Dr. Shiva – Fascism Confirmed, The Government Is Working With The Corporations, People Must Rise Up:
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Today’s Guest: Dr. Shiva
Website: VA Shiva
Dr. Shiva created email at the age of 14 in Newark, NJ and has 4 degrees from MIT. 1 degree is a PHD in biological engineering. Dr Shiva begins the discussion with the pandemic. Dr. Shiva in his lawsuit discovered that the corporations and government are working together, fascism is real and it is happening right in front of our eyes. The election process is not one vote one person, its an algorithm the elite created to control the election process. The elite have given us an illusion of freedom and it is now time to take back this country
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- ← Ep 2415b – Comms, Trump Is Now In The Process Of Rearranging The Playing Board
I am a Republican
I just tried sending fox news a message asking them why they are not covering the law suits of Dr. Shiva. The message apparently being blocked.
Dave, is Dr. Shiva familiar with the primary message and focus of the X22 report ? To be clear, i am a follower of your work and i appreciate your views / interpretation as they indeed provide assurance & hope in these super-scary times. Conversely, everything Dr. Shiva had to say makes perfect sense, as well.
The trouble however is that these two respective positions, yours versus his, are incongruent. I’d be lying if I said that it has never occurred to me that perhaps everyone, across the spectrum, are being played. I truly hope not. That said, how, if at all, does Dr. Shiva’s assertions affect the direction and assertions of your message moving forward ?
I am rooting for Dr. Shiva, I do believe he is going to win and I pray that he wins.
Dave, to be honest I was ready to stop listening to you SPINNING Trump is in control. I just gave $100 to Dr. Shiva to become a WARRIER because he is 100% right. Dump Trump, follow Dr. Shiva.
Dr. Shiva, you are a remarkable patriot, sacrificing your life to fight for our freedoms. God has blessed you with many talents and a genius mind. You will be blessed because you are not wasting your talents, but vigorously fighting for justice and a better world for everyone. I have learned a lot from your VA Shiva site. All the best to you and your family.
ouch. the Dr. Shiva sure backfired at the end referring to Q and Trump.
The info warfare is alive and well. truth is we will never understand what is. I bought into Trump but after seeing all this I have to go back and just be real that nobody is going to help us. Only us can help us and US will not be trump and the patriots. The best is yet to come, well we dont know is for whom or what the best is. It could be this vaccine and forced upon those and those who refuse will be disposed I feel.
I love your videos and I think you got caught off guard with this, you seemed you had lost the fight with not much of a response other than the obvious, we all have to come together to defeat the devil.
Alex Jones was right all along, Q tards, I feel like an idiot for wanting to believe all this, WWG1WGA. Its a great story but I asked this a long time ago, how will you portray when your wrong about all this? I have asked several of you this same question.
What I do feel is that Trump knew his loss would be devastating and he had to let people down slowly by giving hope, otherwise I think things could have gotten bad. People are pissed.
Oh well, nothing changes for me other than I am closer to what I already knew, a slave with nothing.
Psy-ops are a great tool of war and its being used all around. all of us are getting played. nobody knows nothing other than the very few who control. Its the truman show.
Love your show, I love the articles but I am done. I think quite a few people will feel the same after this interview.
I will live as free as I can until someone takes me out. none of us gets out alive anyway
Take care and good luck to you, hopefully the blowback from this is not to large and I hope it dont affect your livelihood to much
I think sometimes people are too smart for their own good. I am a big fan of Dr. Shiva, but he got Trump wrong. There is a reason Trump didn’t follow up on this at the time. You talk about it all the time. Trump couldn’t be involved in exposing the fraud. It was WAY too early in the plan. Think of everything else that has now been exposed…without Trump doing anything. I think Dr. Shiva’s ego took a hit because no one followed up with him. Fact is, there is no time to build a grass roots movement. Just my $.02…
Whoa…what a different opinion! But, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this take on the T man, and son in law…but yes, we the people, PATRIOT’S, need to rally for our America! I’m 67, female, retired nurse, and the things I’ve learned absolutely sicken me. Father, shelter me under your wings, Empower me with your sword!
When this all goes down army-riot control. Deep state main force Antifa attacks the small business
Why is it OK to be racist against white people? Pasty faced white guy? And that’s OK? NO it is NOT. What if we said the equivalent about someone not white?
I agree with Dr Shiva and support him but for him to be so blatantly racist really takes away from his message.
I like Dr. Shiva but he has an ego problem. He has all the problems but he knows little about the common man. It is all about how good Shiva is and how bad everyone else is. As to Trump he is full of shit. Trump can’t do everything himself and he is up against some massive inertia. Can Shiva change that with his lawsuits? Can he motivate all the population? No. Trump did that. Shiva hasn’t seen how much Trump accomplished in his short time.
As to Kushner running the White House and Trump is just a front man? Give me a break. Trump has never been anyone’s front man. Never. But Shiva, so frigging smart, could never accomplish what Trump did. The reason the working people in the US and Canada and elsewhere are redpilled is Trump. No one else. Not Shiva. He reminds me of Bill Gates and Karl Marx. Intelligent people who like their formulas, until more evidence appears that makes his formulae invalid. Ask Einstein.
But maybe I’m wrong. I take his 3 hours course and I’m a new man. BS and he has to be taken with a bag of salt.
I am surprised you kept it together that long Dave. Incredible discipline.
Hope and pray Dr. Shiva and the judge both have THE BEST security!
5 Stars on the interview with Dr. Shiva. Smart interview, excellent questions asked and detailed answers provided. Truth, Freedom and Health leading to our independence.
Dr Shiva will win his case unless the deemonic Dems do not derail him either physically or psychologically; the later very difficult as he’s a very sharp and smart dude..(like myself-also East Indian no PHD here ) and the former perhaps a risk for perpetrators. He sticks to the basics of law logic , facts and is consistent in his approach with undoubted sincerity and perseverance despite his lack of a legal background. Common sense in truth.
We had a similar legal case in Canada for two years-no legal back ground- just stuck to the facts and Judicial guidance as luckily Dr Shiva received from what appears to be a lucky hit for unbiased or uncorrupted judge. Good for him. Good judges respect this in a presenter and knpow the truth from start, but take the fraudsters thru the motions embarassing them along the way esp if seasoned liars..hence the quickie decision of Judge to grant injunction.
In Hinduism- Shiva is the God of destruction…purveyor of all. Stay close to this guy and Jovan Pulitzer. They got the goods to blast aside this jiggery piggery elections theft.. and possibly correctly land many in Jail..hopefully.
I think Dr. Shiva is brilliant in some areas, but off his rocker when it comes to Trump. He needs to venture away from Massachusetts for a considerable length of time to see what REAL AMERICA is like.
Whoa! Talk about major plot twist! I can just hear Dave thinking “wow, this is the easiest interview I’ve ever done.”
Then out of nowhere Dr. Shiva starts laying into Trump “I’m so f’in mad at Trump… he screwed us and abandoned his supporters.”
Poor Dave didn’t see that coming! lol
So he thinks Q is just a larp? He obviously hasn’t been watching x22 report! Does he actually think Trump was in on “the great reset” and playing us all this time? So he went through all that sh*t just so the satan worshiping, blood drinking, pedo elites could destroy America and drive us all into detention camps? Seriously? If Trump REALLY wanted to be president for the power, money, status & popularity he would have run as a democrat! I’m not sure how Shiva went from brilliant MIT professor to unhinged snowflake, but he needs to take his eyes off his own situation and look at the bigger plan for the sake of the world – especially the children. We know it sucks to have lost and the waiting is agonizing, but to blame Trump for this mess is preposterous.
Dr Shiva is a hero. Election integrity is the most IMPORTANT issue of our time. We cannot sleep on the issues of fractional algorithms. We cannot sleep on these stolen, fake elections. Listen to the brilliance, genius and passion of Dr Shiva! He should be in the Senate. This sickness and rot at the heart of our country must be identified and destroyed.
I agree 75% with Dr Shiva. I don’t think he understands the depth of the swamp. He’s naive if he thinks that Trump wasn’t a crimp in the rollercoaster to hell.
Dave, I listened to Dr. Shiva talk about his 1st Amendment law suit in Massachusetts and found him to have a credible case. I sincerely hope he wins. However, when he lumped Trump in with the establishment elite and said the right needed a white guy, and that’s why they came up with him, Dr Shiva came across as bitter and arrogant. He may be a brilliant man with lots of degrees behind his name but there was something about his demeanor that told me there was something missing in his soul, almost like he has a godless worldview. He said what was needed was a ground up movement by the common people. Well, I would argue that that was exactly what Trump did because he wasn’t a swamp creature, he was a businessman who knew how to get things done. He invoked a spirit of patriotism not seen in this country since WWII. That is why he got probably 100 million votes. Shiva said nothing about the election being stolen from Trump or that he was the legitimate president. I too am disappointed in Trump’s “pandemic” response with these so called vaccines that present more danger of injury and death than does the China virus, but I think he was surrounded by bad characters who gave him bad advice using purposefully contrived statistics. Still, Trump’s latest interview on Mike Huckabee’s show had him touting rolling out the miracle vaccines in record timez yet he says nothing about the potential side effects, the deaths, or any of the devastating information being put out by America’s Front Line Doctors about these experimental jabs. This all has me in a quandary because until the scamdemic, Trump was the best President this country had ever seen and at 70 years old, I’ve seen a few! My mother is 93 and she agrees! My concern is that in the next six months to a year we may see 100’s more deaths because these mRNAs destroy your natural immune system and prevent you from being protected from the next virus or disease that comes along. The CDC and Fauci admit that these so-called vaccines do not prevent infection or spread. What will Trump’s legacy be then? What will his legacy be then, because you know the fake media will blame him yet again? I assume that is why Dr Shiva said he was pissed off at Trump, but it was an unnecessary bash in my view. I noticed you tried to counter some of his criticism of Trump but the man’s arrogance was quite obvious. I don’t think you need to have him on your Spotlight show again unless he just talks about his court case. Nobody is really going to tune in to hear about his political theories based on psychobabble even though he claimed he was giving the truth. The patriots out here in America do need true God-fearing, loyal leaders fighting for and leading us. Unfortunately, saving this country is not all going to come from the ground up! What we need is a revival of God’s people calling for His devine intervention. I got the feeling that might be a questionable strategy to Dr Shiva!
Enjoy your shows, I listen to your X22 Reports every night.
What Dr. Shiva doesn’t get is that the cabal wanted a bloody civil war that President Trump countered. As with the Russian and Chinese civil wars, our Republic was to be replaced by a brutal dictatorship. Our government is totally compromised and was waiting for the fighting to start. President Trump countered that plan. he is our leader, not our savior. He is giving the People a chance to recognize this evil plan and fight back and build the bottom up movement Dr. Shiva wants. The most efficient path is to remake the Republican Party which is what Trump is doing. There does have to be a “reset”, but President Trump is giving us a chance to to have our own reset which will benefit people and not the bankster-commie alliance.
Nope, this was a over an hour that if I heard “ok Dave” one more time……
If he did have anything positive to say his attitude was a total turn off for me.
It seemed it was all about him, not the people. No concrete answers.
Hi Dave. I’m not too sure about Dr. Shiva. Initially impressive, but hairs went up on the back of my neck with his criticism of Trump, and inability to recognize that entire covert operations will not necessarily be made clear to him or anyone right now. His criticism of Tucker was unnecessary as well. However, I commend your tactfulness with him. He may not be as smart in all areas as he thinks he is.
I just joined the private server today. I am quite dismayed to hear Shiva’s remarks about Trump. Dave, I am hugely disappointed that this is the first podcast I listened to since joining your ranks on the private server. I have been following X22 religiously for 9 months now and to hear this guy, go against much of what you outline in your podcasts makes me wonder if I made a mistake with following you this entire time. I believe you need to vet those your interview much better or quite with the games and show your real colors if this idealism is what you personally subscribe to!
Wow, Dave. This guy is a real narrative buster. He basically says Trump is a liar and Q is bullshit. I don’t believe him frankly, but talk about off-message!
Dave, I like Dr. Shiva to a point. But I do NOT agree about President Trump! I believe the Lord sent him to help us! Jesus is our ONLY SAVIOR, not a politician / business man! I believe that Trumps’ people, that was inherited in The Office of The Presidency and was around him was fighting against him. Even Attorney Sydney Powell, Mike Lindell, and Attorney Rudy Guillani ALL SAID THAT THE PEOPLE AROUND TRUMP WERE NOT TELLING HIM THINGS AND WAS WORKING AGAINST HIM! You can’t go into an office and arrest Hillary, THERE WOULD HAVE NEEN RIOTING and KILLINGS IN THE STREETS! Like you said we had to have people seeing this evil and waking up! If we get out in the streets and start taking over, like he wants to do, it will be a massacre, not of elites but of working people! That’s why all the fences in Washington, they were praying to lucifer, their god, that we would do something stupid like that! Trump has always said peaceful march or rally not the insurrection junk the left faked in January! I’ve never heard of any of the things HE – Shiva has ever done- BUT I’M SEEING WHAT THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION HAS BROUGHT FORTH TO LIGHT! IT IS PROVING THERE IS EVILNESS GOING ON! I knew of some stuff and some things didn’t make sense but with the declassification of documents we’re seeing the why, of the things! I think the plan we’ve been following is the better plan. But I do think the RNC and DNC they should be dismantled, they’ve financed the SWAMP too long. That’s another reason I like Trump! He’s exposing all of this and is against the SWAMP creatures that are in the RNC as well! The best way is to expose the plan of the evil ones to destroy The Constitution, them killing – trafficking babies / children / and women, destroy our children with socialist schools – college curriculum, them taking away our rights, taking away our guns, our votes, our jobs, our homes – vehicles – energy mainly through restrictions / regulations, and our GOD given freedom of worship! PEOPLE ARE waking up! Thank you for your work and sticking up for our fight against EVIL! God Bless YOU! Ann from Alabama here!
Eye opening.
We’re up to our asses in alligators
I hope we can drain the swamp.
Why can’t you include closed captioning for us the deaf? It is an absolute shame that those evil YouTube folks are outshining the “caring” and supposedly godly patriots in this consideration! As it is … we are being left out in dark, mercilessly …
DR. Shiva is a pure genius!!!!!!!! AMEN to his intelligence and his dedication.
The deep state are the dumbest people I know, so he will soar with his brains. Please tell him for me that I absolutely envy him. Never in my life have I “idolized” anyone. Never an actor/actress/pop star, etc. I truly idolize Dr. Shiva for his tenacity.
No…Im not dangerous, but must show appreciation where deserved.
PLease put the dates of the show.
Today’s red pill 78 guest critized Trump. Please educate him and go on Red Pill 78s show.