Dr. Tenpenny & C Clark – The Vaccination Agenda Is Darker Than Anyone Could Imagine
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Today’s Guests: Dr. Tenpenny & Clay Clark
Website: Dr. Tenpenny
Time To Free America
Dr Sherri Tenpenny is Widely regarded as the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the adverse impact that vaccines can have on health, Dr. Tenpenny has been a guest on hundreds of radio and national television programs (including the Dr. Oz Show, DayStar TV and the Today Show Australia). Clay Clark is a successful entrepreneur and is waking people up around the country. The conversation begins with Dr. Tenpenny discussing the tests and how they don’t work. The pandemic was created by fake tests and fear from the fake news. The vaccines are being used to transform the human population into something completely different. The entire agenda is darker than anyone could imagine
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Clay Clark is an abomination…Deep State !
Great show with wo of my favorites! Wish Clay Clark would come to Delaware where I live (also home of the demon Biden)….
Rumble does not play on old macbook, but I was able to listen to this interview over my phone. I enjoyed it. It was hopeful, since censored factual information was presented. I appreciate Dr. Tenpenny’s clear statements. I also appreciate Clark, however I do not share his stressed religious view regarding the necessity of accepting Jesus as “Lord and savior”. Some of us, who do believe in God and in the sacred, do not hold an idea of God that would make a monstrosity of him, by believing that God requires acceptance of a blood sacrifice of his son to save us all from eternal damnation…if someone believes that, ok…but it remains an opinion, and it would be well to recognize that there are people who also believe that only God can finally end the nightmare of control and restore freedom to humanity by co-ordinating and furthering all human efforts to do that, and by granting us the wisdom to know what to do, BUT who do not believe that God’s action is determined by a required belief that Jesus died to “pay for our sins”….and where would Christians who believe that slander of God be, if not for those who murdered Jesus? it does not make sense, morally or functionally. They must be grateful to those who committed that murder, to provide the death that their idea of God needs…to be able to avoid eternal condemnation of all the imperfect humans, the ones he created with imperfections and so much ignorance that they could choose self=destructive behavior …sigh. So….summing up, a great interview. But I honestly wish Mr. Clark could be a bit less of a preacher of his own religious views that can be divisive. I suppose he imagines one can’t be pro-truth or pro-God without sharing the specific ideas he holds.
For my part, I think that Jesus lived to show humans how to live, with integrity, even if keeping integrity meant that godless power would murder you…others have made that sacrifice, and the difference is only that he was a prophet of God and chose that role knowingly. But he came to show us how to live, not to die. He said to follow the truth, and the truth would set us free. Indeed. But I do believe that mainstream Christianity is a captured form offering a false narrative, in that it made of Christ’s life a nothing, and of his death an everything. It maintains that his death was the main point, and makes a religion that is essentially a death cult with an ultimate sacrifice to appease an angered God. I do not believe in a God that created any sentient being that he will then allow to suffer for eternity in hell or anywhere else. What would be the point of that creation? the point of that forever suffering? We ALL go home in time. My opinion …. just another opinion…but at least I don’t see God as demanding acceptance of a blood sacrifice for salvation. He just wants us to walke up and do right. to understand.
Hi Dave…I’m so happy to see these two spiritual Warriors sharing the truth today.
Thanks for all you do my Brother. Namaste
Seems like these guys’ information is good, but I always feel uneasy with the Jesus hype – I consider religion to be an intensely deep and personal matter, and the cheerleading one often sees among certain Christians leaves me feeling distinctly troubled.
The latest interview with Dr. Tenpenny and Clay Clark was awesome. I’m sharing it. Thank you, Dave!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I am so upset with Gov. Mike Parson here in Mo. He selected Donald G. Kauerauf to be the next Director of the Mo. Dept. of Health and Senior Services. The hearing is to take place mon. Jan. 31st. This man is for everyone to get the vaccine, including children. I, as others called to not confirm him. I have grandchildren and am very concerned and am praying.
Report with Dr, Tennpenny and Clay Clark isthe best one yet!!! telling all my friends to watch!!!
Love you all SO much 🙌🙌🙌
Thank you for this amazing event!
And thank you for coming to OR we so need you here, fear porn draconian….
No one loves Yeshua more than me
I do not fear the Lord, I love God with all my heart & soul 🌟🙏🌟
Thanks for taking my comment, love the show. I’ve been a listener for the last two years. I must say my favorite guest of your is Patel Patriot. Please keep bringing him back, I love hearing what he has to say. Keep doing God’s work, so many appreciate you.
Learned a lot from this X22 report. Thank you Dave. If Gods people do not take control of matters satan will damage the human race. Remember the scripture that also says “ in the last days man will become too smart for his own good”. Today man is doing things no person in their right mind would try to do. Like Cloning and heart transplants that long ago would have thought to be crazy. Satan control these governments he offered them to Jesus and Jesus did not tell Satan they were not his to give away. Jesus knew the governments on earth belonged to Satan. Get behind me Satan was his answer. Will you follow Satans Governments or follow God? Jesus would not accept government position or be part of government. Matter fact Jesus was arrested for SEDITION preaching Gods kingdom Government. Research that.
Wow! Friggin’ WOW!! Thank you Dave. You’ve been busy and I appreciate it. The tenpenny show should be mandatory/mandated eh?!? Wow.
Don’t go down the religious rabbit hole too far. For as much benefit as it may have been, in many ways religion has also caused immense suffering and persecution. Further, tyrannical persons often hide in religion. Spirit and religion are often at odds, just as Spirit and Ego are often discordant. There is only One God of Light and Truth. There is no other. Man is Spirit embodied. There are many paths to Spiritual Initiation and Consciousness. No man is born a “sinner” as a fixed condition, but as a possibility to “sin,” or not to “sin” as it were. The Christian Metaphor is useful insofar as it calls for a crucifixion of Ego and resurrection of Spirit. This is a pre-Christian, transformative alchemy. Namaste
Taking this shot also helps the government enforce mandating it.. The more people that take it the more the government can claim how good they are .
You would have been better off leaving Clay Clark out of the video. The Doctor was brilliant but he is a total “Mouth Piece”. It’s fine to be religious and to believe in your faith, but quoting scripture during what is supposed to be an informative interview is a total turn off. He sounds like a Used Car Salesman.
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The headline today certainly expresses the feeling of a “normal” person. At the same time, it just doesn’t hold up as a statement of FACT. Clearly, a significant number of people HAVE INDEED IMAGINED this entire dark agenda, and taken active, energetic steps to make it our new reality. While it may give us a headache, ordinary folk must somehow wrap our imaginations around the evil that confronts us. If we fail in this, we will NOT be equipped to protect ourselves and defeat this attack on our humanity.
Sadly, when people start inserting Jesus into their dialogue and how Jesus is the answer for all of this, they are effectively turning people off who may have a completely different religion or none at all. If we keep to the facts and how all of this is being used to initiate a new Technocracy based Feudalistic Totalitarian world (all provable) then we all remain on the same page. To go off about Jesus will push some people away. We need to be United not divided right now.
How can people overcome this “vaccination?”
I would like to that I am not going to take the jab. The reason is very simple. What is Covid going to do to me that Agent Orange hasn’t already done
I would like to see the list of patents Clay Clark mentioned, but when I went to his website I could not find it!
Can anyone provide a direct link rather than “just go to his website”? That website is like looking for a needle in a haystack!
Love what your doing Dave. Been following you and Q for the beginning. Thank you!!!
I viewed Interview With Dr. Tenpenny & Clay Clark ‘The Vaccination Agenda Is Darker Than Anyone Could Imagine’.
I viewed a video from Mike Hoggard back in late 2011, during the mortgage virus. Now it makes more implication to the current mRNA injection trend.
The video,” Mike Hoggard, Capitol Secrets Sneak Preview”. 33:08 (29:00 in last of 33:08 min). (Pastor Mike Hoggard, Festus MO. has been Pastor of Bethel Church since 1996) referred to Manly Hall – The Secret Teachings of All ages”, Mike stated that the pentagram built out in the streets of Washington DC., only four sides complete. A figure that represents the number 4 with something else added to it to be 5, is the nature of the pentagram in DC. They will add something to man’s DNA, Lucifer’s five-point plan (Isaiah 14:12-14).
The four base pairs of the DNA A,C,T,G (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine) joining together to make the DNA ladder. {mingle themselves with the seed of men…) They will add something to man’s DNA} Lucifer’s five-point plan.
Is this vaccine not premeditated murder . And murder ? Sounds like it to me .