Bill Holter – In 2009 Recession Something Big Was Missed, China Sets The Gold Price
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Today’s Guest: Bill Holter
Website: Bill Holter
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Bill Holter is a Financial writer and gold expert, Bill also helps individuals purchase and store precious metals .The [CB] is running out of ammunition, they will not be able to keep it together. In 2009 recession something big was missed, this is how they kept the system running, this time around they will not. Gold will take off, gold is rising because China is now setting the price. In the end it’s all going to reset.
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True story direct from the Bible; Jesus Christ in NOW king; Matt 28:18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. — And make no mistake because it was Jesus himself who told us this. The allotted time of the nations to self-rule ended in 1914 (you may be aware of what GREAT event began in that year) and Jesus started his work in 1919. What is his work? According to him; John 17:1 Jesus spoke these things, and raising his eyes to heaven, he said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son so that your son may glorify you, 2 just as you have given him authority over all flesh, so that he may give everlasting life to all those whom you have given to him. 3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. — ALL of John 17 is a prayer that Jesus spoke the day before he was put to death for us!! Jesus continued; John 17:17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. — The Bible, according to Jesus, IS THE TRUTH. We have no other Truth, period. And we are sanctified by The Truth when we study the Bible AND put into practice in our lives what we learn from His Word. If you have questions, please ask, or email me with your doubts/questions; [email protected]. I can answer any question about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. If you wish to study the Bible, I can also direct you to a home Bible study course that is FREE. Please request the information via email.
President Biden will never abuse his faith for political purposes or for profit.” Yeah, and no politician has ever lied for a profit either. Meanwhile, speaking of faith; The “Christian” churches of TODAY explained; Apostate – Apostasy — This term in Greek (a·po·sta·siʹa) comes from the verb a·phiʹste·mi, literally meaning “stand away from.” The noun has the sense of “desertion, abandonment or rebellion.” (Ac 21:21, ftn) In classical Greek the noun was used to refer to political defection, and the verb is evidently employed in this sense at Acts 5:37, concerning Judas the Galilean who “drew off” followers. The Greek Septuagint uses the verb at Genesis 14:4 with reference to such a rebellion. However, in the Christian Greek Scriptures the noun is used with regard to religious defection; a withdrawal or abandonment of the true cause, worship, and service of God, and hence an abandonment of what one has previously professed and a total desertion of principles or faith. The religious leaders of Jerusalem charged Paul with such an apostasy against the Mosaic Law.
It may properly be said that God’s Adversary was the first apostate, as is indicated by the name Satan. He caused the first human pair to apostatize. (Ge 3:1-15; Joh 8:44) Following the Flood, there was a rebellion against the words of the God of Noah. (Ge 11:1-9) Job later found it necessary to defend himself against the charge of apostasy on the part of his three supposed comforters. (Job 8:13; 15:34; 20:5) In his defense Job showed that God grants no audience to the apostate (Job 13:16), and he also showed the hopeless state of one cut off in apostasy. (Job 27:8; compare also Elihu’s statement at 34:30; 36:13.) In these cases the Hebrew noun cha·nephʹ is used, meaning “[one] alienated from God,” that is, an apostate. The related verb cha·nephʹ means “be inclined away from the right relation to God,” or “pollute, lead to apostasy.” – The full explanation of Apostate – Apostasy & Man of Lawlessness is about 4 pages. If you would like to have all of the information, please email me and request it. Please also note that this information is free. If you would like to know more about the Bible, please email me your question(s). Also, I can direct you to a free in person Bible study course in your own home where you can study with someone who is fully qualified to teach the Bible; please request the link via email; [email protected].
All of this interest & borrowing talk is simply that. We start printing our own money & tell the rest of the world where to go.
It’s a wonder that our dollars have any value at all.