Charlene Bollinger – Fake News Has Been Exposed As Propaganda, The People Are Breaking This Control
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Today’s Guest: Charlene Bollinger
Website: Propaganda Exposed
Charlene is the creator of the new docu-series Propaganda Exposed. The discussion begins with Charlene explaining her new documentary. How the fake news is used to propagandize the people. Propaganda is used throughout our country to control us and now the people are waking up to the truth and the people are breaking this control.
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Dear Dave,
I am an International Construction Specialist whom this year have escaped following been kidnapped and placed into solitary confinement, in Maldives, It involves the Chinese CCP, my story is proof that the CCP are strategically taking over Asian nations secretly to Install their Military hardware, I can provide you a report in which I can provide you should you give me an email address.
I will complete this form with my email address, and telephone number whereby I can brief you on my story, the ‘WORLD’ needs to know.
Dave! You are my favorite! I watch every show & Todays Guests! Leo up the great info & news! Thank you for such great reporting!
It’s been over 4 years now of listening to Dave and X22report and probably the only website news to Geo Political issues that I’ve remained loyal to. I remember listening to an edition back in November 2019 where Dave mentioned that something BIG was going to happen but also introduced me to Q and the anons. This website has kept me optimistic towards humanity but also revealing the scum of the world is being brought down. THANK YOU
Wonderful, enlightening information. Thank you
there is a problem. trump never repealed obama 2014 EO legalizing propaganda. trump is pro vax and supports big pharma still [see recent rally promoting mr. johnson, heir to killer conglomerate j&j]. this sort of thing is now all over GAB. and now with the oprah loving vax loving dr oz endorsement, its even worse. trump is slowly letting his guard down and exposing this ugly side. we cannot figure it out so we are left taking him at his word and his actions speak volumes. its too bad, he was a great president, best in my lifetime, and maybe greatest ever.
I like how you are so friendly to your guest speakers, Dave. I like your guest speakers very much as well. Keep up the good work. Am a daily visitor. Charlene was very good.
Dave, the secret WWII German police Gustapo, not SS. And, there’s only on race.