Bix Weir – The Good Guys Are Still In Charge & They Are Destroying The [CB] System
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Today’s Guest: Bix Weir
Website: Road To Roota
Bix begins the conversation talking about bitcoin, gold, silver on how they are manipulated. The good guys are still in charge and they are destroying the [CB] system to bring us into a new system. The bad guys are struggling to stay alive but the people are waking up. When the crash comes the anger towards the [CB] is going to be off the charts. The people will force the [CB] out.
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- ← Ep 2912b – Dismantling Of The [DS] Protection In Progress,Dog Comms, Control Returned To The People
- Ep 2913a – Ep. 2913a – Inflation Hits The EU, Each Move Biden/[CB] Makes Pushes People Against Them →
This guy’s gleeful attitude of everyone losing everything is disgusting!!!!
God I wish you and your guests would learn to distinguish between money and assets. The important issue would be why silver is so sought after. Who is stock piling it. It is NOT money. Nor is gold or similar.
The historic reason for gold backing a currency was because money has historically been an instrument of debt. A promise to pay (in gold or silver or oil…). That cripples a currency.
As Catherin Austen Fitts points out, money is a medium of exchange. Agreed upon by a society or nation as a mechanism for commerce. Even the notion of exchange rates between currencies needing some form of asset to support those valuations is only valid as a short term buffer for excessive swings in exchange rates. Ultimately it will depend on supply and demand for the goods and services (and investment opportunities) in an economic unit with a sovereign currency.
You need to look at what causes increases or decreases in the intrinsic value of a currency. This is a general concept that is currently being considered. Think outside of the box.
In that vein crypto currencies that are not supported by an economic unit (e.g. a nation, a state, or similar) is completely invalid as money. It’s only potential value is as an asset for saving. Given that crypto’s are currently not supported by any asset, they have no real intrinsic value. That is why I tell people (and people listen to me) that crypto currencies such as Bitcoin are dangerous, have no merit, and should be stayed clear of.
The solution lies elsewhere. Think about shares of an economy. Think about controls on shares – company law – securities law. Take a look at Africa.
You and your guests are like tax practitioners. You only consider what is in a tax act. You don’t think outside that matrix.
yea right, everyone start keeping thousands of dollars in their homes as in personal possession. What then, we hire security guards to protect our private possessions. That does’t appear to be cost effective to me. No thank you !
People are so obsessed with money and forget that their destiny is death. If we were in touch with that fact the people of the world would stop obsessing about survival and serve each others higher self which we all adhere in. Peace is what our truest acquisition should be, and money will not and cannot buy that.
Will they force us to turn in our Ag and Au like they did before? How about a constitutional amendment making it illegal to force us to turn in our metals?
Awesome interview! Love Bix Weir….! Really miss Dr. Zelenko, we could really use his knowledge right about now….we were lucky to have had him for the time that we did…he really saved lives with his knowledge and courage….RIP Dr.Zelenko….you are missed!