Source: theepochtimes.com


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/18/2018 18:17:25  ID:

Archive Bread/Post Links: 62 / 260
Direct Link: 260

BREAKING: President Trump directs DOJ to publicly release “all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr,” as well as declassify other material related to the Russian investigation.
Swalwell responded

Lawless. He is absolutely lawless.

is the subject of an investigation. Using his power to selectively release classified information is an abuse of power. His days of unchecked abuse are numbered. Tick tock. We will just mark this as another exhibit.

Quote Tweet

[Reminder – HUSSEIN EO]
Executive Order 13526
Sec 1.7
“Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;
(3) restrain competition; or
(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.”

Crooked Manhattan DA Cy Vance Obtains Millions of Pages of Trump’s Personal and Corporate Tax Records Following Supreme Court Decision

  • The Manhattan District Attorney’s office obtained millions of pages of Trump’s tax returns following the Supreme Court’s decision.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

ENDGAME : POTUS Trump’s Vindication Nears

  • Leftists have long alleged that Donald Trump has conducted crimes with the mafia, as well as with Russian oligarchs. What they can never explain is why Trump has never been indicted. As REX explains, there may be a reason for that. And in 2019, it’s all connected to POTUS Trump’s masterful takedown of The Swamp.
  • Opponents of Donald Trump have an absolute – some might say fanatic – obsession with Trump’s alleged links with organized crime.
  • For example, Trump’s critics have always referred to Trump’s ‘suspicious’ relationship with the Five Families in 1980’s New York. However, from 2015, they have of course focussed on Trump’s ‘extensive’ connections to the Russian mafia.
  • Readers of the many articles on this topic will now be familiar with their tone. Often published with portentous images implying a Trump connection to money laundering, ‘shady deals’ , the Kremlin or the Sicilian mafia, these reporters objective is to create misleading scenarios, intended to stoke suspicion. Take this quote from an article ‘Trump’s Russian Laundromat’ in The New Republic on July 13, 2017:
  • ‘Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties. Many used his apartments and casinos to launder untold millions in dirty money. Some ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower—in a unit directly below one owned by Trump. Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.’
  • Gosh. And did you know that ‘over the years, Trump and his sons would try …to build a new Trump Tower in Moscow?
  • There’s one problem. The reporters don’t tell you that of ‘the thirteen people’, almost all have been indicted and jailed, in the US or overseas. They also don’t tell you that the Moscow project never happened.
  • Time and time again, leftist ‘reporters’ are able to connect dots between Trump and mafia associates. However, they’re never able to find that elusive piece of evidence that they know must exist, revealing Trump’s criminality.
  • And that’s the point. Their intense hatred of Trump blinds them. It means that they are starting their investigations and research with the assumption that Trump must be a criminal, rather than asking, ‘if Trump has been working with the Italian and Russian mob so much since the 1980s, why has he never been indicted with anything?’
  • Maybe they don’t want to ask that question, because they suspect the answer doesn’t fit their narrative. Far from working with organized criminals since the 1980s, Trump has been working with the FBI – to bring them down.
  • Trump Started Working With The FBI Since 1981
  • Older readers will remember the threat that the Mob posed to the United States in the late 1970s/early 1980s.
  • Five major criminal groups and New York families – the Gambino, Genovese, Lucchese, Bonnano & Colombo families – had managed to integrate under a strict hierarchy, creating an extremely powerful crime syndicate specializing in murder, extortion, corruption of public officials, gambling, infiltration of legitimate businesses, labor racketeering, loan sharking, tax fraud ,schemes, stock manipulation, schemes and drugs.
  • Their reach extended into every sector in the US economy, but especially real estate, construction and gambling. All these sectors have always been very attractive for sophisticated organized criminal syndicates. Buying and selling property is an ideal way to launder money. Also, construction projects are complex – to succeed, they require the supply of labor, multiple government permits, security, not to mention loans. As for gambling, casinos are an excellent money laundering vehicle, an easy way to make huge money, as well as a perfect venue to sell narcotics.
  • The FBI worked out that the only way they could bring down the Mob, was by using legitimate business people in these business sectors as informants, or bait. This form of human intelligence has always been extremely valuable but also dangerous, which explains why the FBI struggled to persuade patriotic Americans to help them.
  • Enter Donald J Trump. In this FBI memorandum dated 22 September, 1981 an FBI agent records his meetings with Trump and a ‘source’ (in my view, almost certainly Roy Cohn) to discuss Trump’s plan to open casinos in Atlantic City. Trump notes his concern about organized crime and offers to become a confidential informant should he proceed with the project. He even proposed having undercover agents in his casino.
  • Everyone should read the memorandum in full. Notice how it is carefully drafted to create ‘plausible deniability’, to protect Trump. If anyone was to come across it, especially the Mob, they would never be able to know if Trump ever did become an informant to the FBI, or not.
  • Liberal reporters love celebrating the supposed failure of Trump’s casino venture in Atlantic City, which started in 1981. They have also reported extensively on how the Mob there, led by psychopath Nicky Scarfo, was destroyed by the FBI and DOJ, by 1985.
  • But given he is now POTUS, they’ve missed the biggest story of all – Trump’s role in the takedown.
  • FBI Vault
  • In October 2018, the FBI quietly released two files on the fall of Nicky Scarfo.
  • They provide a fascinating insight into how the FBI investigation went down, but more importantly for our purposes, stress the importance of protecting ‘sources’ and ‘informants’. This was for good reason. On page 223 of Part 1, for example, we find this:
  • ‘Information provided by this informant has proven to be extremeloyaccurate and reliable and has never been found tube false. Information furnished to the FBI by this informant has been corroborated by independent investigation conducted by SAs pf the FBI on at east 25 separate occasions.The FBI has made at least 23 arrests and has obtained at least 9 federal convictions as a result of information supplied by this informant.’
  • On pages 49-50 of Part 2, we have reference to a source expressing ‘grave concern over the corruption in the (redacted) area’. On page 76, there is reference to a source providing information about an employee in Atlantic City.
  • Given that Donald Trump had started purchasing properties along the Atlantic City boardwalk as early as 1980, had opened Trump’s World Fair on April 14, 1981 and received a casino license on March 15, 1982, the timeline that starts with the original FBI memo explained above and the downfall of Scarfo, is entirely consistent with Trump and his people assisting the FBI.
  • And that isn’t the only coincidence between Trump and the fall of organized criminals, operating in the US.
  • The Russians : Bayrock & Sater
  • Believe it or not, but the lamentable BuzzFeed produced a very good article in March, 2018 focussing on Felix Sater, one of Trump’s longest business associates and an astonishing individual in his own right, as a US spy.
  • As per usual, the reporters (hacks Cormier & Leopold) produced the article, incorrectly thinking it was damaging to Trump. Why? They assumed that Sater, who they revealed has a long-standing relationship with ‘at least six’ of Mueller’s SC team, was giving evidence against Trump.
  • This is extremely unlikely.
  • Reminder : Felix Sater was was a managing director of Bayrock Group LLC, as well as a senior advisor to Donald Trump and The Trump Organization when construction of the Trump SoHo began in 2006. He played a major role throughout the process of the building’s construction, and remained managing director of Bayrock Group when the Trump SoHo project was completed in 2010. Bayrock partnered with the future president and his two eldest children, Donald Jr. and Ivanka, on a series of real-estate deals between 2002 and about 2011, the most prominent being the troubled Trump Soho hotel and condominium in Manhattan.
  • During the years that Bayrock and Trump did deals together, the company was also a bridge between murky European funding and a number of projects in the U.S. to which the president once lent his name in exchange for handsome fees. Icelandic banks that dealt with Bayrock, for example, were easy marks for money launderers and foreign influence, according to interviews with government investigators, legislators, and others in Reykjavik, Brussels, Paris and London. Trump testified under oath in a 2007 deposition that Bayrock brought Russian investors to his Trump Tower office to discuss deals in Moscow, and said he was pondering investing there.
  • Trump & Sater? Both had been FBI informants for years. Connect the dots – Sater was working & Trump were working for the FBI and using Bayrock, a legitimate business, as a honey pot/ bait for Russian money launderers and crooks. And they’re still close, I suspect. Sater is loyal to Trump. Which Jerry Nadler may have just discovered – and why it’s unlikely we will ever see Felix water testify, in front of his tinpot Home of Representatives ‘enquiry’.
  • Oh, Bayrock? Who was the FBI Director all this time? Well, well, well.
  • Robert Mueller.
  • Incoming : The Storm
  • If you accept that Trump has been a very valuable source for the FBI since at least 1981, you can start to see his influence in major FBI/DOJ takedowns more clearly.
  • For example, in the early 1990s, the FBI was making a major push against the Mob in New York. The Gambino crime family in New York was brought down in 1992. The Mafia Commission between February 25, 1985 and November 19, 1986 broke up the Five Families. Each of these probes would have relied on valuable source informants, much like the Scarfo takedown in 1981.
  • Given the above and the Mafia’s power in the construction sector, what are the chances that Donald J Trump was a valuable source for these investigations? Answer – in my opinion, very high.
  • Now consider these remarkable ‘coincidences’:
  • Who led the Mafia Commission prosecution? Rudy Giuliani.
  • Who led the Gambino prosecution? Robert Mueller, who was USAG for the DOJ Criminal Division between 1990-1993. Who was working for Mueller at DOJ, during this time?
  • Rod Rosenstein.
  • And who was the Deputy Attorney General between May 1990 and 26 November, 1992, before becoming the Attorney-General?
  • William Barr.
  • And how about this?
  • Barr’s DAG in the 1990’s was George Terwilliger. His son, Zachary, was Grassley’s DOJ investigator for Judiciary. Zachary Terwilliger then became Rod Rosenstein’s Chief of Staff, before being appointed United States Attorney, for the Eastern District of Virginia. Who did Zachary Terwilliger replace in Virginia?
  • Dana Boente. Ring a bell?
  • Boente is now the FBI Chief Legal Counsel

Someone tell Rex there are 2 other big connections. Barr’s DAG was Terwilliger, his son was Grassley’s DOJ investigator for Judiciary. He then became RR’s Chief of Staff, then replaced Dana Boente when he left DOJ to become FBI Chief Counsel. 2. It wasn’t just the mob it was BCCI https://t.co/1uoAsYupeH

— DawsonSField (@DawsonSField) March 11, 2019

  • Ask yourself this – would these men know that Trump has been a long-standing patriot and FBI source, for decades? Answer – yes. Would any of these men work for Trump, if he was the traitor and Russian agent, that leftist journalists have been accusing him of?
  • Answer – no way.
  • 2019 – Mueller is SC. Rosenstein is DAG. Barr is now AG.
  • And how about Donald J Trump, patriot, billionaire, FBI informant?
  • President of the United States of America.
  • Have any leftist reporters made these connections? No, of course not. They’re still chasing shiny objects down endless information dead-ends, chasing that elusive piece of evidence that they know must exists, proving ‘OrangeManBad’.
  • My advice?
  • Laugh and ignore them. As they’ve run around like headless chickens, we can see that Trump has assembled a mighty team to drain the Swamp. The strategy has been nothing short of genius and the execution, masterful.
  • It is now far too late for the enemies of The Republic to respond. Taken by complete surprise, their fates are sealed.
  • Buckle up. The Storm is upon us.
  • The stage is set, for Trump’s hammer to fall.
  • Note – Rex would like to thank Sgt Friday @sgtfriday (twitter @Knowita47918362) & @DawsonSFields (twitter) for their research into Trump’s history with Sater, as well as the FBI & organized crime probes.

Source:  quodverum.com

Geopolitical/Police State

  • The IT Act 2000 says that if social media sites don’t observe due diligence, which has been defined in the latest guidelines, they will be liable for content posted by users
  • Government of India today released the guidelines for regulating social media and OTT platforms in the country. The guidelines spell various responsibilities for the social media platforms and OTT content hosts, with additional responsibilities for major social media sites.
  • One of the most significant provision of these guidelines is that if the social media platforms don’t comply with the provisions prescribed in the guidelines, this will attract penal provisions as per the Information Technology Act. The new guidelines say that the social media intermediaries must follow the due diligence mentioned in it, and if any intermediary does not follow the due diligence, the safe harbour provisions will not apply to them.
  • The section 79 of the Information Technology Act defines this safe harbour, which basically makes them not liable for any content posted by users on their platforms. It says that an intermediary shall not be liable for any third-party information, data, or communication link made available or hosted by them, provided they themselves didn’t initiate such communication, and observes due diligence under the IT act.
  • Now these due diligences to be observed by the social media companies have been defined in the new guidelines. It includes various measures they have to perform, like identifying the first originator of any information that appears on social media, not allowing content that is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, inciting violence, against national integrity, misleading, false etc. The platforms also have to remove any such content withing 36 hours of receiving a court order or a government direction to remove such content.
  • According to the guidelines, if the social media sites allow such objectionable content to be hosted on their platforms, and don’t remove them even after receiving such orders from courts or government, it will mean that they are not observing due diligence. As a consequence, they will lose the safe harbour in the IT Act that isolates them from content posted on their platforms.
  • This means, if the social media companies do not comply with the guidelines published today, they will be held responsible for any content which is not allowed as per the guidelines. And, the officials of the social media companies will be liable to be prosecuted for such content.

Source:  opindia.com


Germany Prepares Way for Its Troops to Stay in Afghanistan 

  • BERLIN—The German government is preparing the way for the country’s troops in Afghanistan—the second-biggest contingent in the NATO force—to stay in place until next year if needed.
  • German troop deployments overseas require parliamentary approval, which is typically granted on an annual basis. The current mandate for Afghanistan expires at the end of March.
  • NATO has just under 10,000 troops in the war-ravaged country, helping to train and advise Afghan security forces. Germany’s contingent of nearly 1,100 is the second-biggest in the Resolute Support mission after the United States.
  • President Joe Biden is reviewing his predecessor’s 2020 deal with the Taliban, which includes a May 1 deadline for a final U.S. troop withdrawal. In Washington, calls are mounting for the United States to delay the final exit or renegotiate the deal to allow the presence of a smaller, intelligence-based American force.

Source: theepochtimes.com


Cyber Attacks

False Flags


Under Gavin Newsom, CA now tops 50k Covid deaths—the highest in the country. Hundreds of thousands are unemployed, thousands of businesses are closed for good, there’s $31 billion in unemployment fraud, and kids are suffering without school. Democrat “leadership” has failed CA

JUST IN – Gavin Newsom’s recall petition has now gained over 1.8 million signatures, with still nearly 3 weeks to go. California special election to recall Newsom to be held this fall, movement leader says. @disclosetv @disclosetv_chat

Elite Panic Over The California Recall Shows What They Think Of Democracy

Source: dailycaller.com

Did Trump send the ships to LA and NY to trap Newsom and Cuomo  




Facebook Bans Myanmar Military Accounts Following Coup

  • Facebook banned Myanmar’s military from using the platform after it staged a coup and seized power on Feb. 1.
  •  Facebook also said that it would ban all “Tatmadaw-linked commercial entities” from advertising on its platforms.

Source: dailycaller.com

Armenian PM Pashinyan says army demand for his resignation amounts to ‘attempted coup’ & calls on supporters to rally in capital


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/23/2018 14:51:38  ID: 25d216

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1157762 / 1158067
Direct Link: 1158067

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/23/2018 14:48:13 ID:25d216
Archive Bread/Post Links: 1157762 / 1158014
Direct Link: 1158014

Why was Armenia mentioned recently?
Clowns losing control.

LEGISLATION ALERT: Arizona Moves To Give Lawmakers Final Say On Election Results

  •  Republican lawmakers in Arizona have introduced a set of bills that would allow the state legislature to complete the final review of the state’s election results, rather than election officials. Versions of the bill have been introduced in both the state House and Senate, and would create a new special legislative session the Monday after Election Day where the Republican-led legislature would “review or investigate the results” and appoint presidential electors in a sharp break from convention.

Read the amendments to S.C.R. 1006 here.

Source: democracydocket.com



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b3258f No.5362124
They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose.

17 thoughts on “[DS] Failed, Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Insurance Policy In Play – Ep. 2414

  • Pingback: [DS] Failed, Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Insurance Policy In Play – Ep. 2414 | awarecitizen.com

  • Pingback: [DS] Failed, Pain Comes In Many Different Forms, Insurance Policy In Play – Ep. 2414 – COUNTER.NEWS

  • February 25, 2021 at 9:27 pm

    You know Whats very interesting, nothing you said but yet you said it 115 times in this short podcast. Nothing is happening you are delusional Trump is out QLARP is over… goodbye

  • February 25, 2021 at 9:29 pm

    X22 You know Whats very interesting, nothing you said but yet you said it 115 times in this short podcast. Nothing is happening you are delusional Trump is out QLARP is over… goodbye I have never said this before quit censoring post you Psyop scumbag!!!

  • February 25, 2021 at 9:30 pm

    X22 You know Whats very interesting, nothing you said but yet you said it 115 times in this short podcast. Nothing is happening you are delusional Trump is out QLARP is over… goodbye I have never said this before quit censoring comments you CIA Psyop scumbag!!!

  • February 26, 2021 at 5:07 am

    Dave I’m half American, Armenian. So I do a lot of research on the diaspora and Armenian History and wanted to know more about my ancestry so I keep and eye out on that country. Its one of the oldest country’s in the world. Its the first Christian country in the world since 300 AD. They had a written language before English. They are direct descendants of Noah and may even be the place where the Garden of Eden existed before the fall.
    You never hear about its importance in Science and History on TV. They always say Turkey! when it was Originally Armenian land.
    The Deep State hates Armeniana because they are a threat to the Evil that has been controlling the world for so long. They never give the people of Armenia credit. Its always the Muzzies in Turkey that get the credit.
    You can tell something was built by the Armenians by its Architecture alot of Mosques in that part of the world were once Armenian Church’s!
    The deep state wants to do to us what they did to the Armenian’s by erasing they ever existed.
    Thanks for bringing it up in your news report.
    Armenia is surrounded by evil country’s that want to erase them.
    I have a feeling you work with the white hats for sure.
    Keep up the good work, you bring us hope in an evil fallen world. Truth and Knowledge is power over them. And we will win in the end.
    Keep up the great work! God Bless.

  • February 26, 2021 at 9:05 am

    I am so sick of listening to you continually talk about the Central Bank and Bitcoin. I am fast forwarding through these sections hoping to find something important on these videos that is NOT TALKING ABOUT THE CENTRAL BANK and Bitcoin.

    There is so much more going on that we need to hear about.

    My challange to you is to quit talking about the CENTRAL BANK and Bitcoin and find important subjects to talk about.

  • Pingback: February 2021, MARKER 2 and more, February 26: CPAC, March 4, and the astrology — of the largest sting operation the world has ever known? -

  • February 26, 2021 at 3:39 pm

    Need clarification from yesterdays video. Your posting: Biden cancels Trump’s ‘Operation Talon’ Program that Targeted Sex Offenders Living in U.S. Illegally
    Biden cancels Trump’s ‘Operation Talon’ Program that Targeted Sex Offenders Living in U.S. Illega…
    Biden has made it clear that his number one mission as president is to undo everything the Trump administration accomplished over the last four years. What snoops and other research said: What’s True
    “Operation Talon,” a program planned in the final weeks of the Trump administration aimed at deporting sex offenders, was suspended by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
    What’s False
    The Biden administration had “nothing to do with this decision,” according to an ICE official. Homeland Security Investigations, a division of ICE, still investigates sex crimes committed by noncitizens.
    What’s Undetermined
    It’s unclear whether or not Operation Talon was ever in operation. It is also unclear whether the suspension is temporary or permanent, though officials have referred to ICE’s new guidelines as “interim.”

  • February 26, 2021 at 6:57 pm

    I am so sick of knowing that this sick and twisted group of people are screwing up my country- We weren’t perfect- but we were exciting, outspoken, independent and had a greater amount of common sense than I am seeing currently. How in the hell can any sane person sit in front of that poison box also known as television and allow it to suck out any rational thought- mindlessly repeating garbage that makes no sense. I know the majority of our population doesn’t believe what MSM spews- but I would like to see our nation rise above this soon- and yes- it does have to be soon or we stand little chance of recovery as a free nation

  • February 26, 2021 at 7:36 pm

    Dave you might well be the king of squirm…..incredible the way you can duck the truth and facts to create a narrative you desire to swim in…..and all with the suspense that this is it…this is the moment…now something is going to happen…..get ready for the boom……..and of course…like always……… when it fizzles……all you do is move on to spin, duck, and reread Q lies ……and then sell it all over again.

    All the while never actually getting into anything of substance…..and consistently being wrong……….

    But of course its all part of the plan……………..

  • February 26, 2021 at 7:45 pm

    Does anyone actually take Q serious anymore?

    I admit I bought into it and followed each new message with anticipation and hope of what they might mean, but come on already. Trump is gone, Q is long gone, time to face the facts.

  • February 26, 2021 at 10:13 pm

    If we don’t get the election fraud taken care of no good person has a chance in any future elections. Look at Georgia senate race. 7.3 million people registered on November 7.8 million people registered in December and yet 8.8 million people voted. That is 1.1 million people that voted that were not registered. They basically laughed in our faces and dared people to say anything. And guess what. No one is or said anything. They not only got away with the November election but also got away with the January 2021 senate race in Georgia. It doesn’t matter who runs in future elections, they will still cheat and get away with it. Why is there nothing about impeaching Biden? Why can’t the military take stuff to Supreme Court? Or whoever has to listen. Lol. From where I’m sitting no elections will ever matter again until the corruption and treason is nipped in the butt

  • February 27, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    Thank you, Dave. Really appreciate what you do.

  • February 28, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Where is fridays x22 report///only thursdays is there

  • February 28, 2021 at 8:29 am

    I saw a video of the fence being removed by the park.
    Not sure if it was just a layer or just that park area.

  • February 28, 2021 at 2:19 pm

    Why do you still talk about Q like it is relative?

    Q is as dead as Trump’s promises to Make America Great Again

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