Remember The Mission, This Is Not Another 4 Year Election, Public Opinion, Set The Stage – Ep. 3313


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Remember The Mission, This Is Not Another 4 Year Election, Public Opinion, Set The Stage
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The people are now seeing that the [CB] economic system does not work. The 1.2 trillion is not needed to keep the country operating. The [CB]/[WEF] have lost their grip on the people. The people are fighting back. The mission of the patriots is to take back the country, this is not another 4 year election, we are at a crossroads, its either we take it back or we loose it. The people need to make a choice and Trump has set the stage. The public must see how the [DS] is destroying the country, only then will the people find the will to make a change.



Liberal state declares war on small farmers and homesteaders: War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda

Guest post by Leo Hohmann

War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda

Remember, it really is all about depopulation

  • The World Economic Forum warned us several years ago that its ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class. How else would you explain their slogan: “You will own nothing and learn to like it“?m
  • This mantra is playing out in real time in the state of Oregon, and other states, in various forms which we will get into in this article.
  • Small farmers are under attack in the Beaver State, which has begun shutting down family farms throughout the state under the guise of water conservation and groundwater protection.
  • The owner of Yanasa Ama Ranch shared a 20-minute video explaining what is going on in Oregon as bureaucrats erroneously classify small family farms and homesteads as “concentrated animal feeding operations,” or CAFOs, in order to shut them down. Any feeding area that has a concrete, rock or gravel floor falls into this category, which would include most small dairy or egg farms.
  • If you have two or three milking cows, the rancher explains, you are now targeted by the state for closure.
  • The rancher further explains in the video:
  • “The state of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large scale, and they’re actually sending out cease-and-desist letters to farms and they’re using satellite technology to find their victims and send them these letters that say you can’t operate.”

  •  .



Bitcoin Demand In Argentina Surges To Two Year Highs

  • Argentines’ efforts to preserve their savings amid the ongoing decline of their national currency, the Argentine peso (ARS), has resulted in the nation recently hitting its highest demand for Bitcoin in 20 months, according to a recent report.
  • On March 20, Bloomberg reported data sourced from cryptocurrency exchange Lemon Cash revealing nearly 35,000 customers in Argentina purchased Bitcoin in the week ending March 10, which is double the weekly average compared to 2023.

    • Bitcoin purchases in Argentina Jan 2023 – March 2024. Source: Bloomberg
    • A major factor for the increase in demand is the ongoing decline of the nation’s currency.
    • Over the past twelve months, the ARS value against the US dollar has plummeted, dropping from 0.0049 USD per ARS in March 2023 to 0.0012 USD at the time of publication.
    • However, it was noted that Lemon wasn’t the only platform seeing a surge in demand. Other major exchanges in Argentina, such as Ripio and Belo, reported similar trends.



White House blames Republicans, Texas Gov. Abbott, after migrants attack Guard members, storm border

  • More than 100 illegal migrants were seen bursting through razor wire in El Paso, Texas, on Thursday

  We want our park back! You guys are putting us in jeopardy! Our kids cannot go outside! Two weeks ago, someone was peeing in my yard! A lady took my package from Amazon! They are breaking into cars!” “Ever since the migrants moved into our field house, we started seeing an increase in gang violence. People do not feel safe even going to the park anymore. We have seen an increase in alcohol use, drug use, cars being broken into, and people breaking into garage doors.

Someone seeking asylum doesn’t do that.” “This June, you decided to turn our park into a shelter. Our community is running lawless, with illegal Venezuelans taking over our streets.

We feel like prisoners in our own homes. As a taxpayer we can’t even join our own park anymore. Our amazing programs have been removed, especially for the disabled children who live near this park. You guys threw us to the wolves, and now we have to deal with the trouble you brought to our neighborhoods.” “I’m standing up for these homeless shelters that you got our people in that got mold, that got roaches, bed bugs, etc., and you all putting them in nice hotels? House our people.

Especially our veterans, they died for us. Put them in CHA properties. House them. You ain’t got to spend as much money as the millions or billions that been spent for these immigrants here, these asylum seekers here, which ultimately are illegal here.”

“The Democratic National Committee will be here in August, and there is a growing number of people in the Hispanic community that will not be voting the same way they did before. Everyone should be trembling right now because there is a movement happening, and people will not be voting the same way.”

Chicago spent nearly $300 million on illegal immigration over the last year and a half, turned four park fieldhouses into migrant shelters, and added nearly 6,000 migrant children into already overcrowded schools. Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days to decimate border security — and the residents of Chicago are suffering the consequences.




Apr 30, 2018 1:07:44 AM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 2b9f10 No. 1244154 
Emmy awards.


Apr 24, 2018 11:45:00 AM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No. 1169345 
Apr 24, 2018 11:42:15 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: 74152b No. 1169290 

Apr 24, 2018 11:37:59 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No. 1169241 

>>1169138 What’s at risk? $250B x 2 / year. What the taxpayers don’t know. Why aren’t NK developments receiving WW praise? We endure. Q
Apr 24, 2018 11:37:59 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No. 1169241 

>>1169138 What’s at risk? $250B x 2 / year. What the taxpayers don’t know. Why aren’t NK developments receiving WW praise? We endure. Q
>>1169241 >>1169241
When will we have MOAB?
Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?
RED CARPET rollout?
Think logically.
The world is watching.

Geopolitical/Police State

  • “The launch of the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center will provide our partners across the country with valuable resources to keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The establishment of the Center is the latest example of the Justice Department’s work to use every tool provided by the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to protect communities from gun violence.”
  • “There is no sufficient evidence showing that [red flag laws] have any effect on crime prevention, and though legislators claim these laws benefit the mentally ill and the general public, the same politicians won’t admit that this class of legislation is invariably problematic,” claims Firearms Policy Coalition, a prominent Second-Amendment group that often engages in legal battles against gun control measures.
  • Typically, red flag laws are carried out when friends, family members, or colleagues report to law enforcement that they believe an individual they know owns firearms could be a threat. Law enforcement officials and the local court then determine whether or not this individual’s firearms should be confiscated. This is usually done without the individual being able to present a defense.
  • The Supreme Court’s recent decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen has prompted many gun-control activists to suggest that red flag laws are unconstitutional. In its decision, the Supreme Court set a new standard that firearm regulation must coincide with the “historic tradition of firearm regulation” in the country.



US Decries “Outrageous” China & Russia Veto Of Its Gaza Ceasefire Resolution At UN

  •  Russia and China, along with Algeria, vetoed a US draft resolution on Gaza calling for ceasefire, with the objectors complaining that the language fell short of a clear and unequivocal demand for a ceasefire.
  • The draft ceasefire sought to directly link an immediate ceasefire with the release of all hostages from Gaza. China and Russia saw in it language that paves the way for okaying an Israeli offensive against Rafah.

Victoria Nuland Resigns
Predicts that something will happen to Russia

Donald Trump calls Obama the ‘founder of Isis’

  • Republican presidential nominee repeatedly refers to president as ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ and says Hillary Clinton is Isis co-founder
  • Donald Trump escalated his rhetoric against Barack Obama on Wednesday, dubbing the US president as the “founder of Isis”.
  • “Isis is honoring President Obama,” Trump said of Islamic State. “He is the founder of Isis. He founded Isis. And, I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.”
  • Trump’s declaration echoed an attack he made against Clinton last week, also in Florida, in which he said the former secretary of state “should get an award from them as the founder of Isis”.


Cyber Attacks

False Flags

Congress’ DEI office is DISBANDED as part of $1.2 trillion funding package: Win for Republicans as diversity office is dissolved and its director announces she is leaving

  • Tucked into the sprawling $1.2 trillion government funding bill that passed the House Friday was a provision that shut down the House Office of Diversity and Inclusion.



BREAKING: Another Republican Lawmaker Exits – RINO Rep. Mike Gallagher Will Retire Early Leaving GOP with ONE-VOTE MAJORITY!

  • RINO Representative Mike Gallagher (WI) will exit the House as early as next month.
  • Gallagher, who is currently serving as the chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, last month announced that he will not seek reelection.
  • Instead of serving out the rest of his term, Gallagher will retire early leaving the GOP with a one-vote majority!
  • “Wisconsin law dictates that Gallagher’s seat — in a solidly red district — will stay empty for the rest of his term. Departing before April 9 would have triggered a special election.” Politico reported.

  • Source:
  • A federal judge ruled Friday that Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene can proceed with their lawsuits against two California cities that canceled their political rallies in 2021 — delivering the two House Republicans a small procedural victory, even as he harshly rebuked them for seeking to punish the progressive advocacy groups that lobbied against their appearances.


After Surviving Perjury Charges Thanks to Biased Judge Who Donated to Her Campaign, Fani Willis Tells CNN “A Train Is Coming” in Her Lawfare Case Against President Trump

The AP reported:



  viewed these cases as weaponized government.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 76a615 No.9238453
How about a nice game of chess.
Objective [end]: checkmate king
Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?
Do you attack and remove pawns first?
Do you attack and remove bishops, rooks, knights next?
Do you attack and remove queen mid-to-end?
Is the game being played public or private?
Do emotions affect critical thinking?
Add: important king control pieces [elim rogue elements]?
Add: how do you set the stage [board] re: public opinion [optics]?
“At this time.”


Mar 25, 2019 1:43:27 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 129d90 No. 5883120 

5 thoughts on “Remember The Mission, This Is Not Another 4 Year Election, Public Opinion, Set The Stage – Ep. 3313

  • Pingback: Remember The Mission, This Is Not Another 4 Year Election, Public Opinion, Set The Stage – Ep. 3313 - x22report -

  • March 24, 2024 at 5:40 pm

    False Religion . . . MEDDLES IN WAR AND POLITICS. SPREADS FALSE DOCTRINE; TOLERATES IMMORAL SEX: In Western lands, church groups ordain gay and lesbian members of the clergy and urge governments to recognize same-sex marriages.
    Jesus is NOW our ruling KING. What happens to people who disobey their ruling king? What commands did Jesus give to us? Matt 28:18-20. Here is a clue that you need to seriously consider; John 3:36 The one who exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; the one who disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him. Now, a question for you to mediate on; why did Adam die?
    If you wish to know, I can also provide you with a full explanation/Identification of the Great Crowd that lives through and comes out of the Great Tribulation and, as Jesus stated, will never die at all. This IS in the Bible. The entire explanation of the Great Crowd is 12 pages. If you would like to receive a FREE copy of that information AND/OR the information about false religion, please email me at [email protected]. I also have more than a 100 short explanations about information in the Bible and if you would like to receive a list of such information, please request it. I can answer any question about the Bible that you may have and I always use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always given freely. If you want to study the Bible, I can direct you to a free home Bible study course which is free.

  • March 24, 2024 at 8:52 pm

    “Missed” your last couple of podcasts, but you know what? I have just realized, I can miss a couple, and then listen to the most recent, and not have missed a thing.

  • March 25, 2024 at 2:15 pm

    I don’t understand why you think 911 was a deep state false flag, ditto the Moscow attack, but have no interest in seeing the Hamas attack on Israel as the same. Everything about it was very sketchy. And now they are doing the exact land grab that people who identified it as a deep state op predicted when it happened.

  • Pingback: Day 1237 March 25 2024 – Transformation Michigan – Uniting Michigan in Prayer 83 Counties 24/7 – 365 Days a Year

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