Bix Weir – Globalism Is Dead, National Currencies Returning, Gold Finishes The [CB]
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Today’s Guest: Bix Weir
Website: Road To Roota
Bix begins the conversation talking about the transition is in progress. The good guys are allowing the bad guys to destroy their own system. By doing this they will be destroying globalism and the fiat currency. The countries are now moving towards their national currencies and as soon as the nations transition into the gold system, this will finish the [CB].
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If you go to Tiffany’s and get caught stealing, you have to return the diamonds. All taxes paid in Wages (and now Trump’s going after Gains) your entire adult life shall be RETURNed back to the coffers of the United States Treasury, the Treasury of We The People.
This clown contradicted everything he was talking about, how in the hell can anyone follow or even believe WTF he’s saying, he said the US has the most gold at just a little over 8000 tons than any other government, I heard on other videos that china has over 100 tons as does Russia, so WTH is this guy getting his info, NESARA-GESARA-BITCOIN are all cons, WTF.
Excellent interview! Love listening to Bix. I’d like to be in a room with Bix and Bill Holtzer…Thanks for having him on Dave.