Dave Hayes – One Falls They All Fall, Red Line Crossed, Military The Only Way Forward
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Today’s Guest: Dave Hayes
Website: http://prayingmedic.com
Dave Hayes has written two books about Q. The Calm Before The Storm and his newest book The Great Awakening. Dave begins discussing how the Arizona is the gold standard of forensic audits. Delegates from other states have visited AZ to see how the audit is done. AZ will produce their findings in August. Typically AZ is a very hot month. Once one state falls the other states will fall. The [DS] will push against this and in the end they will cross the red line to block the flow of information. Once the red line is crossed the military will step in.
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Thanks, Dave, for finally going deeply into the military option as the endgame. That whole narrative was beginning to be eclipsed by minute discussion of other factors.
As long Trump support vaccines, 20 million Americans injured, this is all bull!
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Unlike Praying Medic, whom I greatly admire, I believe the AZ Senate COULD WELL have gone into this Audit with LITTLE OR NO IDEA what they would do next, if serious ‘faults’ were found in the reported vote totals & elector outcome. I HOPE that they have by now considered their next steps, in case things were – ah – not done properly.
i “think” when AZ is done, showed fraud…
“things” are going to go fast…
military takes over…
Trump/military has it all already…
no “courts”… for now.
What a great video, he confirms everything you have been saying in your report. Wonderful to hear that Justice and election integrity is being restored. Patriots win, God wins.
Remember the video when Harris’ husband stated, “I’m married to the President”!!!?? It has all been planned, military better step in before that happens!!!
By the time this BS gets to the court where they will not act, it’s just like the movie Ground Hog day. Dave never gives me any confidence about anything he speaks of. We all know that the military is the only way. It’s been foretold in the drops a long time ago. I can’t listen to anons very much anymore because it’s all hot air where no one knows a darn thing. I say get’r done. Our country and the world is suffering tremendously!
I believe 10% audit is not unreasonable until we can put people to work and do a full audit that will take years to do, we can take action and jail the cretins. Safe than sorry. Humanity does not have years to feel safe again. As long as we have secrets, we will never heal. Governments of the world are ALL corrupt. We have a duty to over turn this evil. For the sake of our children. This I believe. Be Blessed.
There is NO CREDIBLE OR REASONABLE, reason to believe that this ARIZONA audit is going to change anything. These predictions are the same as the indictments coming SOON, arrests coming SOON, military tribunals coming SOON, jailing in Gitmo coming SOON, which turned out to be BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA,…this is no different. What’s the definition of SOON,…the release of the audit is in AUGUST,…of what year,…???
If a person gets their expectations up,…and nothing occurs as we are led to believe, we are told,.. its our own fault for being disappointed, because we got our expectations up to high. The FRAUD THAT HAS BEEN COMMITTED on the American people, is BELIEVING in trump and these so called Patriots,…trump walked away from the election STEAL without a fight, and onto the golf course,…these so called Patriots are PATRIOTS FOR PROFIT,…desperately, and PANICKING, trying to keep up a narrative that produces $$$$, for them. The CONSTITUTION IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD,…??? Is that why these PATRIOTS FOR PROFIT ARE, carrying sponsors, and pushing bitcoin and crypto’s,…rather the talking about Article One Section Eight and Ten of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION,…???
There is always talk about the MSM, fake news, miss information, lies,…what’s the difference between the Patriots line of BULLSHIT, and the MSM,DS, dem o rats BULLSHIT .
CONSTUTIONAL CRISIS,…YES THERE IS,…and these PATRIOTS FOR PROFIT ARE PART OF THE CRISIS,…saying THE CONSTITUTION IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD,…and pushing bitcoin and crypto’s, for their sponsors, for $$$$ from their sponsors, and IGNORING ARTICLE ONE SECTION EIGHT AND TEN OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION,…how does this DEMONSTRATE the CONSTITUTION is the only way forward,…???,…when you take into account all the propaganda that has not materialized. These Patriots for profit are just the other side of the coin, with the DS, dem o rats on the other side of the coin, and none of them have the HEART OF A CONSTITUTIONAL PATRIOT!!!
How do we get access to Dave on telegram? Can you give us that?
Many thanks the spotlight interview was very enlightening, good info…
thank you for your time and effort…
Praying medic, I don’t think the military will step in if Biden dies or is removed from office cuz there will be no inauguration, Harris will just be sworn in as president, like Lyndon Johnson after Kennedy’s assassination.
I’ve not the virtue to be patient! I believe that it is because minutes and months have almost the same consonants! Yes I’m able to suffer 10 minutes that the truth is spread out everywhere, but 10 months!
I understand it is a weakness on my side and I thank you and Dave Hayes to calm me down, however it is somehow an ordeal to go through this long purifying process, decades of corruption and a presidential term plus 12 months to clear it it seems reasonable, but I spent all my life under the darkness of the deep state. It’s too long and I burts in rage from times to times.
The existing SCOTUS cannot be trusted, they are inhabitants of “corporate offices (title 28 sect 3002 subsection 15 a “United States” is a Corporation. The corporation is defunct. There has to be new REPUBLIC Justices!
Yes Michigan is trying to stop a forensic audit but we will not be silenced. We are taking notice of Nessel benson whitmer and our representative. We demand a forensic audit.
Dave & Dave………..What about the twitter pic Pompeo posted of 6 bottles of RED wine??
I know they don’t have to occur in order…….but what about the Pompeo post????
We will not need any assistance from any court, reversing Biden’s very phony nomination to the US Presidency. Biden will secede.
With so many Generals and other “flag officers,” being woke or otherwise progressive, and part of the industrial complex, how can we trust the military to not have division on the subject? Millie may have wavered on climate change, but he also came out for CRT! Not sure who to trust.
Thank you for your plans being and thoughts being built around the Lord