Abe Hamadeh – A Black Swan Event Is Headed Our Way, It’s Time Expose The Election Rigging System
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Today’s Guest: Abe Hamden
Abe For Congress
X and TruthSocial – @AbrahamHamadeh
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Abe Hamadeh is a Trump-endorsed Republican Candidate for Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, Abe is a Former Prosecutor, US Army Reserve Intel Officer. Abe has been fighting election rigging in Arizona. Abe says we are being marched towards war and with the open borders he sees a black swan event headed out way. Abe has been fighting to expose the election rigging system. It’s time to take back this country.
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I have been listening to your information (as you well know) for quite some time AND I have always found your podcasts informative and I use your information to help others AND I direct people to your site. BUT, you really do not know what the Truth truly is? Please ask me and I will answer your question(s); [email protected].
Who rules the earth? Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” 8 In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’” (The name ‘Jesus’ translates to ‘Jehovah is salvation’, which is why the angel told Joseph to name the baby ‘Jesus’. If you have questions, please ask, or, email me at [email protected]. Please carefully note this; Stop being in anxious suspense.—Luke 12:29. >>>> Some may be anxious about their material needs. They may live in a country with poor economic conditions. Remember that Jehovah guarantees that he will care for our material needs if we put spiritual things first. (Matt. 6:32, 33) He has a perfect record of fulfilling that promise. (Deut. 8:4, 15, 16; Ps. 37:25) If Jehovah provides for the birds and the flowers, surely we do not have to be anxious about what we will eat or wear! (Matt. 6:26-30; Phil. 4:6, 7) Just as love impels caring parents to provide materially for their children, love motivates our heavenly Father to care for the material needs of His people. w21.12 17 ¶4-5; 18 ¶ Please be very careful as to how you think of ‘His people.’ There are very good reasons why the churches will be destroyed at the very beginning of the Great Tribulation. If you doubt this, please ask for more info.
Loved this interview thanks Dave you mean everything to the freedom movement.
A good interview. Keep those coming.
You all are wrong pointing the finger to the Muslims. The evil jews have written the screenplay always using a proxy, the Muslims, while *they* pursue their ultimate goal of destroying Christianity and the Muslims.
This scum race are very refined strategist, look at *benjamin disraeli* destroyed the European and Russian monarchies. Learn history and DO
NOT count the jewish state as your friend, it is the very root of all evil and the present mayhem everywhere. LONG LIVE PALESTINE and its suffering and hungry and water deprived Palestinians. One more poing to remember is what Gen Patton about this murderous race: they are SUBHUMANS.!!!
To which he added: we fought the wrong enemy. That’s why the scum murderer him with a fake accident on a Sunday market with little traffic.
Note: Courage is the remedy to fear.
We are currently in a Lord of The Rings scenario, between the sons of Light and the sons of darkness, a war of Truth over falsehood, of Light over darkness and Goodness over evil. The Essene’s at Qumran on the Dead Sea wrote of such matters in their scriptorium. The world – the struggle – remains the same. Courage, strength and honor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KneGOxrAsx0
The dishonest dems who get away with cheating today, have gotten away with cheating for years and years…they are never held to be accountable…
Hi, Dave just a friendly question and problem l have. Ever since you added the commercials to the start of all you videos l can longer get an watch anything, l was skipping them first but the video would not start, then l tried sitting through the commercials and the video would not start, l joined Rumble l joined Telegram l have gone to every place you are on and it won’t play, l have tried every trick l know but l cannot watch and listen m. I am looking at the video. Looking at the arrow see the length of the video but l push the start button and nothing went to Spotlight videos same problem. Rebooted my phone tried skipping commercials and then l watch the same commercial replay over and over like a loop. I was listening ever morning for years on my commute to work but now all l get to watch and hear is commercials that is all that will play. Even at the end of the commercials only 1 time in probably 20 the video played. I am at witts end. I cannot find a solution here. Maybe some help at your end, it started when the commercials at the start started. I understand advertiser’s is what pays the bills. But l need help here???