Bix Weir – Trump Got The Ball Rolling, Next It Was Putin, Now Xi Will Finish It
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Today’s Guest: Bix Weir
Website: Road To Roota
Bix begins the conversation talking about bitcoin, gold, silver and the markets. We are now entering a transition phase of the economy. The old [CB] system is being destroyed, and the good guys will be instituting a new system. Trump go the ball rolling, Putin was next and now Xi will finish it. The destruction of the [DS] is happening and the world leaders are in line and helping Trump.
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- TRUEtheVOTE’s Catherine Engelbrecht →
Box Weir is on the mark. We are moving toward an Antichrist time. Box was clear in his assessment that when our system collapses along with the rest of the world there is no group of elected officials and in the U.S. congress, fed, treasury will be able to fix it and the Constitution will no longer exist along with our sovereignty. There will be a global government regardless of who sits in the White House.
no such thing as nukes!
weil is wrong. after a collapse the sheep will turn to the corrupt government to help them. they will continue down the same corrupt path. if there are changes to the system it will be rigged for the master’s to benefit. only a violent civil war can change things. these 4th turnings ALWAYS end in violence. the government will then fight back and turn on the people and even the rank and file military will be called on to turn against their brass. the police will turn on the people, and things will get quite ugly. this is all trump’s fault for not signing the insurrection act.
Re: June 16 interview with Bix Weir. Isn’t hew aware of the AFS monetary ystem and the QFS voting system? Aren’t you? Charlie Ward, the official spokesman for the QFS give you high praise, surely you are aware that the cabal’s money sources are dried up and the Federal Reserve is no more. Why not talk about these facts. If you don’t know them to be facts, why don’t you talk to Charlie Ward?
What is joe average citizen supposed to do, then? Take money out of banks? Keep cash? Buy and keep silver on hand? Take out our metal IRA’s? Stuff the mattress?
Bix Weir is right on ALL points but ONE , Taiwan 🇹🇼 is The last remenate of the free people’s of China after MAO communism toOK over China after WWll ! ! ! What was the remains of government & people that could, fleed to the island to make their last stand against COMMUNISM ! ! ! ! ! TO SURRENDER TO THE CCP CHINA 🇨🇳 IS UN-AMERICAN ! UN-GODLY & COWARDICE… MIGHT AS WELL GET ON YOUR KNEES… ! THAT REALLY GOT MY EYRE ! I SPENT MOST OF MY LIFE AGAINST F-ING COMMUNISM… ! TO INFER , PUTIN DOING WHAT HE IS IN UKRAINE, TOO THE CCP CHINA 🇨🇳 AN TAIWAN 🇹🇼 IS WAY WAY OFF . THE SOVIET UNION/ EASTERN BLOC IS GONE , MOA’s China is bigger & MEAN as ever … ! I would at this juncture, prefer Russia 🇷🇺 over the m & f-ing New World Order 🌎 CCP . TAIWAN 🇹🇼 🇹🇼 🇹🇼 IS NO THREAT TOO CHINA . UKRAINE IS A THREAT TO RUSSIA 🇷🇺 & HUMANITY . Would like to go into more detail … but , Hope I made the point ?