Ep. 2332b – Patriots Take Control Of Special Operations, Certain Fail-Safes Initiated
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The patriots are in control, the elections are going exactly how they planned it, it must be shown to the people. If it was presented outright the public would not accept, the people must see the fraud. The [DS]/[CB] are preparing for their loss and so are the patriots. Trump just terminated Kreb who handled CISA. Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen Watnik took back control of special operations. All the pieces are almost in place.
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I am not able to share this on any platform!! These pricks are sensitive your name!
I was able to post on
Thank you
I finally have the answer. I knew potus was on top of things.
Why is this an old post but the beginning was so profound
I would like To see how the rances for the Senate where Republicans like McSally and the candidate in Michigan were allegedly defeated are being challenged. Are these being ignored?
Seems like we should be working on these as well.
This is like watching a Netflix series that releases 1 episode a week. I can’t wait for the Kraken to be released!!
Best man for the job ever!
Thank you for all your hard work
Thank you for these numerous details in a great format to understand! I’m CURIOUS about how this election fraud information will get out when the main stream media won’t touch it? I’m a new listener & can’t wait to listen daily.

Thank you Dave for all you are doing for the world.
David, May God bless you for all you have done and continue to do to get the truth to all Patriots. We love you and President Trump.
For any who cannot see the blatant corruption, time to wake the hell up.
Dave, thank you so very much for all you do to get the truth out to us Patriots. God bless you always!!
I don’t see trump winning. The courts will vote no to him..it’s too much for them.he had bad advise to wait so long. Should have stopped it at 4am when it happened. I pray you are right..but I don’t see how.
Sally, I’m having the same thoughts. When that Supreme Court decision came down I had the same sick gut feeling that I have carried now since the election. The day of that decision you could visibly see what it did to the President. He tried to hide it but he was hit with a sledge hammer. The courts will vote no because they, too, have been showered with corruption. I simply can’t understand how Trump put that man in charge of the FBI to begin with. Also, how was this Dominion voting system allowed to continue for the past several years? This is the first I have ever heard about the corruption involved in that voting system. God Help Us. I am hearing these messages and I want to BELIEVE. I want our Freedom.
Thank you Dave for all your hard work
Did y’all hear about the Demonrats that are being charged for Voter Fraud? When arrested and told that they were being charged for Voter Fraud, they exclaimed, “CHARGED? WE were supposed to be paid for it!” We’re All in a Spiritual War, just as Ephesians 6:10-12 says we are. Truth Wins in the Final War though. Y’all have a Gr8 Day and hopefully you have the Eternal Health Care Plan that’s free to all who ask for it. In closing I want to know if Masks
stop viruses? Answer according to the Science, NO THEY DON’T STOP VIRUSES.
Hell guy, out here in the sticks of PA no one enforces the mask mandate as it is. I haven’t wore a mask since April. No one says a word to me about it.
Hard to watch buffering are they censoring us
I would like to see if “Baby Killer Roy Cooper” Gov of NC was actually re-elected or if he paid dominion a special fee to have our votes switched from Dan Forest. President Trump and Republican Tom Tillus for senator were elected but Cooper remained. Seems kind of suspicious.
Could not get audio to work on2332a or b. It would come on then cut out. Did not know if it was on my end.
The journey will be a real ride. But as the story will be told, the CROOKS will be exposed and be caught in this great spider web.
Thank you for the information
Dave- GREAT CALL re-posting 2332 for all the recent nay-sayers! Keep the Faith Patriots!
I found a video from the fake inauguration that clearly showed that the Dirty Dems were arresting someone. How can I show you this quick 10-15 second video clip? I am not sure who it was.
Watnick and Miller videos are from November.
Thanks Dave. I realize this is off subject but I wanted to share this with you as it is an amazing inside report on Hospital Protocol.
This is probably the best report that I have seen all year on the true cause of all deaths contributed to this fake virus which has still yet to be isolated. It is the protocol!! I suspected this a long time ago but the information disclosed here was not freely available up until now and I was really reluctant to believe that medical staff were knowingly killing people who should have recovered from a virus that has a 99% plus survival rate.
I don’t understand, these are old videos. Maybe Dave wants us to understand how the Military have taken over the corrupt deep state?
Love your show Dave but I have a question/comment on this message: Chris Miller is not the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin is the current SOD and was appointed by Administrator Biden. Thoughts on this?
Hi with the Primaries coming up in November it will be a useless election unless you get rid of the Dominion voting machines, please take the ones in Canada also please, I am sure that’s why we still have our problem PM. in Canada, no one from other countries should be counting your VOTES. THANKS FROM CB.
Is Chris Miller and Esra Cohen Watnick still in power
~ Dave, my husband said that “EVERY ELECTION SINCE EISENHOWER HAS BEEN RIGGED.” That tells you all you need to know. ~